Prevent cravings through a healthy diet

Prevent cravings through a healthy diet / Health News

Prevent cravings through a healthy diet


Especially in professions with a lot of stress many people are overcome with cravings. Anyone who has also put an end to cigarette smoking, will be more often confronted with real food cravings. But if you prevent it, you can significantly reduce the risk of weight gain.

All of a sudden it overcomes: the incessant desire to eat something. In order to avoid a cravings attack, Michaela Bänsch, nutrition lecturer at the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy in Saarbrücken recommends selecting the right foods before each work begins. The best sources for a positive and healthy diet are vegetables, fruits and whole grains. White flour products such as bread rolls or toast should necessarily be banished from the diet as far as possible. Also sugar-containing drinks and sweets should only to a very small extent belong to the nutrition, explained the nutrition expert.

Food cravings often result from hypoglycaemia after eating. After eating sweets, white flour, sugar sodas and finished products, the blood sugar level rises sharply and insulin is released. "This in turn causes the blood sugar level to drop, and if it drops sharply, cravings for sweets are the result."

The expert therefore recommends structured and regular eating. It also means that you should not miss a main meal if possible. For starvation in between you should eat unprocessed vegetables such as carrots or celery. Also ideal is fruit such as bananas and apples. You can also prevent it while shopping. Foods that can cause a food cravings, you should best not even buy or take only in very small quantities with home. Then one does not get tempted in retrospect.

Cravings also the first sign of diabetes
As an early symptom of diabetes type II disease occur in about a quarter of patients food cravings on. However, these do not lead to weight gain and are often associated with severe thirst and increased urination. (Sb)

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Picture credits: Gerd Altmann,