Disinfectants Triclosan can cause intestinal inflammation and cancer

Disinfectants Triclosan can cause intestinal inflammation and cancer / Health News

Not only carcinogenic: Triclosan can promote intestinal inflammation

The disinfectant triclosan has been on the market for some time due to possible health problems. The biocide, which is included in cosmetics and toothpaste, among other things, should be carcinogenic. As researchers have found, the substance may also promote intestinal inflammation.

Antibacterial substance can damage your health

The biocide Triclosan has been in the criticism for a long time because of possible health damage. There are indications that the antibacterial substance, which is contained in cosmetics and toothpaste, among other things, can lead to hormonal disorders and harms the muscles. In addition, according to experts, the substance could possibly cause breast cancer, damage sperm and attack the liver. A new study has now shown that the substance can also cause intestinal inflammation - at least in mice.

A new study has shown that triclosan has negative health effects. The substance, which is included in disinfectants, cosmetics and toothpaste, has long been criticized for possible health risks (Image: matka_Wariatka / fotolia.com)

Negative effects on gut health

The study published in the journal "Science Translational Medicine" suggests that triclosan in mice can cause inflammation of the colon and promote the development of colon cancer.

"These results indicate for the first time that triclosan may have adverse effects on gut health," study director Guodong Zhang of the University of Massachusetts Amherst said in a statement.

Co-lead authors Haixia Yang and Weicang Wang point out that triclosan is one of the most widely used antimicrobials in more than 2,000 consumer products.

They also explain that one study found that triclosan was detected in about 75 percent of urine samples from people tested in the United States and that the substance is one of the top ten pollutants in US rivers.

"Because this association is so prevalent, our study suggests that further research on the effects of triclosan on gut health is urgently needed to prepare for possible regulatory action," said postdoctoral fellow Zhang.

Effects of triclosan on human health

To arrive at their results, the team of scientists fed mice with triclosan in small quantities for three weeks.

The researchers found that the levels detected in the blood corresponded to the levels measured in many people. Exposure to the animals resulted in mild inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

In genetically engineered mice, chronic inflammatory bowel disease was accelerated and potentiated by triclosan.

In addition, the intestinal cancer risk increased in intestinal inflammation increased. The mortality of the animals also increased slightly.

The researchers also found that Triclosan exerts the deleterious effect on bacteria in the gut. The substance affected the composition of the intestinal flora.

According to the information, triclosan did not harm the intestinal mucosa in germ-free animals (without intestinal bacteria).

Only allow in special medical applications

An editorial note to the article in the journal "Science Translational Medicine" states: "Although this study is limited to mouse models, this work suggests that the impact of triclosan on human health should be further explored.".

In Germany, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) had already demanded in 2006 that antibacterial agents such as triclosan should be reserved for disinfection in hospitals and medical practices.

And last year, 206 health professionals from 29 countries issued a call demanding that the "problem biocide" Triclosan be approved worldwide only in specialty medical applications.

The call of the scientists, physicians and other medical specialists was published among others in the scientific journal "Environmental Health Perspectives". (Ad)