Peas, beans or lentils It is best to store healthy legumes longer in a glass jar

Peas, beans or lentils It is best to store healthy legumes longer in a glass jar / Health News
Healthy and delicious: Legumes are best stored in a glass jar
Legumes were long frowned upon in this country as "poor people food" and were usually associated with "stale" one-pot recipes. But now they have almost become new kitchen stars. And that's good, because legumes are extremely healthy. They are best stored in a screw jar.

Positive characteristics of legumes
For a long time, legumes lived a shadowy existence in this country. Even today, many people associate it only with hearty home-style cooking such as bean stew or lentil soup. However, this reputation fails to recognize the positive qualities of legumes. According to health experts, they should prevent overweight and help, among other things, against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, a study showed that legumes can prevent diabetes. When storing the valuable food should be considered a lot.

Legumes like lentils, chickpeas and co are not only delicious, but also very healthy. They should best be stored airtight in a screw-cap. (Image: kriangphoto31 /

Full of protein and important minerals
There are many reasons why legumes are very healthy. They are rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium as well as vitamin B and also proper protein powerhouses.

In addition, their carbohydrate content and their secondary phytochemicals have a positive effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels, according to the consumer service Bayern on its website.

There it continues: "The largely indigestible oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose, can cause flatulence, a reason why legumes are often rejected. But these carbohydrates contribute to the fact that desirable intestinal bacteria settle and thus develop a healthy gut microbiota (ugs intestinal flora). "

However, with proper preparation, they can often be enjoyed without causing bloating. Legumes are not allowed to be eaten raw.

Store dark in a glass jar
People who buy legumes like peas, lentils or lupine usually do not consume all at once.

The consumer service therefore recommends to pay attention to the expiration date when shopping. In addition, the experts have a pest infestation ready:

Since lentils, chickpeas and co are relatively susceptible to pests, they should best be kept in a screw-top jar for no longer than a year, making them airtight, protected and ideally dark.

It should be noted on the glass how long the content is durable.

The experts have another tip: "Put legumes into a bowl to wash with cold water, pick out on top of floating ones, they can be infested with pests." (Ad)