Cough, runny nose and hoarseness What really helps with a cold

Cough, runny nose and hoarseness What really helps with a cold / Health News

Combat symptoms of a cold: what really helps with cold and cough

Only a few people come without a cold through the autumn and winter months. First of all, for those infected, treat yourself to a lot of rest and wait until the illness subsides. But you can do something about the typical complaints like cough and runny nose. Medicines are usually not necessary.

With a cold you need a lot of rest

Cough, runny nose, hoarseness: A flu infection, the "simple" cold can be caught several times a year. Especially now in the cold season, when the heating air dries out the respiratory system, viruses have easy play. If you have become infected, just wait to rest and apply the right remedies for colds. Medication is usually not necessary here, well-tried home remedies are usually sufficient to cure.

In the cold season you catch a quick infection. Unfortunately, no herb has grown up against colds, but the individual symptoms can be well relieved with home remedies. (Image: ladysuzi /

Home remedies for common cold

Although no herb has grown up against colds, there are quite a few things that really help against the typical symptoms.

It is especially important to drink a lot. Through an increased fluid intake, the stubborn mucus dissolves better and the secretions in the nose are diluted.

In addition, the body gets back through it more fluid that is lost through excessive sweating by the disease.

Useless is the additional intake of vitamin C for colds. According to scientific findings, such preparations have no influence on the symptoms and duration of the disease.

Experts explain what can be done against the individual complaints of an infection.

Do not use nasal sprays too often

When the nose is clogged, some patients quickly resort to nasal sprays, but many experts believe that such sprays often do less than many simple home remedies for colds, such as inhalations.

Some physicians even point out that such remedies favor a stuffy nose. Anyone who still uses them should not do this for too long, as otherwise a habituation effect will occur.

Cardiac patients should be extra careful because some sprays can affect blood pressure.

As an alternative, nasal rinses instead of nasal sprays offer. Or homemade nose drops.

Natural remedies for sore throat

For a lighter sore throat it is important to wait. As the German Society for General Medicine and Family Medicine (DEGAM) explains in its patient information "sore throat", even over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can relieve the pain, but often natural remedies are sufficient.

"Use mild home remedies that you find beneficial (eg neck wrap, gargle with chamomile or sage tea or salt water [Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of table salt in a glass of water])," write the experts.

And further: "From time to time, suck a (sage) candy to moisten the neck! Treat yourself to peace! Stop smoking! "

Cold cough sounds even without drugs

In the patient guide "What helps with a cold cough?" DEGAM explains that coughing with a cold can take several weeks.

"Even without taking medication, a cold cough sounds usually after 2-3 weeks without consequences," said the association.

According to the information, only mild deficiency of symptoms has been demonstrated for myrtol, thyme / ivy or thyme / primrose root preparations.

As a home remedy for cough, inter alia, pads and wraps have proven.

The latter can also be effective as a home remedy for fever. And in the form of a calf wrap.

Drugs are not required in mild to moderate fever according to DEGAM. (Ad)