Cravings for cannabinoids

Cravings for cannabinoids / Health News

Study shows: cravings are triggered by cannabinoids


Certain nerve cells, which are normally polarized to curb appetite, can, with the help of cannabinoids, have the opposite effect, triggering cravings.

Cannabinoids are found in the hemp plant and are biochemical messengers that transmit stimuli between nerve cells. So that her message can be read in the stimulus-receiving cell, she has a kind of recording device, the so-called cannabinoid receptors. It is known that users of marijuana develop cravings. The effect occurs even when your stomach is well filled. With the cannabinoid 1 receptor, the receptor responsible for the appetite-stimulating effect is known.

In the hypothalamic area of ​​the brain, there is a group of specialized nerve cells that become active after a meal and trigger satiety. These are so-called pro-opiomelancortin-containing nerve cells or short POMC neurons. They reduce their appetite by releasing a specific hormone.

The scientists hypothesized that in the saturated mice that continued to eat after an injection of cannabinoids, the appetite-suppressing POMC neurons would be eliminated. Surprisingly, however, they found that the POMC neurons by no means switched off, but on the contrary actually fueled even activated hunger. The cannabinoids reversed the POMC neurons and made them release the hungry hormone beta-endorphin as a messenger. Their findings could be important for obesity research. The study can be found here. (Pm)

Picture: NicoLeHe