Chronic pyelitis

- Causes of chronic pyelitis
- symptoms
- diagnosis
- treatment
- Natural healing in renal pelvic inflammation
- Prospect of recovery
Causes of chronic pyelitis
The chronic pyelonephritis is usually caused by a previous, not healed, acute pyelonephritis. It is recognizable by recurring spurts of the acute state.

It promotes the development of chronic pyelitis due to previous illnesses such as a weakened immune system (eg in diabetes), obstruction of the urine drainage (eg in pregnancy, kidney stones or tumors and congenital malformations of the urinary tract) and vesicorenalem reflux, in which the urine through the ureter flows back into the renal pelvis.
In the acute state, sufferers complain of severe flank pain, which can drag into the groin. As a rule, the pain is intensified by tapping the affected kidney with your fingers. Fever, chills, nausea and vomiting are typical side effects of acute pyelitis. The complaints can be very pronounced. In addition, sufferers have urinary symptoms that are described as burning or pulling. Often there is blood in the urine, which may be cloudy from milky to reddish.
In addition, chronic renal pancreatitis has diffuse symptoms such as back pain, the source of which are aching flank pain. There are also headaches, fatigue, severe thirst and loss of appetite.
School physicians report difficulties in finding a diagnosis, as specific symptoms are often absent in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. In addition to the detection of white blood cells and bacteria in the urine high blood pressure, increased inflammatory levels in the blood, anemia and a beginning kidney weakness according to conventional medicine evidence of chronic pyelonephritis. In conservative diagnostics, X-rays, ultrasound and urography are generally used to rule out pre-existing conditions that may be the cause of chronic pyelitis. A renal function test with the urologist provides information about a possible restriction of kidney activity.
In conventional medicine antibiotics are used in the acute phase of the disease. Long-term antibiotic therapies are also prescribed to cure chronic, recurring infections. The person affected is advised to drink plenty of fluids to flush out the germs. In the acute stage bed rest is to be followed urgently with much heat. Even if the symptoms have resolved, antibiotic therapy should be continued and physical efforts avoided.
Natural healing in renal pelvic inflammation
In support of natural remedies can be applied. In the natural healing practice, for example, the use of medicinal plants is recommended, on the one hand have a disinfecting effect and on the other strengthen the immune system. The leaves of the berry grape, the milder cranberry leaves and preparations of horseradish (horseradish) are considered as urine disinfecting or generally act against bacteria. Furthermore, experts in natural healing advise Echinacea (coneflower), which can be used to strengthen the immune system.
Prospect of recovery
Chronic inflammation of the renal pelvis can have serious consequences, including kidney failure and kidney failure in the final stages of the disease. According to medicine, it is therefore important to treat the disease early, so that the chronic pyelonephritis can completely heal. (Ag)