symptoms - Page 25

Itching in the throat

An itch in the throat or throat area is not only unpleasant, but can often be an indication for an...

Sciatic pain - sciatic discomfort

Pain in sciatica: sciatica A careless movement, heavy lifting or a wrong stooping: Sciatic complaints occur suddenly and unexpectedly. They...

Sciatic nerve pinched

Pinched sciatic nerve Commonly referred to as low back pain, in the back of the leg or buttocks in general...

Inner unrest

Internal restlessness & nervousness Who does not know them, the inner turmoil that sometimes accompanies us after a serious quarrel,...

Infectiousness / susceptibility to infections

Always ill: susceptibility to infections An infection susceptibility is usually referred to when more than four times (or 12 times...

Hyperventilation - symptoms, causes, therapies

What to do in hyperventilation? Hyperventilation can occur as a concomitant of various diseases, but is usually psychogenic in the...

Cough in the morning

Causes of morning cough For many people, it is a habit that is extremely disturbing for many people: morning coughing...

Cough - Causes and Treatment

Cough: A sensible protective reflex of the bodyCoughing is a protective reflex in which a high-velocity exhalation beats against the...

Frequent nosebleeds - causes, therapy and symptoms

The nose bleeds when a blood vessel in the nose bursts. This can happen spontaneously triggered by a trauma. Frequent...