Significantly more illnesses due to tick bites expected

Significantly more illnesses due to tick bites expected / Health News

Experts expect more illnesses from ticks

According to experts, there is a veritable plague of ticks this year due to the weather. This has the consequence that in 2018 significantly more diseases due to the small bloodsucker is to be expected. To protect yourself, keep the crabs as far away from his skin as possible.

Bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases

Ticks can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). The KKH commercial health insurance expects this year with significantly more diseases through the small bloodsucker than in previous years. Because experts such as the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) assume that 2018 will even become a veritable "ticks year".

Health experts assume that this year will lead to significantly more diseases by ticks. (Image: Schlegelfotos /

Arachnids have proliferated rapidly

"The winter was mild, the spring very warm and the summer is hot, so that the arachnids have increased rapidly," explains Sven Seisselberg, a pharmacist at the KKH in a statement.

This increases the risk of getting tick-borne tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) or Lyme borreliosis (LB).

According to the information, the number of infected KKH insured persons had decreased slightly in recent years and in 2017 there were 1,326 cases of Lyme disease and 197 TBE cases nationwide. Now the numbers should rise again.

Therefore, it is now more important to effectively protect against tick bites.

Protect against ticks

The treacherous thing, however, is that you can not be vaccinated against Lyme disease. Only long clothing and special anti-tick agents help prevent it.

"Anyone who is stung by a tick and a few days to weeks thereafter around the puncture site observed an annular redness, feels also knocked off, fever and headache gets, should consult a doctor," Seißelberg warns.

Because Borreliose is transmitted by bacteria, it can be treated well with antibiotics, especially in the early stages.

Vaccination against TBE

There is a preventive vaccine against the TBE transmitted by a virus, which can lead to meningitis.

The KKH points out that insured persons who live or travel within the FSME risk areas in Germany (in particular Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, southern Hesse and southeastern Thuringia) will incur no costs.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), a large proportion of diseases could be prevented by an increase in vaccination rates, especially in the risk areas.

As a rule, three vaccinations are necessary to achieve full protection. This then stops for at least three years. "A vaccination is possible throughout the year," explains Seißelberg. (Ad)