Cough in the morning

Cough in the morning / symptoms

Causes of morning cough

For many people, it is a habit that is extremely disturbing for many people: morning coughing or coughing in the morning. For many, it is associated with ejection or shortness of breath. What can be behind it? This article is intended to give you some information.

Cough in the morning:
Symptoms and complaints
Causes of coughing in the morning
Treatment in Naturopathy


Morning cough, morning cough, morning cough, morning cough, productive morning cough, morning cough, dry cough in the morning, COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, trigger band on the neck, cylinder distraction on the throat, Throat CyD.

In particular, smokers know the morning cough, but this can have other causes. (Image:

Symptoms and complaints

A major problem with morning coughs is the fact that many sufferers can already wake up and then not be able to fall asleep. Through this constant sleep interruption, many people with morning cough feel tired during the day, not well rested and complain of difficulty concentrating.

Another symptom is coughing with getting up - this can occur with or without a cough. It is very different after the coughing attack: Some feel relieved, while others feel a sore throat afterwards, which lasts for some time. Those who still complain of sputum often have a wet-sounding cough, which can be dry even in people without sputum.

If demand is exact, practitioners also repeatedly report that many people call a throat clearing, often associated with a foreign body sensation, a morning cough. If the morning cough is associated with chest pain or back pain, it should be immediately clarified by a doctor.

Causes of coughing in the morning

Cause is coughing a sensible reflex, by the substances that are not in the respiratory tract, or should no longer remain, to be transported out. In addition to this mechanical component, it can also come through the nerves to trigger a coughing sensation in case of stress or presumably in case of allergies, tension or dryness in the neck area. Chronic and acute respiratory infections such as bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be the underlying cause of illness, but smoking is also one of the causes of morning cough.

In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), morning cough is one of the typical symptoms. (Image: bilderzwerg /

In the functional causes is often thought of a dryness in the respiratory tract, caused by nocturnal sleep with an open mouth. Possible compensations due to the mouth breathing of bad air wars through the nose are suspected here. Many people complain of recurrent nose infections and frequent sinusitis. It is conceivable that through these infections once comes to a reduced breathing through the nose and to irritation of the respiratory tract by running down the throat secretions, which can then provide morning cough or cough. As a cause for the recurring infections, connections to the immune system of the intestine are often made from the perspective of naturopathy.

Mechanically, constrictions of the neck region are a possible cause. A nerve branch that supplies the laryngeal musculature winds around the blood vessels. Whilst on the left side he has to go all the way down between the aorta and the left main bronchus. The right branch passes under the clavicle artery (A. subclavia) and does not have to go down that far. Both then rise again to the larynx and have to be long behind the thyroid laterally. When aortic aorta (aortic aneurysm) or a tumor of the bronchi or metastases of the lymph nodes, as well as thyroid disorders, which may not always necessarily go with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, or thyroid surgery may cause hoarseness and probably foreign body sensation that is in the opinion Manual methods, such as osteopathy, can improve by getting up after exercise. Through the movement, everything could be more elastic and better blood circulation and so could more space for the nerves and the coughing be gone.
Rolfing therapist Thomas W. Myers, in his book "Anatomy Trains-Myofascial Meridians for Therapists", assumes that the deep structures of the anterior cervix are interconnected and able to influence one another via the internal organ structures and their internal connective tissue, the fascia , Thereafter, movement restrictions may also cause tension or pressure on the neck structures from the organs or thorax, which may cause irritation in the larynx or upper respiratory tract, which in turn may cause morning coughing.

Treatment in Naturopathy

From the point of view of manual therapies such as rolfing or osteopathy, it is crucial to manually resolve movement restrictions of a functional nature. These two concepts also consider the stress distribution in the body beyond the cervical region and see it as influenceable by the work on the body with the hands of the therapist. Thus, a normal function of the larynx and upper respiratory tract is possible.

According to another manual concept, which is based less on the anatomy, but on the statements of the affected person, the fascial distraction model (FDM), people with a morning cough often show a pull along the neck. This is considered after the FDM as a twist of fascial bands, called trigger bands, which are treated by running along the thumb. To some extent sufferers describe their complaints on a large scale. In FDM, it has been observed that this often appears after previous infections to the occurrence of this fascial distorsion, which is called cylinder distortion.

Phytotherapy comes in the morning cough, which is more of a dry nature, Auswurffördernde medicinal plants and mucilage drugs in question. Typical plants that can relieve (dry) coughing are coltsfoot, thyme and mullein. Plant mucus protect and caress the mucous membranes in case of dryness and irritation, so that inflammations can be avoided or better cured. Coughing in the morning can therefore also be improved by preparations with Icelandic moss or marshmallow root. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)