Significantly more wasps this year

Significantly more wasps this year / Health News

Significantly increased number of wasps: how to protect yourself from the insects?


Due to the relatively warm weather conditions in the spring, the wasps were able to develop optimally, so that about 30 to 50 percent more wasps than usual on the road, said the Nature Conservation Union (NABU) already in early August. The wasps can be stopped by natural means.

Since significantly more of the black and yellow insects are on the move this year, the number of wasp stings has also risen considerably, according to NABU biologist Julian Heiermann. However, there is no reason to panic, because in most people wasp stings are painful, but otherwise relatively harmless, so the statement of the expert. In allergic people, a wasp sting, however, can lead to significant health problems to life-threatening anaphylactic shocks, warns the Environmental Association.

Allergy to wasp stings
Around three to five percent of the population suffer from an allergy to wasp venom, according to the German Nature Conservation Union. In the case of those affected, various physical reactions such as massive swelling, dizziness, nausea and vomiting as well as possibly a loss of consciousness occur after a bout. Individuals who are known to have the allergy receive first-aid kits and medicines from their doctor, which they should always carry with them, said NABU State Secretary Hesse Gerhard Eppler at the beginning of August. Since there are a large number of wasps, hornets and bees this year, allergy sufferers should be particularly cautious at the moment. However, panic reactions in the appearance of the black-yellow Hymenoptera are out of place, as they significantly increase the risk of a sting, explained the NABU on its website. At the same time, the Nature Conservation Association also promotes a better understanding of the insects' way of life „a better assessment of some known situations even hornets and people become peaceful neighbors“ could.

Whether at the coffee table, eating ice cream or having a barbecue, the wasps are currently present everywhere. As the NABU biologist Julian Heiermann points out, we have „Although not a record year, but there are actually more of these insects to be found than usual.“ Because the starting conditions were particularly favorable this spring. „The winter was over early, the spring dry and warm,“ so that „also the wasp season started early“ has, explained Heiermann. However, according to the expert, only two types of wasps appear relatively frequently at the dinner table as they love desserts, meat and sausages - the German wasp and the common wasp. These species are attracted by the scent of food and drink and are essentially responsible for the bad reputation of the black-yellow Hymenoptera. Because as soon as people try to drive the wasps from the dinner table, the trouble is inevitable, explained the state chairman of the NABU Hesse, Gerhard Eppler. It would therefore make sense to cover the food and drinks when eating outdoors, so that the wasps are not even lured. After eating, the expert advises to remove food particles immediately and wipe children's mouths to reduce the risk of wasp sting. In addition, sweet drinks in the open air should generally be drunk through a straw, according to Julian Heiermann.

Distract wasps with fragrances
In order to rest on the dining table before the black and yellow insects, offers a distraction feeding, as the students Maike Sieler and Henrike Weidemann in an experiment for, according to the NABU „Youth researches“ have examined. By specifically placed bait (for example, overripe grapes) five to ten meters away from the dining table, the wasps are distracted and do not appear as pests during the meal. In addition to the grapes mentioned, dilute honey is also suitable as a bait. With undiluted marmalade or pure honey, however, according to the NABU, caution should be exercised, as this makes wasps more aggressive. Overall, the deflection feeding provides a relatively simple and safe method to avoid the appearance of insects on the dining table. Can still be seen a wasp, „You should not beat wild, but gently push the wasps away“, emphasized Gerhard Eppler. Because wasps sting as soon as they feel threatened and this can already be the case in hectic, fast movements, added Julian Heiermann. From the blowing away of the animals advise the experts also from, since the „contained in the breath carbon dioxide in the wasp nest as an alarm signal“ applies and could result in an attack.

Cool wasp stings and rub with an onion
If a wasp is stingy despite observing all precautions, the experts recommend to cool the place immediately with ice or even with half an onion. In addition to the cooling effect, the onion also has a disinfecting effect due to the contained essential oils, the NABU biologists explained. Onions are considered in natural medicine as a natural antibiotic. Normally no more serious health effects are expected. However, wasp stings in the mouth can pose a significant threat even to non-allergy sufferers, as there is a danger that the respiratory tract will swell and thus threaten to suffocate. If respiratory distress, dizziness or sweats occur after a normal wasp sting, those affected should alert a doctor as soon as possible, since these can be signs of an allergic shock, warn the NABU experts. However, a difference in the effect of wasp venom compared to previous years, which would speak for an increased risk of allergic reactions, the NABU biologists could not find. Neither are the wasps this year more aggressive, nor is their poison worse, so the statement of Julian Heiermann. According to the NABU biologist, the increased wasp stings are simply due to a higher number of animals per se. Automatically, more allergic persons are also affected by a sting, said the biologist. A similar assessment comes, Martin Ebbecke from Poison Information Center North. According to Ebbecke, the hotline of the Poison Information Service is currently receiving significantly more inquiries regarding the handling of wasp stings than the year before. The reason for this, according to the toxicologist, is obvious: „There are just more of them.“

Wasps have a natural mission
Before people complain about the supposedly annoying wasps, they should also be aware of the benefits of the black and yellow insects. Because as insect hunters, wasps are excellent pest controllers and are invaluable to agriculture. The black and yellow hymenopterons - as long as they are not fed at the dinner table - hunt for caterpillars, flies and other smaller insects, thereby helping to regulate their stocks. In addition, the wasps in the rainy weather that is currently dominating the summer in northern Germany generally look less. Because similar to the humans, less wasps are on the way, „when it is dark and cool“, said the NABU biologist Heiermann. With the fall of the life cycle of most wasps is coming to an end anyway. The male and female are dying and only the queen ensures the survival of the next wasp generation. (Fp)

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Picture: Joujou