Colorful easter eggs. Beautiful self coloring

Colorful easter eggs. Beautiful self coloring / Health News

Colorful easter eggs: buy or dye yourself?


Although there are colorful eggs in many shops now throughout the year, demand is traditionally greatest at Easter. Not all Germans buy „finished“ Easter eggs. Especially with children, it is fun to color the eggs themselves. There are various types of vegetables.

Germans eat on average over 230 eggs a year
In the meantime, colorful eggs can be found in the shops all year round, but demand is traditionally greatest for Easter. „Before Easter, we have the highest sales week of the year“, Margit Beck, the expert of Marktinfo Geflügel & Eier (MEG), said, according to a news agency dpa. According to MEG data "the appetite of the German citizens on eggs increases years". "Last year everyone ate 231 eggs on average, in 2012 there were 11 less". The German poultry farmers can not meet the demand, according to the information, therefore, goods from abroad, such as the Netherlands, imported.

Colored eggs last longer
The colors in the dyeing plants seal the pores of the eggshell, which means that the colorful eggs last longer than the uncoloured ones. But consumer advocates recommend buyers to be sure to pay attention to cracks and dents in the shell. Brigitte Ahrens, the food expert from the Lower Saxony Consumer Center, said investigations have shown that the bowls are often damaged. „Then of course you can not store that much longer.“ A blue-green border around the yolk, which results from cooking too long, is no reason to worry. The taste is not affected.

Dye Easter eggs yourself
Many Germans do not resort to already colored eggs, but swear by the „Do-it-yourself method“. You do not necessarily have to buy special egg colors or pens. There are also numerous natural means to decorate eggs for Easter. For example, you can color Easter eggs with spinach naturally. Green tones can also be achieved with parsley. Beetroot or red onion peels give beautiful red tones and golden yellow eggs are obtained, among other things, by black tea or walnut shells. Become blue by red cabbage leaves or elderberry juice. In addition, stinging nettle and maté, grated carrots, cumin, chamomile and turmeric bring color into the Easter life.

Dyeing is fun
To color the eggs, a brew of water and the respective parts of the plant should be boiled for about 30 to 45 minutes. After that the eggs are put in. According to experts, they should be rubbed with vinegar before cooking, and then with cooking oil, so that the color is better accepted and more gloss is achieved. Especially good for coloring are one to two weeks old eggs with a smooth surface, as they compensate for pressure differences easier and rarely get cracks. If their skin is smooth and without cracks, hard-boiled Easter eggs will last up to two weeks, according to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE). Dyeing is not only more environmentally friendly, but also fun, especially with children. Ideally, eggs from organic or free range should be used.

Eggs are healthier than their reputation
Eggs still have a bad reputation in some people's health, but now there are new findings. It has recently been reported that US experts have withdrawn cholesterol warnings associated with cholesterol-containing foods. They no longer consider cholesterol in foods as a health hazard. Older studies have also confirmed that protein has a positive effect on high blood pressure. Although some of the research results of recent years are still controversial, it is known that eggs are valuable nutrients. In addition to protein and fat, the egg contains minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron as well as vitamins A and B. (Ad)

Image: Wolfgang Floedl