Irritable bladder - symptoms, causes, natural treatment

Irritable bladder - symptoms, causes, natural treatment / symptoms

Cystalgia, overactive bladder: what helps with an overactive bladder?

There are, above all, two symptoms which describe the concept of irritable bladder: a constant urge to urinate with only a small amount of urine, followed later by involuntary release from urine, especially during physical exertion. Rarely, pain or burning on urination and persistent diffuse sensation of pain in the lower abdomen. As much as the symptoms of cystitis are similar, neither bacteria nor other signs of infection can be detected in the urine.


  • Cystalgia, overactive bladder: what helps with an overactive bladder?
  • A short overview
  • The primary irritable bladder
  • The secondary irritable bladder
  • Irritable blisters symptoms
  • diagnosis
  • therapy
  • Naturopathy at the primary irritable bladder

A short overview

A distinction is made between the primary irritable bladder without tangible organic backgrounds and the secondary, which can develop in the context of organic disorders or as a result of other diseases such as tumors, inflammations or stones. Here is a brief overview of the symptoms of an overactive bladder:

  • Synonyms: Cystalgia, overactive bladder, bladder irritation, overactive bladder (OAB).
  • symptoms: Constant urination, frequent urination with small amounts (pollakisuria), urge incontinence, occasional urinary symptoms (stranguria), diffuse to spasmodic pelvic pain.
  • causes: The causes are partly still unclear. Primary cystalgia is thought to be the cause of the nervous system. The secondary form usually occurs as a result of other diseases such as inflammation, tumors or urinary stones.
  • Therapy for primary cystalgia: Drug treatment mostly with anticholinergics, behavioral training, psychosomatic treatment, electromuscular stimulation, sacral neuromodulation (implantation of a probe), injections of botulinum toxin A.
  • NaturopathyStress reduction (e.g., by autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation), pelvic floor training, neural therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, phytotherapy, Schuessler salts.
Persons suffering from a bladder feel a constant urge to urinate, but only give small amounts when urinating. (Image: highwaystarz /

The primary irritable bladder

Several million people in Germany suffer from an overactive bladder. Women are affected more often than men. The primary irritable bladder is to be understood as a symptom of a regulatory disturbance of the autonomic nervous system and as such increases on physical cooling (generally or in cold feet), after eating cold drinks, after sexual intercourse and in case of mental arousal. Especially in women are found in addition to circulatory insufficiency, fatigue, sexual disorders, migraine or gastrointestinal complaints. Similarly, hormonal changes and hormone imbalances in pregnancy or menopause are believed to be the cause in women.

Other possible causes include mental and psychological stress such as stress, nervousness and anxiety under suspicion.

Mental influences

The psychic aspects of genesis in psychosomatics include the sexually influenced conflict between the aging woman and repressed anger, which, as an overactive bladder, finds a tangible expression. This means a great social burden to the exclusion of those affected, since the constant urinary urgency, the joy of activities (theater, admissions, walks) takes and the incontinence is perceived as embarrassing. Many sufferers drastically reduce their drinking volume, which in turn reduces the capacity of the bladder and aggravates the symptoms.

The secondary irritable bladder

The secondary form can have many causes, for example:

  • Recurring infections of the bladder or urethra,
  • also estrogen deficiency weakens the bladder in the menopause,
  • neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • a stroke,
  • Foreign body in the bladder,
  • bladder stones,
  • tumors,
  • certain medications (for example, diuretics).
An irritable bladder can be associated with incontinence and therefore extremely unpleasant for those affected. (Image: tibanna79 /

Various causes

A constriction of the bladder outlet, caused for example by prostate enlargement in men or a urethral constriction in women promotes the formation of bladder stones, which in turn can lead to irritable bladder. Also tumors in the bladder or in the small pelvis, previous radiation or medication side effects come into question. The interstitial cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder wall of unknown cause, leads to a reduction of the capacity and thus also to the typical symptoms of irritable bladder.

Irritable blisters symptoms

Cystalgia manifests itself primarily through a sudden and extremely urgent urinary urgency. Despite the intense urge, however, only small amounts of urine are released, which can also escape uncontrollably, if those affected do not immediately go to the toilet. There is talk of an overactivity of the bladder if the person has to urinate regularly more than ten times a day (more than eight times a day and more than twice a night). In addition, stress incontinence can result in the bladder being drained uncontrollably as a result of sudden movement or physical exertion such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, or carrying. Other possible symptoms include burning or pain when urinating (stranguria) and diffuse to spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen.


If there is a physical or organic cause, it is called a secondary irritable bladder. The primary form is diagnosed when all physical and organic causes are excluded. Possible methods for determining physical causes are:

  • Urological or gynecological examinations,
  • Blood and urine test,
  • urethral swab,
  • ultrasound,
  • X-rays of the bladder and urinary tract,
  • Measure bubble pressure.
If the irritable bladder is based on physical or organic causes, the diagnosis is secondary bladder irritation. If this is not the case, it is called primary cystalgia. (Image: Coloures-Pic /


The first thing to determine is whether it is a primary or secondary form. The secondary form focuses on the treatment of the underlying disease. In the primary form, a variety of orthodox medical and naturopathic treatments are available, which must be adapted individually to the affected person. The most common measures include:

  • Properly applied pelvic floor training,
  • continence training,
  • psychotherapy,
  • Medications (e.g., anticholinergics, spasmolytics, herbal supplements),
  • relaxation exercises,
  • warm sitz baths,
  • Reduction of overweight and obesity,
  • give up smoking,
  • Abandonment of excessive alcohol and coffee consumption.


There are a number of medications that can reduce the symptoms of overactive bladder. These include in particular so-called anticholinergics or spasmolytics. The anticholinergic drugs act on the bladder muscles and the nervous system and should thus relax the bladder muscles. The spasmolytics reduce the ability of the bladder muscle to contract resulting in less frequent emptying. In women, a hormone therapy with estrogen-containing drugs offers. Even herbal medicines relieve urinary frequency. These are preparations with ingredients of cranberry or pumpkins. In addition, bearberry leaf extract, for example, works against the symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

Naturopathy at the primary irritable bladder

Naturopaths and non-medical practitioners have a large arsenal of treatment options, especially if it is a primary cystalgia, which usually responds well to naturopathic measures. This is especially true when psycho-counseling elements are integrated into the treatment. The following options are given by way of example only and should be discussed with a naturopathic expert prior to implementation.

If the irritable bladder has no physical or organic causes, naturopathy often achieves good results in therapy. (Image:

behavior training

As a first general measure, the evening drinking should be kept to a minimum and about 2 hours before going to bed any fluid intake should be avoided. Drinks that have a diuretic effect (coffee, alcohol, diuretic teas) should be avoided altogether. In no case, however, should generally be drunk little. Because drinking a lot of irritable bladder can reduce the urinary urgency, as the kidneys produce a highly concentrated urine in a dehydration, which irritates the bladder and increases the urinary urgency. Overall, attention should be paid to a well-regulated daily routine and workflow.

Mental and physical training

Appropriate stress reduction techniques such as autogenic training, yoga, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can be beneficial to the disease. Regular pelvic floor training, supplemented with a "toilet training" in which water is left at specified times, can in particular reduce or even eliminate urgency and incontinence.

Schüßler salts

During treatment, Schüßler salts have been proven in some people. The exact dosage should be discussed with a specialist naturopath. At the beginning of the intake often only the Schuessler salt number 6 potassium sulfuricum is recommended. In the further course, other salts can be added. Suitable for this are:

  • Schüßler salt number 1 - Calcium fluoratum,
  • Schüßler salt number 3 - Ferrum phosphoricum,
  • Schüßler salt number 8 - sodium chloratum,
  • Schüßler salt number 9 - sodium phosphoricum.

Neural therapy and acupuncture

In the naturopathic practice, the neural therapy is used. This is caused by a local anesthetic (usually procaine) directly a relaxation of the bladder muscles. Ear acupuncture treatment involving vegetative, organ and psychotropic points can also be relaxing on the entire organism and bladder muscles.

An ear acupuncture can have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the bladder. (Image: tankist276 /

Homeopathy and phytotherapy

As an alternative healing method and homeopathy comes into question. Here a complex remedy from "winter love" (Chimaphila umbellata), "American Aspen" (Populus tremuloides) and "dwarf saw palmetto" (Serona repens) is often used for the healing support, unless a homeopathic constitutional treatment takes place. In herbal medicine, medicinal herbs are used, which are psycho-vegetative, effective, which strengthen the bladder tissue, improve the metabolism and are anticonvulsant. Frequently used:

  • St. John's Wort,
  • Flowers of lavender,
  • Saw palmetto fruits,
  • Goldenrod,
  • horsetail,
  • yarrow.


Hypnotherapy is also sometimes used in cystalgia. Hypnosis can be extremely beneficial if used regularly. Even with complaints such as high blood pressure, sleep disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and other nervous disorder can be achieved with their help improvement. In addition, with a tendency to internal restlessness and a constant feeling of stress, the regular use of self-hypnosis can support the healing process. (jvs, vb; updated on June 12, 2018)