Dry mouth Dry mouth

Dry mouth Dry mouth / symptoms

When the mouth is dry

Every one of us has a dry mouth every now and then: when we do not drink enough on hot days, eat certain foods or lose ourselves in the hustle and bustle of stress. Usually a few sips of water are enough to eliminate the unpleasant feeling. However, if the dry mouth persists, the causes should be found to avoid negative health consequences. Naturopathic medicines and natural remedies are available to relieve the unpleasant symptoms.


  • When the mouth is dry
  • Synonyms
  • Symptoms and discomfort with dry mouth
  • General causes of dry mouth
  • Dry mouth due to medication
  • Diseases as a cause of dry mouth
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Naturopathy: Therapy and aids
  • Proven home remedies for dry mouth due to inflammation
  • Hypnosis against stress and anxiety


Dry mouth; Dry mouth; xerostomia; dry mouth, dry mouth.

A dry mouth, for example when talking and eating, can cause severe discomfort. (Image: zilvergolf / fotolia.com)

Symptoms and discomfort with dry mouth

A dry mouth feels uncomfortable and is often associated with severe thirst. Also complained are tongue and mouth burning, taste disorders and discomfort when chewing and swallowing problems. The food and the speech act can be associated with discomfort, it comes to sores, tongue and gums bleeding and bad breath.

The saliva is thick and the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue are dry. As a result, the oral flora, which consists of different bacterial strains, be brought out of their natural balance, so that the protection against invading germs is limited. Thus, among other yeasts can settle, which lead to a fungal infection of the mouth and throat (oral thrush) or tongue fungus.

At the same time, as pathogens accumulate in the mouth, the digestion (by splitting processes) of the ingested food is diminished. A mineral loss of teeth, tooth decay and indigestion occur as far-reaching consequences of the disturbed microflora.

The dry mouth favors painful inflammations (stomatitis, aphthae) in the mouth, which make the wearing of dentures, as well as a regular food intake, often impossible. Thus, an initially trivial symptom such as a dry mouth can open unnoticed in severe dental problems and malnutrition and thus in a massive restriction of quality of life.

A dry mouth quickly leads to inflammation of the oral mucosa with small, painful blisters. (Image: sarmoho / fotolia.com)

General causes of dry mouth

The dry mouth can be caused by lack of fluid and is especially in the elderly as a sign of internal dehydration, with the saliva production seems to decrease anyway with advancing age. People who smoke tobacco and cannabis, mainly coffee, certain teas and sugary drinks, often suffer from dry mouth. Women are often affected in the menopause, with the hormonal change provides the symptoms.

Dry mouth due to medication

In most cases, the symptoms are caused by medication, after all cause at least 400 medicines also dry mouth. These include agents that act on the nervous system, such as antidepressants, sedatives or high blood pressure. The same applies to drugs that affect the metabolism. These include antibiotics, diuretics, chemotherapeutics and weight loss and lowering of blood lipids. Antiallergic agents, anti-traveling and analgesic agents also have dry mouth as a side effect.

Diseases as a cause of dry mouth

A dry mouth can be a symptom of various diseases. Considered among other things, the Sjögren syndrome, a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease with reduced salivary and tear secretions. Likewise, diabetes, Hodgkin's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV / AIDS are often associated with dry mouth and inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety on a physical level are associated with arousal and activity of the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system. However, because salivary gland secretion is controlled by the parasympathetic portion of the vegetative system, conditions that are due to persistent stress and anxiety sensations cause dry mouth. The vernacular describes this connection excellently, when it is said that "the spit stays away".

In anxiety situations it can happen that in the truest sense of the word "the spit stays away". (Image: Thomas Söllner / fotolia.com)

Naturopathy: Therapy and aids

If underlying diseases are responsible for the complaints, the focus of the therapy is on them. Conventionally, drugs are prescribed to increase the production of saliva.

If medication is the reason for the symptoms, medical and naturopathic support should be used to look for alternatives: medicines for moderate depression, pain, high blood pressure and elevated lipid levels (possibly due to lipid metabolism disorders) can gradually be supplemented and ideally replaced by herbal or homeopathic medicines.

The hormone changes in the menopause can also be positively influenced by natural remedies. It should be noted, however, that also plant drugs can cause dry mouth. In this case, homeopathic preparations are to be preferred to relieve typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, excessive sweating, palpitations and mood swings without unpleasant side effects. Cimicifuga racemosa, Sanguinaria canadensis, Sepia and Ignatia are particularly suitable.

Chewing stimulates the digestive process, stimulating the secretion of salivary glands. When fully functional, chewing gum or aromatic spices (fennel seeds) can stimulate salivation.

In order to reduce the dryness in the mouth, drinking regular water is essential. (Image: Syda Productions / fotolia.com)

In any case, it is important to ensure adequate hydration in the form of water. Here are small children, old people and people in need of care of all ages depend on the support of relatives or caregivers who should regularly remember to drink and drink should be available.

Proven home remedies for dry mouth due to inflammation

In order to prevent or relieve irritation or inflammation in the mouth, decoctions of marshmallow root are suitable. The mucilage in the plant has cooling and moisturizing properties, which also has a protective effect on the mucous membranes. Salvia, myrrh and chamomile tinctures can weaken or kill harmful germs and thus represent an alternative to antibiotics from natural medicine.

If the dryness causes inflammation of the mouth (stomatitis), a number of homeopathic remedies can help. If the inflammation occurs mainly in connection with mental stress, Hepar Sulfuris can be used both for treatment and for prevention. Arnica inhibits the inflammation and has a decongestant and pain-relieving effect.

For pain in the gums, very dry mouth and a bitter-foul taste, Pulsatilla pratensis may be the drug of choice. Krameria triandra is useful when stomatitis causes tongue burning, bad breath and swollen, slightly bleeding gums.

Hypnosis against stress and anxiety

If persistent stress with anxiety, anxiety and overworking is the cause of dry mouth, it is advisable to find the stressors and to work out alternatives in professional counseling.

If the dry mouth is related to anxiety and stress, hypnosis may be a good treatment option. (Image: Hetizia / fotolia.com)

Particularly effective for this is the work with self-organizational hypnosis method, in addition to revealing ("where does the problem?") Also solution-oriented components ("What can I do to get rid of the problem?") Contains. In addition, the hypnosis state already leads to relaxation and switching of the vegetative functions, which can already lead to increased salivation.

Self-hypnosis exercises can be quickly learned and used by anyone. Meditation, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation lead to similar adjustments of the vegetative system. (Non-medical practitioner Jeanette Viñals Stein, nr, last updated on 10.3.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)