Reduce the risk of colon cancer 5 simple tips

Reduce the risk of colon cancer 5 simple tips / Health News

Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk: Pay attention to five simple tips


Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in western countries. German researchers have now used data from several European countries to investigate which lifestyle can protect against colon cancer. As the evaluation showed, the risk can be greatly reduced if five simple tips are followed.

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in Western countries. In Germany, around 27,000 people die each year from the consequences. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in women and the third most common in men. In a current contribution, the topic is the topic of discussion „world“ the results of a study by researchers looking for factors that can help prevent colon cancer. Unsurprisingly, it came out that the risk can be greatly reduced if certain lifestyle factors are met. Even those who manage only two of the five mentioned benefits.

Data from ten European countries evaluated
As the author writes, she was already aware that a healthy way of life - eating fruits, not poisoning with cigarettes, doing sports - keeps the body healthy. But it is also important not only to guess what can protect against colon cancer, but to know this as accurately as possible. In an investigation, experts wanted to find out exactly. According to the report, researchers from the German Institute of Human Nutrition have evaluated the data of nearly 350,000 women and men from ten European countries, including diet, exercise, weight, smoking and drinking habits. The scientists observed people aged between 25 and 70 years on average for twelve years. Although there are many studies on the protective factors for this type of cancer, as the researchers write, but the interactions are little known.

Five things that everyone can control themselves
According to the scientists, five things that anyone can control in their own lives can reduce the risk of colon cancer. You should not smoke, do not drink too much alcohol and watch out for exercise. Furthermore, you should eat as much vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, yogurt and fish, but as little as possible red meat and sausage. As a fifth point, the researchers advise to control the weight. For women, the waist circumference should therefore not be more than 80 centimeters and not more than 94 centimeters for men.

Reduce colorectal cancer risk by up to 37 percent
Those with all five factors can reduce their colorectal cancer risk by as much as 37 percent, the researchers say. However, the individual risk is, among other things for genetic reasons or because of previous illnesses in each of different levels. As it turned out, the study participants also benefited, who did not keep to everything. Thus, those who paid attention to two of the five factors reduced their risk by 13 percent. One could start with one thing first, for example, to stop smoking or climb stairs more often. Or just give up the wine and the couch tonight.

Recognize bowel cancer in time
Since this type of cancer develops relatively slowly and it takes about five to ten years to develop a malignant tumor from a precursor, it can be life-saving to detect the colorectal cancer signs. Sometimes, some common, uncharacteristic symptoms, such as unclear weight loss, fatigue, or increased fatigue, may indicate a developing cancer. First signs of cancer, which are a typical warning sign of colorectal cancer, have a lot to do with bowel movements. So a doctor should be consulted if blood is in the stool, so-called pencil chair occurs or blood or mucus is lost during bowel movements. The chances of a cure for colorectal cancer are generally very good if the diagnosis is made on time. (Ad)

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann