symptoms - Page 39

Intestinal colic - causes, symptoms, therapy and home remedies

Painful cramping of the intestinal musculature Anyone who suffers from convulsive abdominal pain, which is most likely an intestinal colic....

Bowel sounds - causes and therapy

Bowel sounds are uncomfortable. When the intestine bubbles, gurgles or moans, then those present also hear it - sometimes from...

Chronic fatigue - causes and treatment

Fatigue is a signal that the body or mind has reached its limits and needs a period of recovery. Every...

Chronic exhaustion

Chronic fatigue as the sole symptom can develop along with a variety of illnesses, but can also be caused by...

Exercise labor - pain, frequency, symptoms

These contractions are not, as the name implies, targeted training of pregnant women to consciously prepare for childbirth, but muscle...

Nipple Inflammation - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Inflammation of the nipples There are some places on the body where a local inflammatory process is particularly annoying. The...

Nipples itching causes and effective home remedies

Itching on the nipples - itching nipples Itchy nipples are a very uncomfortable problem much more likely to affect women...

Breast Strain - Strained Chest - Causes and Symptoms

Mastodynia or mastalgia is the technical term for chest pain. Women, but sometimes men, suffer from this. The breasts are...

Chest pain chest pain

Chest pain: cause, diagnosis and treatment Chest pain is a common complaint, with most people involuntarily thinking of heart disease....