Cough - Causes and Treatment

Cough - Causes and Treatment / symptoms
Cough: A sensible protective reflex of the body
Coughing is a protective reflex in which a high-velocity exhalation beats against the glottis, which initially closes, in the larynx, which then opens. The cough reflex is used in this way, as well as the clearing of the throat, the excretion of foreign bodies (for example after respiration of food) or irritants which hinder the respiratory process.


  • How does cough??
  • Causes of cough: From bronchitis to pneumonia
  • Cough with expectoration in the morning
  • How is cough treated??
  • Naturopathy and home remedies for cough

How does cough??

The lungs and bronchial passages are used according to modern Western conception mainly the release of carbon dioxide and water and the absorption of oxygen, in particular, to ensure the vital Gausaustausch all body cells. In this sense, coughing is a sign of airway obstruction, which is caused by the ingress of foreign bodies, irritants, allergens or infectious germs (viruses, bacteria) inflammation.

Coughing can therefore be a very "normal" reaction to a foreign body or similar. be, which disappears after a short time. However, it can also be a disease symptom which can occur both acutely and chronically as well as with or without sputum. In question are relatively harmless causes such. a cold or allergy, as well as serious illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pneumonia. In case of an atypical cough, lasting more than 4 weeks, returning regularly or not responding to any treatment, bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer) should be excluded by a specialist examination.

Cough is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways of foreign bodies or pathogens as quickly as possible. (Image: drubig-photo /

Causes of cough: From bronchitis to pneumonia

However, cough is much more common than acute bronchitis in the cold season as part of a viral influenza infection with other symptoms such as fever, rhinitis and body aches. Acute cough is also seen in bronchiolitis, pneumonia (pneumonia) or acute laryngitis and - especially in children - whooping cough (pertussis) or in onset of measles.

Coughing is seen in asthma bronchiale or asthma allergica. Coughing for more than three or four weeks (chronic) may be caused by tuberculosis (TB) as well as by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or smoker's cough. Also, drug intolerance (for example, to ACE inhibitors), pulmonary embolism, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension (due to heart disease or multiple pulmonary embolisms) and also reflux disease may be behind the symptom. It is also possible that the cough occurs in acute stress situations or as a result of psychological inner stress or strong tension (psychogenic cough).

Asthma is a possible cause of chronic cough. (Image: bilderzwerg /

Cough with expectoration in the morning

Especially in the morning, the cough can be based on a so-called "bronchiectasis". These are pathological, cylindrical or sac-shaped extensions of the bronchial tubes, which are the result of irreversible destruction of the bronchial walls. Bronchiectasis may be congenital, but more commonly it is the result of chronic and allergic respiratory disease. Also, measles or other infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and whooping cough may be the trigger, as well as other acquired causes such. an inflammation of the airways by a bronchial tumor.

Characteristic is a frequent, especially in the morning occurring (chronic) cough with large amounts of foamy and slimy expectoration, which is purulent and smells unpleasant. Therefore, many sufferers additionally suffer from bad breath, coughing is also possible. In addition, bronchiectasis may cause symptoms such as fever (due to chronic bronchial suppuration), fatigue and poor performance, and sufferers often suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia.

How is cough treated??

Conventional therapy initially focuses on the drug-based mucus solution and the administration of antibiotics for bacterial involvement. Traditional Chinese medicine, for example, attributed to the organ lungs the quality of moisture that has been strongly associated with the body's "phlegm". Accordingly, in excess (high-lump cough) dry, hot herbs were given, and in dry, burning cough, herbs with moist, cold qualities were given.

For example, if there is bronchiectasis with sacculated bronchi, it is an important part of the therapy in breathing exercises and physiotherapeutic measures. The inhalation of expectorant agents or brine solutions causes the mucus in the bronchi to liquefy and then coagulate. If necessary, medicines such as e.g. Cortisone and antibiotics used, in particularly severe cases, the bronchiectasis can also be surgically removed.

Naturopathy and home remedies for cough

The modern, naturopathic treatment will focus on the immune system in addition to the affected organ and with various naturopathic treatments, e.g. Intestinal rehabilitation, Herdsanierung, Ausleitungsverfahren, nutritional and regulatory therapy support the self-healing powers of the body. Depending on the medical model also acupuncture, homeopathy, isopathy, bioresonance and other methods are used to achieve profound healing. Supportive or, in lighter cases, there are self-treatment options for coughing and strengthening the immune system.

Here, for example, with constant coughing and congested bronchi, well-proven quark wrappers come into consideration, which can also be used well in children. Put some lean quark in the middle of a dishcloth and beat the two empty ends together over it. Now the winding is e.g. brought to room temperature with a hot water bottle, placed on the chest and then covered with a woolen scarf or silk scarf. The overlay can remain on the body for as long as the patient feels comfortable and therefore be left overnight.
Also potato wraps is said to have a healing and beneficial effect on coughs, which is mainly due to the slow, continuous heat release. In this variant, soft-boiled potatoes are wrapped in a linen cloth and crushed. Then let the wrap cool down to avoid burns, then place it on the chest and leave it there until it is completely cold.

Hot milk with honey, lemon juice or homemade onion syrup can provide soothing relief from coughing. (Image: glisic_albina /

As further effective home remedies for coughing, in lighter cases e.g. a tea infusion of cowslip, thyme or plantain. Relaxing warm baths with essential oils can relieve the urge to cough and loosen mucus in the sense of aromatherapy. Here are, for example, offer a bath with eucalyptus or pine needle oil, but care should be taken that such a health bath in fever or circulatory weakness may not be performed.

Instead of cough syrup, a homemade onion syrup made from a chopped onion and some honey can be very effective. However, it should be remembered that honey-based remedies are not suitable for small children and infants. Similarly, it should be clarified in advance with essential oils, whether they may be used in small patients. However, vegetable cough syrups with fennel, thyme or ivy extract are harmless. Another proven home remedy for children cough is a bowl of water, which is placed on the heater and so ensures a low-irritation air. Coughing is often worsened by a too dry and warm indoor air. (jvs, no)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)