Health News - Page 1672

Store strawberries for a maximum of two days

Store strawberries in the refrigerator for only two days 06/06/2013 Everywhere fresh strawberries are offered. Despite the currently not harvest-conducive...

Earthquake in Nepal Malteser Hilfsdienst sends medicine

Maltese: Half a ton of drugs for earthquake victims in Nepal At least 3,600 people died following the devastating earthquake...

Peas, lentils or lupine That's why legumes are very healthy

Lentils, beans and Co are usually associated in this country with heavy home cooking. However, legumes are an important part...

Peas, beans or lentils It is best to store healthy legumes longer in a glass jar

Healthy and delicious: Legumes are best stored in a glass jarLegumes were long frowned upon in this country as "poor...

Vomiting and diarrhea Norovirus diseases in Berlin are rising dramatically

Vomiting diarrhea: Significantly more norovirus cases detected in Berlin The number of norovirus diseases in Berlin has increased significantly. However,...

Vomiting from the freezer Call back at Lidl and Co because of Listeria in the frozen vegetable mix

Harmful bacteria in the frozen vegetable mix The consumer protection portal "" by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and...

Danger of blindness Diabetics must visit the ophthalmologist regularly

Diabetics must regularly have their eyes checked by the doctorPeople suffering from diabetes have their eyes checked regularly by a...

Blindness after surgery in eye clinic?

Blindness after surgery in eye clinic? Patients became infected with bacteria after eye surgery. 11.01.2011 The prosecutor Görlitz is currently...

Blindness More and more people around the world are losing their sight

Increase in blindness - many cases could be avoided Vision problems, including blindness, will increase significantly in the future according...