Cough & Cold Natural home remedies work

Cough & Cold Natural home remedies work / Health News

Autumn is just around the corner and temperatures are dropping. The most common complaints are colds, coughs and sore throat. Especially with colds, many patients swear by natural home remedies. After all, medicines can alleviate the symptoms of flu-like infections; they can not cure them. Home remedies are therefore recommended not only by naturopaths but also by more and more doctors. The ancient and traditional empirical medicine knows many forms of treatment and herbs that relieve cold symptoms.

Already in the morning, it scratches unpleasantly in the throat, the nose is blocked and the first headache indicates a serious infection. „Cold infections usually last about six days“, says Peter Walger from the professional association of German internists. Harmless are the infections. Pleasant but in no case. Nevertheless, sufferers should not discomfort with conventional medicines „wegbügeln“, as it commends Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from the German Family Physicians Association.

The Stiftung Warentest has also taken "chicken soup as a tried-and-tested home remedy" for colds under scrutiny and said, citing studies at the University of Nebraska, that "chicken soup in the body block certain white blood cells (neutrophils), which are responsible for inflammatory processes ". These neutrophils are released in viral infections such as influenza infections or in upper respiratory tract infections in large quantities. Furthermore, "the effect of the amino acid cysteine ​​contained in chicken broth has been analyzed in numerous studies". The protein is therefore "anti-inflammatory and has a decongestant on the mucous membranes," says the Stiftung Warentest. In addition, included „Chicken soup considerable amounts of the mineral zinc - bound to the protein building block Histidine.“ Zinc is also said to have a very positive effect on colds.

Special home remedies for various cold symptoms
Behind the symptoms is usually a viral upper respiratory tract infection, which heals in most cases after a maximum of one week on its own. Medicines have little effect on viruses, which is why the use of medicines for colds makes little sense. However, a variety of home remedies can be used to aid healing and alleviate the symptoms. Some remedies are aimed directly at certain symptoms of the common cold, such as the cold or cough, while others target the entire organism and rather develop a systemic effect. Almost every typical cold symptom can be treated with appropriate home remedies. For example, natural remedies include special home remedies for colds, home remedies for coughs, home remedies for sore throats, home remedies for hoarseness and home remedies for earache.

Chicken broth as a tried and tested home remedy for colds
Although the home remedies can not cure a viral infection, but advises Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from the German Family Doctors Association his patients „nevertheless to such means, because so one supports the body and relieves symptoms“, reports the news agency „dpa“. This also applies to the chicken broth, to whose effect Andreas Waltering of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), however, compared to the „dpa“ expressed some doubts. „A chilled person should take some chicken soup for a few days and after three days he will be asked how he is doing. (...) He feels better and the result of the study is: That's because of the chicken soup. A cold is usually better after a few days“, the news agency quotes the physician. But although the anti-inflammatory and mucosal decongestant effect is quite doubtful, Waltering stressed that chicken soup is recommended for colds. Because „it contains minerals, and with it you replace the fluid that is lost through sweating, such as increased temperature“, so the statement Walterings opposite the „dpa“.

Heat and adequate hydration particularly important
Replacing the fluid loss and providing adequate moisturization of the mucous membranes is the goal of many home remedies for colds. Because the mucous membranes are the first point of attack of the pathogens and with sufficient humidification they can better protect themselves from potential pathogens. The attackers are excreted with the secretion. Inhaling favors this mechanism and also clears blocked noses. Nasal douches can also help nourish the nasal mucous membranes and help flush out invading pathogens. A similar effect is gargling on the pharyngeal mucosa. A cold bath also promotes the moistening of the mucous membranes, whereby various essential oils can be added as an additive to the bathwater. The heat develops an additional positive effect, as it improves the blood circulation and thus supports the organism in the fight against the pathogens.

Select cold tea according to the respective symptoms
The positive effect of heat also comes into play in the various colds. In addition, the plants used here have different effects that can be used specifically against certain symptoms. For example, thyme reduces the irritation of the horse, sage or saline have an expectorant effect and chamomile dries out the cough, reports the „dpa“ citing Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from the German GP's Association. Which home remedy is suitable, depends on the respective symptoms. This also applies to the additives during inhalation. The basic mixture of the inhalation can also be used after cooling to gargle, explained the physician. In this way, the essential oils would directly wet the mucosal surface. According to the family doctor, preparations with a high concentration of menthol, such as peppermint oil, can be applied to a handkerchief and held in front of the nose. However, direct application on the skin is critical. Under no circumstances may „essential oils such as camphor and menthol are applied to the face of infants and toddlers“, quotes the „dpa“ Andreas Waltering from IQWiG. „This can lead to allergic reactions such as cramps and respiratory arrest“, Waltering continues.

After four days without improvement, a doctor's visit is advised
Despite home remedies after three to four days, still no improvement in the common cold, develop the affected high fever or feel significantly worse, advises Peter Walger of the professional association of German internists, according to the „dpa“ urgently to visit the doctor. Even supposedly harmless respiratory tract infections can possibly lead to much more serious complaints. Regarding the chicken broth as a standard home remedy for cold, the Stiftung Warentest is still the indication that their positive effect can be further improved by the addition of a piece of ginger root, a little chili and a handful of black beans. Although colds with medication can only be treated to a very limited extent, the wide range of home remedies offers numerous options. (Fp)

Picture: Erika Hartmann