Cravings for sweets - causes and control

Cravings for sweets - causes and control / symptoms

Food cravings for sweets

One of the most important pitfalls in weight control is the cravings for sweets dar. This may be due to mental health, but is also as a deficiency syndrome and by the disrupted processes of natural regulatory circuits in the body to evaluate. In the long term, the cravings for sweets can be stopped particularly effectively by a targeted change in diet and an improved self-perception.


  • Food cravings for sweets
  • Sweets as a soul comforter
  • Cravings as an indication of strained functional processes in the organism
  • Wholesome food stabilizes blood sugar levels and satiety
  • Exercise and enough sleep help against cravings
  • Learn to differentiate appetite and hunger

Sweets as a soul comforter

Being mentally motivated is the cravings, if negative feelings are improved or avoided by him. The irresistible appetite then regularly attacks us in situations of loneliness, anxiety, sadness, etc., where the enjoyment of sweetness can convey a sense of comfort, security, protection or simply well-being. This mechanism is more difficult to detect if cravings and the consumption of sweets suppress impending malaise in advance. The affected then report z. From a "sweet feeling" that initiates the craving for sweets.

The feeling of cravings for chocolate or other sweets is known to most people. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Cravings as an indication of strained functional processes in the organism

Cravings for sweets can also be an indication of excessive colonization of the intestine with yeasts, especially Candida albicans. In turn, fungal infections (mycoses) in humans are often observed in connection with a heavy metal load, which can ultimately also have a weakening effect on the insulin-producing part of the pancreas.

Similarly, a deficit of minerals may be behind the hunger cravings. Chromium, selenium and magnesium are discussed. This may be due to a lack of natural digestive juices (gastric acid, bile, pancreas) and hormones (such as the thyroid gland), such as under-functioning of the appropriate glands and organs.

However, vitamin and mineral deficiencies in our culture paradoxically arise mostly through over-nutrition. This refers to a diet that sends isolated carbohydrates of industrial sugar and white flour, junk food and sweets, the blood sugar level by rapid arrival and descend on "up and down" and the pancreas massively stress and strain.

As an early symptom of diabetes, food cravings occur in about a quarter of those affected. However, these do not lead to weight gain and are often associated with severe thirst and frequent urination.

To counter food cravings, a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables helps. (Image: Pixelot /

Wholesome food stabilizes blood sugar levels and satiety

An anamnesis and thorough (laboratory) examination by a naturopathic doctor should first of all give an insight into the possible cause (s). Thereafter, a specific treatment can be initiated. A naturopathic detoxification cure, for example, can already drastically reduce the sweetness appetite.

As self-measures, especially the changes of eating habits are suitable. The stabilization of the blood sugar level is of particular importance. This is supported by controlled meals, preferably without snacks. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables do not unnecessarily raise blood sugar levels and are rich in nutrients, which in turn boost your metabolism. Healthy foods that can meet the need for "sweet" are e.g. Carrots, cucumbers, Jerusalem artichokes, wholemeal bread and ginger tea.

Other alternatives to sweets are (small amounts) honey and nuts. The latter provide besides many important nutrients such as e.g. Potassium, vitamin E and magnesium are lots of energy. Although they are high in calories, they are very healthy due to the high content of essential, unsaturated fatty acids.

Exercise and enough sleep help against cravings

To get the craving for chocolate, wine gum, or raspberry cake under control, make sure you get enough exercise every day. Because physical activity changes the focus, distracts, is healthy and ensures physical well-being. Who always "keeps going" and feels fit often prefers "automatically" to the fruit bowl rather than the candy bag.

It is important that you drink a lot. Because it inhibits the appetite and supports the metabolism. Take at least 1.5 liters of fluid throughout the day. The most suitable are water and unsweetened tea, if medically there is no objection, now and then a diluted fruit juice spritzer can be drunk.

Try to sleep at least seven hours each night. Because with too short sleep is quickly cravings for fattening. As recent research shows, sleep deprivation activates certain areas of the brain that require the reward effect of unhealthy foods. Those who sleep enough, on the other hand, provide physical balance and are less at risk for sudden hunger attacks.

If it gets stressful at work, many people resort to chocolate, cake and Co. (Photo: fotofabrika /

Learn to differentiate appetite and hunger

A self-directed training can also be used to perceive and differentiate between hunger and appetite as well as to sense the emotional needs behind the "cravings". If, for example, you always crave liquorice when you watch an exciting movie or you absolutely "need" chocolate in stressful situations, this is not due to hunger, but to habits or emotional states.

If it does not work on its own, psychological counseling and hypnotherapeutic techniques can help uncover individual mechanisms and develop alternatives. (updated on 3.8.2016; jvs, nr)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)

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