Store strawberries for a maximum of two days

Store strawberries for a maximum of two days / Health News

Store strawberries in the refrigerator for only two days


Everywhere fresh strawberries are offered. Despite the currently not harvest-conducive weather, the strawberry season has begun. In order to avoid health risks, a few important hints should be heeded. An important rule is, for example, to buy the strawberries shortly before consumption, because the fruits do not stay fresh for long.

Strawberries from the market or from the supermarket should be kept for a maximum of two days in the vegetable compartment of the local refrigerator, as the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture points out in a recent communication. „The berries should be stored covered cool.“ It makes sense, therefore, to prepare the strawberries shortly after purchase and to eat. The transport should also be gentle.

Only before consumption can the delicate fruits be cleaned. For this purpose, they are briefly immersed in cold water or carefully shaken under clear water. Afterwards the style and the blossom are carefully separated from the pulp.

How can you get fresh strawberries?
Fresh strawberries can be recognized by the very firm and shiny appearance. The fruits are dark red and smell fresh aromatic. Furthermore, they should have no bruises that are dark and mushy. Strawberries are great with rhubarb, apples, asparagus and avocado.

Healthy red fruits
Strawberries are very healthy. For example, the vitamin C content is much higher than for oranges. Even 120 grams of red fruits cover the daily needs of an adult. They also contain folic acid, minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which are responsible for muscle heart. (Sb)

Picture: segovax