Danger of blindness Diabetics must visit the ophthalmologist regularly

Danger of blindness Diabetics must visit the ophthalmologist regularly / Health News
Diabetics must regularly have their eyes checked by the doctor
People suffering from diabetes have their eyes checked regularly by a doctor. Diabetics are at a higher risk of becoming blind. When damage is detected early, there is an increased chance of stopping or delaying it through various measures.

Regular eye exams. (Image: Kadmy / fotolia)

Diabetics have a higher risk of blindness
The danger of blindness is particularly high in people with diabetes. This is because permanently elevated blood sugar levels can damage the fine blood vessels of the retina. This was pointed out by the organization diabetesDE - German Diabetes Aid on the occasion of the Day of Visually Impaired People on 6 June, the news agency dpa reports. Concerned do not notice this at first, because in the early phase of the so-called diabetic retinopathy, the vision is usually not impaired.

At least once a year to the ophthalmologist
Diabetics should therefore go to the ophthalmologist at least once a year. However, if the retina has already changed, twice. If the eyesight has already diminished, then this is no longer reversible. However, if damage is detected early, it may be possible to delay or at least delay it, for example, by laser obliterating the vessels. In some cases, eye surgery can prevent complete blindness.

Keep blood sugar and blood pressure under control
The best prevention, however, is optimal diabetes therapy. Patients should ideally get their high blood sugar better under control. Since high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the eye, measures to reduce it are recommended. For this, a healthy lifestyle with lots of exercise, reduction of obesity and balanced, healthy nutrition can be helpful. If such measures are not sufficient, medications may be prescribed by the doctor. According to diabetesDe too high blood pressure accelerates the process of retinopathy. Diabetics should therefore aim for values ​​below 140/80 mmHG. (Ad)