Dry throat causes and therapy

Dry throat causes and therapy / symptoms
A dry throat can have a variety of causes. It is caused, for example, by illnesses, an overload of the vocal cords or becomes noticeable due to lack of fluid or dry air. Furthermore, the complaints can also be a result of mental stress. In addition to conventional medical measures, a large number of natural home remedies are considered for treatment. Well-tried methods include gurgling with sage tea, oil pulling or soothing neck wraps with quark.


  • Causes of a dry throat
  • Cause pharyngitis
  • Problems with breathing and saliva production
  • Hormonal changes and mental stress
  • Dry throat due to diseases
  • Treatment of dry throat
  • Naturopathy and home remedies for dry throat
  • Natural remedy for dry throat during menopause
  • Dry feeling in the throat: tips and prevention

Causes of a dry throat

The so-called Halstrockenheit is often the first symptom of an impending cold. Added to this are burning, scratching and a strong thirst. The mucous membranes in the throat and / or throat are flammable, resulting in dryness.

Often a dry, scratchy feeling in the throat indicates an impending cold. (Image: underdogstudios / fotolia.com)

Especially in the cold season many people are affected. The trigger is the heated rooms, where there is often a dry climate and the humidity is too low. The cause is in many cases also artificially air-conditioned rooms by air conditioning.

People who need to talk a lot (for example, teachers or lecturers) and as a result of which the vocal cords are repeatedly overused, usually know the feeling of a dry throat. This is reinforced especially in the colder months by heating air in the rooms.

In old age, when more chronic diseases occur, drugs are taken and in addition the appetite subsides and the fluid intake becomes less and less, the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat are often drier.

Often the symptoms occur in connection with a lump in the throat (globus feeling). Patients feel as if there is a foreign body in their throat that can not be removed by swallowing or clearing their throat. Drinking and eating improves the situation only temporarily.

Cause pharyngitis

An inflammation in the area of ​​the pharynx, known as pharyngitis, may spread and subsequently lead to tracheitis and possibly even laryngitis. These symptoms are repeatedly reported, among other symptoms, by a dry feeling in the throat. Again, the inflammatory stimulus is the cause of the drought.

If the pharyngitis (chronic pharyngitis) persists for more than three months, the sufferers also suffer from a dry throat, accompanied by constant coughing and dry coughing. This chronic disease is triggered by a variety of stimuli, such as nicotine, alcohol, dust or chemicals. In radiotherapy, as used in cancer treatment, one of many side effects is pharyngitis chronica with a dry throat.

Problems with breathing and saliva production

Constant mouth breathing, especially at night, triggered by a disability nasal breathing also leads to a dry feeling in the throat and throat. As causes of respiratory difficulties, for example, an inflammatory swelling, proliferation of the tonsils or curved nasal septum into consideration.

Accompanying symptoms may be a lump in the throat, bad breath or dry, cracked lips. (Image: Miriam Dörr / fotolia.com)

Accompanying symptoms may include dry mouth, swallowing problems, burning on the tongue or mouth, cracked lips, bad breath and a metallic taste in the mouth occur. In this case, problems with the salivary glands or saliva production are often cited as causes.

Hormonal changes and mental stress

Women who are in climacteric (menopause), more or less dry mucous membranes, which also affects the area of ​​the nasopharynx. As a result, halitosis often occurs in this phase of life. Responsible is the lack of estrogen, because the hormone is normally water in the body and thus supplies the mucous membranes. If the production of estrogen decreases, dryness is the result.

The psyche has a great influence on the human body. Thus, psychological problems and stress can also lead to a feeling of dryness in the throat, often in conjunction with a lumping sensation.

Dry throat due to diseases

Sjögren syndrome, an autoimmune disease, is known to attack the salivary and lacrimal glands, resulting in dry mucous membranes. But other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease and AIDS can lead to the symptoms.

Certain illnesses such as diabetes can cause a dry feeling in the throat. (Image: Dmitry Lobanov / fotolia.com)

Semi-dryness and / or a dry mouth also occur in conjunction with various medications. The chemotherapeutic agents used in cancer therapy often cause dryness in the mouth and throat.

Treatment of dry throat

Of course, the treatment of the cause is in the foreground. Especially if the person has been suffering from a dry throat for an extended period of time, a consultation with the doctor is necessary. The main focus is on the therapy of possible underlying disease.

Mucus Removers are administered to release any sticky mucus. Inhalation with salt works against inflammatory swelling and moisten the dry mucous membranes. Oily nasal drops that run down the throat also provide relief.

In the case of thyroid problems, it is necessary to reconsider whether it may be necessary to take iodine. However, this should never be decided arbitrarily, but a doctor should be consulted.

Chronic pharyngitis, which accompanies dry throat and occurs as a result of radiation, is often treated with the administration of synthetic saliva.

If mouth breathing due to a bent nasal septum is the cause of the constantly dry neck, surgery may also be considered.

Gargling with sage tea can quickly relieve the unpleasant scratching in the throat. (Image: Manuel Adorf / fotolia.com)

Naturopathy and home remedies for dry throat

In addition to conventional medical treatment, however, a variety of natural resources are available to relieve the symptoms. Thus, in a dry throat in any case to ensure adequate hydration. The dryness associated with an infection, in addition to the drug therapy, the sucking of throat lozenges and regular gargling help. For example, sage tea or special gargle solutions which have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties are suitable for this purpose. Neck wraps with cottage cheese, lemon or salt help to heal.

Instructions for quark wrap: 

  1. Coat a wet linen or cotton cloth with quark
  2. Place the cloth with the quark side on the skin
  3. Wrap a woolen scarf over it
  4. Let it work for several hours (preferably overnight)

Milk with honey helps against the discomfort, as well as warm soups or drinking herbal tea. Here are especially thyme and sage as ingredients to name, as these have a positive effect on the mucosa in the throat.

If a throat infection is the cause of the discomfort, inhalations of chamomile, oregano and thyme have proven effective. These have an anti-inflammatory and irritating effect.

Soothing inhalation with medicinal herbs:

  • Mix 20 g each of camomile, thyme and oregano with each other
  • Put 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a heat-resistant bowl
  • Pour the herbs over with a liter of boiling water
  • Hold your head over the bowl
  • The head, the vessel and the upper body are covered with a towel, so that the steam can not escape
  • Inhale the vapors alternately through the mouth and nose
  • Inhale twice a day for about eight to ten minutes each

Danger: In case of discomfort or pain, the procedure must be stopped immediately. Keep a distance from the water to avoid scalding. After inhalation, rest and warmth are important.

Another effective home remedy for irritating cough and dry throat is inhaling with sea salt or Himalayan salt. Because this moisturizes, disinfects and soothe the mucous membranes. To do this, mix hot water with salt in a bowl (9 grams of salt per liter of water). Inhale as described with head covered over the steaming vessel.

Inhalations with medicinal herbs or salt are a proven home remedy for dry mucous membranes in the throat and throat. (Image: closeupimages / fotolia.com)

Oil pulling is a good way to reduce dryness in the mouth and throat. For this, about a teaspoonful of good, cold-pressed sunflower or sesame oil is chewed in the morning before brushing your teeth and pressed between the teeth with your tongue.

This process is best done for a few minutes, then the oil spit into a cloth. The previously yellowish oil, the longer it lingers in the mouth, gets a white color. Pathogens are thus removed from the oral cavity and taken care of a healthy environment. After the oil pulling can be carried out, as usual, the daily oral hygiene.

If a psychological cause is at root, then the approach of the treatment should lie here. Relaxation exercises to reduce stress such as yoga or autogenic training, soothing herbs from natural medicine to conventional medical treatment with the psychotherapist should be considered.

Natural remedy for dry throat during menopause

In case of a dry neck, which occurs in connection with the menopause, the amount of drinking water must first be reconsidered. Effective support is provided by Schüssler salts. Particularly suitable here are the salt No. 4 (potassium chloratum), which has great influence on the mucous membranes and the salt No. 8 (sodium chloratum), which ensures a healthy fluid balance.

Naturopathy applies during menopause, when the estrogen level has already dropped significantly, such as red clover, soy, Cimicifuga or Siberian rhubarb. If the dryness is due to external stimuli, these should be switched off, if possible. Hanging wet wipes or setting up an evaporator can improve the indoor climate here.

Dry feeling in the throat: tips and prevention

A sufficient amount of liquid, distributed throughout the day, drunk in small portions, can help. The sugar-free drinks, preferably water, should be given preference. The amount of coffee should be reduced as this could possibly increase the dryness in the throat.

Sufficient drinking is especially important for a dry throat. (Image: sebra / fotolia.com)

To stimulate the flow of saliva and counteract the unpleasant sensation in the throat, chewing sugar-free chewing gum or sucking sugar-free candy helps. Tobacco and alcohol dry the mouth and throat, so both should be avoided.

In the bedroom is to provide for humid air. The hanging of damp cloths or the installation of a humidifier helps. Squeezed onions, which are placed near the sleeping place, are said to provide relief in case of a dry throat. (sw, nr, last updated on 10.11.2016)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)