Colon cancer screening workers should ask for precautionary services

Colon cancer screening workers should ask for precautionary services / Health News
Ask employers for offers on colorectal cancer screening
Colon cancer is responsible for more than 26,000 deaths in Germany every year. Screening can make a significant contribution to the early detection of cancer and thus significantly reduce the risk of a fatal disease course. Employees should therefore check with their employer if they offer screening for colon cancer, news agency dpa reports, citing the German Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (DEGAUM).

Malignant tumors in the intestine can be identified early by screening. (Image: Juan Gärtner /

Some employers would now offer colon cancer screening from the idea of ​​prevention, according to the dpa. They would have recognized that only healthy employees can counteract the shortage of skilled workers in the long term. Employees should take advantage of such offers, the DEGAUM expert Christoph Oberlinner is quoted by the "dpa". Early diagnosed, the colon cancer usually treat well.

Offers for prevention and early detection should be carried out
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), around 62,000 people contracted colon cancer in 2011, and over 26,000 deaths were attributable to cancers of the colon, rectum and less common cancers of the anus. "The majority of these deaths could be prevented if the services for the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer were perceived by all entitled persons," reports the German Society for the Control of Diseases of the Stomach, Intestines and Liver, as well as Disorders of the Metabolism and Nutrition (Gastroenterology). League eV). However, many employees do not take advantage of workers' offers for cancer screening and allow these opportunities to pass unused, according to news agency dpa, citing DEGAUM. Inquiries should therefore be made in any case and employees should not dare to ask directly to the employer, they could also contact the company doctor or the works council. (Fp)

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