Exercise labor - pain, frequency, symptoms

Exercise labor - pain, frequency, symptoms / symptoms
These contractions are not, as the name implies, targeted training of pregnant women to consciously prepare for childbirth, but muscle contractions of the body from the twelfth week of pregnancy.


  • The most important facts
  • Much labor
  • What is "muscle training" for??
  • symptoms
  • all-clear
  • Differences to birth pains
  • When and when not?
  • Why is it there at all??
  • When to the doctor?
  • Exercise or Senkwehen?
  • Exercise or blow?

The most important facts

  • Exercise labor prepares for childbirth.
  • They are completely normal.
  • They usually occur from the second trimester of pregnancy on.
  • You are sometimes uncomfortable, in case of severe pain you should consult a doctor.
  • They can be alleviated by rest and warmth.
Birth pains are completely normal. (Image: Wellnhofer Designs / fotolia.com)

Much labor

In pregnancy, women learn a whole spectrum of contractions: besides exercise, these include foreshortening (which begins just before birth), contractions (where the uterus slides towards the pelvis), opening pains (which initiate birth), forced labor (um to push the baby out of the body), after-labor and also early-onset labor. All have in common that these are muscle contractions of the uterus.

What is "muscle training" for??

The fetus grows faster than the uterus from the twelfth week of pregnancy. Some women now have muscle contractions. With this the uterus rehearses the emergency. In the last phase of pregnancy, some women feel these contractions ten times a day. Then they go into the Vorwehen. Pre-and contractions are also not yet rhythmic as the birth pains.


Some women do not notice anything about exercise pains. Others feel pain in the abdomen. The stomach hardens, sometimes the muscle tensions and relaxations associated with hot flashes, and the heart rhythm can accelerate. There is a difference between actual labor and foreboding because they only last a few seconds, do not have a fixed rhythm, and do not progressively become stronger. The cervix does not change, unlike with labor pains.


Many pregnant women think something is wrong when their abdomen feels hard and hurts in the last trimester of pregnancy. That is completely normal. Most are exercise labor, and they are not a sign of complications, but on the contrary, that the pregnant woman's body works.

With exercise labor the body prepares for birth. (Image: M.studio/fotolia.com)

Differences to birth pains

"Commonly", the "training pains" often arise so late that the time is not a unique feature of birth pains. Only the way remains: birth pains are longer than exercise labor, so at least 30 seconds. They also occur rhythmically, every five to twenty minutes. If you are not sure what your contractions are, ask your doctor or midwife.

When and when not?

Exercise labor usually begins in the second trimester of pregnancy, but often only in the third and then goes into Senkwehen seamlessly. Especially women who have pregnancies behind them, particularly large fetuses or even expect twins, but feel practice labor even in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Why is it there at all??

Childbirth requires maximum performance from the uterus. Meanwhile, the uterus is spending most of its time like a man spending his time on the sofa. That's why the muscle "trains" and prepares for an emergency.

When to the doctor?

Do you get around ten daily labor every day? Do you feel a stinging in the abdomen or back? Will not they be better if you lay down in between, put a cherry stone pillow on your stomach, take a warm shower or wrap yourself in a warm blanket? Does blood or colored mucus come from the vagina? Then please go to the doctor. It may be that the cervix opens.

Exercise or Senkwehen?

Sagging makes the uterus lower - hence the name. So the fetus gets deeper into the pelvis. This happens when the birth is approaching, ie from the 36th week of pregnancy.

At the 36th week of gestation the foreshortening begins. (Image: Kzenon / fotolia.com)

If you already have pregnancies behind you, the contractions often start only a few days before the birth and can hardly be distinguished from the labor pains. Even exercise and Senkwehen can hardly be distinguished, in general women perceive them very differently. Some feel only a slight tension, others more pain. In the meantime, you can help yourself with exercise and contractions in the same way: with a warming blanket, a hot water bottle, a warm shower and rest.

Exercise or blow?

In the 36th week of pregnancy, the forehead begins, so can overlap with the "muscle training". Foreshortening in the abdomen, and very clearly; The pregnant woman feels pain in the back and around the groin, plus pressure on the bladder, and the stomach hardens. The pain is significantly greater than in labor pains, which also lack pressure on the bladder and are not perceived as pulling. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)