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Health News - Page 1799
Significantly more wasps this year
Significantly increased number of wasps: how to protect yourself from the insects? 25/08/2011 Due to the relatively warm weather conditions...
Significantly more life through jogging An hour of running prolongs life by a good seven hours
Running is the most effective sport for extending your lifeThe health-promoting effect of running has often been the focus of...
Significantly more illnesses due to tick bites expected
Experts expect more illnesses from ticks According to experts, there is a veritable plague of ticks this year due to...
Significantly more flu cases last winter
Flu epidemic: number of reported cases significantly increasedAlready in October first flu cases were reported in Berlin and Brandenburg. Most...
Disinfectants Triclosan can cause intestinal inflammation and cancer
Not only carcinogenic: Triclosan can promote intestinal inflammation The disinfectant triclosan has been on the market for some time due...
Disinfectant harms the muscles
Disinfectant triclosan impairs muscle function 08/14/2012 As an antibacterial agent Triclosan is included in numerous personal care products such as...
Disinfectants promote resistant bacteria
Disinfectants in bacteria Irish scientists are finding another factor in the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria Scientists from the...
Designated US President Trump says vaccinations would trigger autism
The upcoming US president, Donald Trump, sees the cause of autism in vaccinations, and the global warming he considers an...
Designer drugs Ownership of crystal-meth-based materials should be punishable
Prohibition of drug base: So dangerous is crystal methEspecially in eastern Germany, Crystal Meth has spread steadily in recent years....
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