Chronic fatigue - causes and treatment

Chronic fatigue - causes and treatment / symptoms
Fatigue is a signal that the body or mind has reached its limits and needs a period of recovery. Every person has their own fatigue scale, because this is a very subjective condition that can not be clearly defined. Even the associated suffering is individual. Fatigue is an everyday phenomenon that indicates our natural need for sleep. If the condition appears very drastically or if it becomes more pronounced, mental and physical dysfunctions or illnesses can be behind it.


  • Lack of sleep and disturbed biorhythm
  • Chronic viral diseases
  • deficiency
  • Pain of the liver
  • Chronic diseases
  • Tiredness and psyche
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Healthy lifestyle as a self-help
  • The role of the environment
  • Natural remedy for tiredness
  • When to seek medical help?

There are many causes of chronic fatigue, such as:

  • sleep problems,
  • Side effect of some medications,
  • chronic diseases,
  • Burnout syndrome or other mental illnesses,
  • viral diseases,
  • Food intolerance
  • or deficiency symptoms.
Chronic fatigue may be related to a variety of diseases. (Image: pathdoc /

Lack of sleep and disturbed biorhythm

With the feeling of tiredness is first called a rest and sleep need of the organism, as it is usually more or less felt in the evening after a busy day. The tiredness becomes a kind of security for the body and the mind, a signal that the time has come for a recovery. During sleep, new energy reserves are mobilized through recovery, so that optimal performance should be restored after a six to eight-hour sleep phase. If the usual sleep-wake cycle is disturbed, it comes to severe fatigue, which can lead to serious health problems in the long term in severe fatigue. Especially occupational demands with night or shift work, which bring our circadian day-night rhythm, which is usually tied to times of the day or the state of the sun and moon, out of balance and thus affect well-being, performance and health.
There are many everyday factors that can interfere with healthy sleep, such as:

  • Stress and inner restlessness,
  • snoring,
  • too hot bathing or showering,
  • too heavy meals in the evening,
  • an unfavorable environment such as poorly ventilated rooms or background noise
  • or excitement through movies, TV shows, or computer games late in the evening.

Some of these can be eliminated in the course of a lifestyle change, which has a significant positive impact on the quality of sleep. Other reasons for lack of sleep can be found in sleep disorders or sleep disorders or in restless sleep caused by nightmares. However, too much sleep can cause tiredness, as it depends less on the duration than on the quality of sleep.

Chronic viral diseases

Acute tiredness without lack of sleep can also announce an infection that is just beginning. Sometimes, however, latent fatigue and performance loss persist for a long time after the symptoms have disappeared, such as fever, cough, or cold. It is believed in naturopathic medicine, a transformation of various viruses and vaccine viruses in so-called slow forms that appear as a chronic viral disease with new expressions. The symptoms can occur immediately after surviving illness or vaccination, but it can also pass months or years to the onset of symptoms. After experience with clinical progress, reports of affected persons and electro-acupuncture measurement of alternative physicians, it is mainly the Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex viruses, measles viruses and various subtypes of the influenza virus (flu), in new expressions Among other things with the symptom chronic tiredness or exhaustion appear in appearance.

Chronic fatigue is associated with the quality of sleep. (Image: nenetus /


In order to remain physically and mentally alert and efficient, our organism regularly requires the supply of water, nutrients, minerals and trace elements. If we drink too little water, internal dehydration leads to tiredness, to concentration disorders and a dysbalance in the electrolyte balance. Even if one-sided diet, disorders of the intestinal flora, severe diarrhea, stress
pregnancy or pregnancy causes a vitamin and mineral deficiency, it is often accompanied by physically and psychologically perceived fatigue, defensive weakness and listlessness. For example, iron deficiency can cause anemia, while potassium deficiency causes muscle weakness. A varied diet with enough green vegetables and wholegrain products usually prevents sufficient vitamin and mineral deficiencies. If there is an increased need, such as during pregnancy or convalescence, vitamins and minerals can be temporarily fed. For organic disorders, treatment should be given after the underlying disease.

Pain of the liver

In natural medicine, fatigue is still considered "pain in the liver". The liver is the most important organ in the degradation of endogenous and exogenous substances. This task, as the most important detoxification center, manages the liver with the help of enzymes, which are only found to be sufficient to ensure the constant remodeling and excretion of toxic waste products via bile and kidneys. The liver is so overloaded by exposure to environmental toxins, chemical additives, drugs, medications, and heavy metals that it can lead to impaired liver function and liver congestion. This can be associated with the symptoms of fatigue, rapid fatigue and decreased performance because the toxic substances can enter the blood and nervous system. This becomes clear in the so-called "spring fatigue", whose treatment (fasting, herbs, wraps, homeopathic remedies) especially the liver considered. In natural medicine, herbs to strengthen the liver are in almost every recipe anyway. Liver diseases, whose main symptoms include chronic fatigue, include fatty liver, liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.

Chronic fatigue is associated with the quality of sleep. (Image: nenetus /

Chronic diseases

Fatigue continues to be felt in a variety of chronic disorders and disorders. These include, for example:

  • fibromyalgia,
  • Sick sinus syndrome (cardiac arrhythmia),
  • a low blood pressure (hypotension),
  • hypoglycemia,
  • hepatitis,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • lung disease,
  • chronic glomerulonephritis,
  • chronic hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism),
  • Intestinal diseases and food intolerances,
  • latent strabismus (heterophoria)
  • as well as seizures in the brain (epilepsy).

Bowel disease and food intolerances such as Crohn's disease or gluten intolerance (celiac disease) mean that the dietary intake of iron and other minerals is insufficient.

Fatigue accompanied by feelings of coldness, depression, nervousness, hair loss, poor concentration and metabolic problems may be an indication of hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease. Diagnostics can accurately identify these very common diseases based on blood tests (TSH, T3, and T4 thyroid scores), ultrasound, and scintigraphy.

In AIDS and malignant cancers (with and without chemotherapy), the generally lowered immune system leads to fatigue and fatigue.

Tiredness and psyche

The condition of tiredness can also be a symptom that announces circumscribed mental syndromes and / or constantly accompanies them. For example, depression, especially long-term depression, sometimes complains of long-term fatigue and exhaustion. Continuing stress leads to physical, emotional and cognitive fatigue phenomena without relaxation phases, which can result in the so-called burnout syndrome. Likewise, under stress can lead to psychological problems with fatigue, as it is listed in the symptoms of Boreout syndrome.

Chronic fatigue makes it difficult to concentrate in the workplace. (Image: Kaspars Grinvalds /

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

After the exclusion of innumerable diseases and disorders, especially when pain is added, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is diagnosed. As one of the diseases of modern civilization, chronic fatigue is increasingly being observed in highly industrialized countries. According to recent studies, an overactive immune system plays a key role as a cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.

The clinical picture is very diffuse and the impairment of the quality of life of those affected is immense. Characteristic of CFS are often the following symptoms that may occur simultaneously or separately:

  • a condition of exhaustion lasting several months,
  • Recovery periods bring no relief,
  • Suffering can be physical or psychological,
  • Muscle pain, joint and headache,
  • Memory and concentration problems,
  • lymphadenopathy,
  • sleep disorders
  • or sore throat.

Typical of this syndrome is the aggravation of all symptoms after a mental or physical strain. So far, there is no clear strategy for the treatment, as the causes of this disease can not be clarified clearly.

Healthy lifestyle as a self-help

In order to take measures against permanent fatigue, one has to deal with one's own quality of life, because a healthy lifestyle is an effective basis for overcoming the symptoms.
These include:

  • lots of exercise, ideally outdoors and in any weather,
  • healthy food, vitamin-rich food, lots of fruits and vegetables instead of fatty foods,
  • Avoid over-acidification of the body,
  • No coffee, sugary foods and alcohol,
  • Drink plenty of water as water plays an important role in all processes in the body,
  • Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga or Quigong,
  • well-ventilated bedroom, free of clutter or allergy triggers
  • and a well organized daily routine to avoid stressful situations.
An active lifestyle helps to fight against exhaustion. (Image: Maridav /

The role of the environment

An important factor is often underestimated. The stress that is caused by those affected in addition to the actual illness by the people in their environment. Often, people suffering from illness-related fatigue, who are less able to concentrate on their tasks, are misunderstood, stigmatized or bullyed by their environment - be it school, family or work. They also suffer from being referred to as "lazy" and "lazy". Proper treatment of those affected and the acceptance of the condition significantly contributes to alleviating their suffering.

Natural remedy for tiredness

For latent tiredness, which is not associated with clinically measurable changes, there are many explanations and aids in natural healing and alternative medicine. In natural medicine, the orthodox medical separation of physical and mental processes is replaced by a consideration of the complex, closely interwoven and mutually influencing processes in the organism. In order to regulate this, in the therapy, therefore, ideally from psychotherapeutic measures (talk therapy, hypnotherapy), classical natural healing (liver detoxification, Ausleitungsverfahren) and energetic methods (ear acupuncture, Bach flower therapy, homeopathy) creates individual concepts and combined with a change in lifestyle and diet.

When to seek medical help?

Long lasting fatigue persisting despite recovery periods may be a symptom of a mental or physical illness. The medical examination can determine the causes, in most cases diagnostic measures such as a blood test are necessary. To determine the right strategy, do not hesitate to seek medical help. If fatigue is a potential side effect of the medications taken then alternative treatments should be sought. (jvs, mj, updated on 08.01.2019)