Cravings alternatives to sweets

Cravings alternatives to sweets / Health News

Cravings: There are also alternatives to sweets


Everyone knows the food cravings, where you get out of nowhere an irrepressible appetite for something sweet. The triggers have a diverse origin and can be triggered by frustration, stress, acute hypoglycaemia, but also by gastric dysfunction. There are some ways to effectively prevent cravings.

The theme booklet „Sweets“ The Consumer Initiative advises, for example, to resort to fruit, fresh vegetables and unsweetened tea instead of chocolate and chips. Five portions per day are the rule of thumb.

Nuts can also be a good substitute. In addition to potassium, vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, magnesium, zinc, calcium and phosphorus, the nuts also provide a lot of energy. However, one should keep in mind the high fat content when dealing with weight problems. So 100 grams of walnuts have about 600 kilocalories, which is about one quarter of the total energy needs of an adult, the consumer initiative. They should therefore be consumed in moderation. Nuts also exert a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the body and strengthen it.

Dietary fiber can help curb cravings, as the indigestible plant fibers are soaked in liquid in the stomach. This causes a feeling of satiety in the body.

Anyone who rushes through the entire day from one appointment to another, whether professional or private, should integrate enough exercise into their day-to-day life as compensation. Sporting activities promote a sense of balance and one is less tempted to grab something sweet on the couch in the evenings. (Fr)

Image: Mensi