Significantly more life through jogging An hour of running prolongs life by a good seven hours

Significantly more life through jogging An hour of running prolongs life by a good seven hours / Health News
Running is the most effective sport for extending your life
The health-promoting effect of running has often been the focus of scientific research. Especially against cardiovascular diseases, jogging is conducive. Running is the most effective sport to prolong one's life, according to a new study.

Health promoting effect of running
Running is healthy. According to studies, jogging is especially beneficial against cardiovascular diseases. In addition, regular running, according to health experts, can help reduce stress and also help strengthen bones, thereby preventing, for example, osteoporosis. It also plays an important role in weight loss and thus reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes or obesity. Jogging is the most effective form of life extension training, according to a new study.

If you run, you can extend your life by up to three years, say US researchers. The positive effects of jogging also affect people who exercise only sporadically. (Image: Syda Productions /

Immense effect on the service life
With every hour you walk, life expectancy increases by up to seven hours. Researchers at the Cooper Institute in Dallas (USA) have found this out.

As the scientists report in the journal "Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases", runners live on average about three years longer than non-runners.

According to the experts, this is true not only for fit athletes, but also for people who are only sporadically jogging, smoking, drinking or overweight.

No other form of exercise has such an immense impact on lifespan.

An hour of jogging will extend your life by seven hours
As early as three years ago, Cooper Institute researchers published a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that found that running less than five minutes daily could extend life.

The current findings are based partly on those of the older investigation. The new data shows that running, regardless of speed and distance, reduces the risk of premature death by up to 40 percent.

This advantage is even in runners who smoke, drink alcohol or have health problems such as hypertension or obesity.

According to the researchers' calculations, one hour of running life - statistically speaking - extends by about seven hours.

Running does not make a person immortal
Like co-author dr. Duck-chul Lee said in a New York Times report, however, the positive effect is "not infinite".

Running does not make a person immortal. The gains in life expectancy are, according to Dr. Lee limited to about three additional years.

Although other studies have shown that hiking, cycling and other sports have a life-prolonging effect, but none is as successful as running.

Why is this? Lee, however, unclear. Probably a factor here is jogging that fights typical risk factors for premature death, such as high blood pressure and high body fat. In addition, the fitness increases through jogging.

The results should also take into account that people who walk often tend towards a healthier lifestyle in general, leading to a longer life span.

"But even considering this possibility, the data suggest that running could add years to our lives," Dr. Lee. (Ad)