Dry eyes In the worst case, blindness threatens

Dry eyes In the worst case, blindness threatens / Health News

Do not underestimate the health risks of dry eyes


Every eighth German occasionally suffers from dry eyes, around 100,000 of them „are considered seriously ill“, reports Professor Gerd Geerling from the University Eye Hospital Düsseldorf. The „Fachverband Trockenes Auge e.V.“ warns of long-term risks.

In the worst case, dry eyes, according to the experts lead to blindness of those affected. Normally, the eye surface is moistened with tear fluid about ten to fifteen times a minute from the eyelid. But with many people this mechanism is disturbed. They complain about „burning, itchy and scratchy eyes as well as a dryness and sand grain sensation“, so the statement of the professional association dry eye. The eyelids were more often swollen and inflamed at the edges of the eyelids. According to the experts, dry eyes are also particularly sensitive to external influences such as draft, smoke or even light.

Number of patients with dry eyes is increasing
Especially at the end of the winter months, the number of those affected regularly increases significantly, reports Professor Gerd Geerling to the news agency „DAPD“. At this time, according to the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany every second patient comes because of dry eyes in an ophthalmologist's office. The number of those affected is increasing not only in the winter months, but also from year to year in the past decades continuously more patients were recorded. More and more Germans suffer according to the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany from dry eyes (Keratokonjunctivitis sicca). Over the past 20 years, the number of those affected has doubled, according to the experts.

Germany-wide up to twelve million people with dry eyes
Today, according to the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany, about ten to twelve million people across Germany are affected by dry eyes, although the risks are still frequently trivialized. According to scientific findings, it can be assumed that in all chronic forms of dry eyes an inflammation of the ocular surface occurs, the worst case scenario „if left untreated lead to blindness“ can, stressed Professor Geerling. Around 100,000 people with dry eyes are considered here in Germany „as severely ill“, continues the expert from the University Eye Hospital Dusseldorf. The spread of complaints among the population leads Geerling back to the modern living conditions with low humidity in air-conditioned and centrally heated offices, cars and airplanes as well as working on the computer screen.

Heated rooms and work on the PC increase the risk of dry eyes
Stefan Kroll from the Dry Eye Association emphasized that the heated rooms contribute to the faster evaporation of the tear film. In addition, reduce the eyelid needed to moisten the eye when working on the PC on average four to seven eyelid beats per minute. That way „The tear film does not spread so often freshly on the cornea and tears, because the lipid layer is unstable“, explained the board of the trade association dry eye. As a further factor influencing the increased occurrence of dry eyes, the expert named the ozone and pollutant-rich air, tobacco smoke, as well as contact lenses that impair the flow of tears. So every second person suffers from contact lenses under dry eyes. However, the expert also warned about the consequences of incorrectly applied cosmetics, which may occlude the glands on the lid.

Symptoms of dry eyes
For those affected, dry eyes are extremely uncomfortable, as every blink feels as if they pull sandpaper over their ocular surface. In addition, the dry eyes are usually associated with reddening and a strong itching, but the patients should not give way. Because when rubbing the eyes germs can get into the already weakened eye and strengthen the existing inflammation or cause further inflammation. Because in dry eyes there is not enough of the protective tear fluid with the germicidal substances contained in it to efficiently protect the eye from infection. For example, when the tear film is torn off, chronic inflammation of the cornea and conjunctivitis, which in turn can cause lasting damage to the eye, are threatened by the professional association of ophthalmologists in Germany. Corresponding inflammations should under no circumstances be treated on their own, as over-the-counter eye drops can in the long term aggravate dry eyes, warn the experts from the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists.

Other causes of dry eyes
In the possible causes of dry eyes are in addition to the unfavorable living conditions already mentioned above also to mention various immunological diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes or inflammatory vascular and thyroid diseases. In addition, according to the experts, the long-term intake of antidepressants, beta-blockers and hormones can have a negative impact on the flow of tears. Overall, women are significantly more likely to be affected than men, explained Professor Geerling, adding that dry eyes are no longer uncommon even in childhood. To determine whether patients are actually dry-eyed, the ophthalmologist controls the amount and composition of the tear film, inter alia Filter paper strip, which is inserted behind the conjunctival sac. The period of time that elapses before the tear film breaks off over the eyeball can be determined with the aid of a fluorescent dye, which is attached to the tear film, explained Professor Geerling.

Therapy of dry eyes tedious and difficult
The treatment of dry eyes is according to the expert of the University Eye Hospital Dusseldorf opposite the news agency „DAPD“ extremely difficult and tedious. Because in most patients, a variety of causes involved in the symptoms and optimal treatment strategy is not available at first glance, said Prof. Geerling. In general, tear substitutes would be prescribed to relieve the symptoms and, in some circumstances, the tear drainage channels would be closed to reduce tear drainage. There are also specially adapted glasses available to prevent the evaporation of tears, according to the expert. The success sometimes arises however „only after weeks or months“, emphasized Prof. Geerling.

Naturopathic treatment of dry eyes
In naturopathy, different treatment approaches for the treatment of dry eyes are used, with both the help of homeopathy (eg Aconitum napellus, Alumina, Arsenicum album, Lycopodium clavatum, Sulfur or Veratrum album) as well as other naturopathic methods have been achieved promising treatment successes , Here are, for example, detoxification, acupuncture and Ayurveda with aloe vera gel and rose water and internal use of licorice to call. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also offers various medicinal herbs to help alleviate the symptoms. In addition, osteopathy is attributed a positive effect on the inflow of all vessels in functional problems. (Fp)

Image: Michael Lorenzet