Fluid in the knee

Fluid in the knee / symptoms
Fluid in the knee means that body fluids such as blood, synovial fluid or even pus have accumulated there. These so-called effusions do not belong in the knee and must be treated. Fluid in the knee is usually associated with pain.


  • Insight into the knee
  • Causes of knee joint effusion
  • symptoms
  • Inflammation in the knee
  • Injuries, operations
  • diagnostic procedures
  • treatment methods
  • prevention
  • Naturopathy
  • home remedies
  • nutrition

Insight into the knee

The knee joint is surrounded by a capsule. It contains so-called synovial fluid. This consists of clear body fluid and serves to "lubricate" the joint. This fluid in the knee is completely normal and also very important. However, if there is too much of it, or if it contains blood or even pus, this is pathological, the knee swells and usually causes massive pain.

In particular, under stress such as when hiking sometimes fluid collects in the knee, if there is already a pre-existing disease. (Image: Shakzu / fotolia.com)

Causes of knee joint effusion

A knee joint effusion means a pathological accumulation of fluid in the knee. Causes of the effusion are inflammations, infections, rheumatic diseases, sports overload, operations and injuries.


The symptoms associated with fluid in the knee include redness, swelling, overheating, knee pain, and limited range of motion. Often, the knee can not be properly angled.

Inflammation in the knee

In inflammation in the knee is usually also fluid with it, which collects in the joint. Knee arthritis is such an inflammation in the knee. This should not be mistaken for osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative and non-inflammatory disease. However, arthritis can develop from osteoarthritis. Also possible is a bacterial inflammation of the knee, which is very serious in any case. Gout is also one of the potential causes.

Purulent arthritis can sometimes develop very seriously and lead to the destruction of the cartilage. The germs can also spread throughout the body, which may be life-threatening. If a knee joint is destroyed too much, an artificial joint may be required.

The cause of fluid accumulation is often inflammation and signs of wear that damage the structures in the knee. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation that often occurs on both halves of the body simultaneously. Because this condition is not completely curable, sufferers suffer from chronic pain that is more or less severe.

Fluid in the knee can also be triggered by viruses or fungi. The responsible viruses include hepatitis, rubella or mumps viruses. Mushrooms that can be responsible are, for example, yeasts.

The knee has so-called bursae in its vicinity. These serve as protection and pad against excessive load. Constant stress or pressure causes the bursa to become inflamed, causing swelling and fluid in the knee. Other causes of knee joint effusion are overloading and incorrect loading.

Injuries, operations

Damage to the meniscus, tearing of the cruciate ligament, tearing of internal or external ligaments, a bruise or sprain - all this can lead to fluid in the knee. Likewise, after a knee surgery often the accumulation of fluid in the knee is observed.

The diagnosis of fluid retention in the knee is often based on imaging techniques such as ultrasound examination. (Image: endostock / fotolia.com)

diagnostic procedures

In order to be able to make a correct diagnosis of fluid in the knee, various diagnostic procedures are used. This first includes a detailed history. Here are the following questions are important: How are the pain, when they occur, how long do they already exist, was there a trigger, there are other diseases. Then the knee is usually examined for mobility and function. In most cases, additional imaging techniques such as MRI, CT, ultrasound and X-rays are used. Eventually the knee has to be punctured. As a result, this is relieved and the withdrawn liquid can be examined in case of suspicion, on pathogens.

treatment methods

The treatment procedures depend on the underlying disease. Occasionally the fluid in the knee needs to be removed by a puncture. To fight against the inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The affected leg must be stored high and eventually the joint should be immobilized.


In order not to get any fluid in the knee, sport should be operated, which does not strain the knees too much. Likewise, in everyday life and at work to avoid the avoidance of bad stress. First symptoms should be taken seriously and a doctor should be consulted for clarification.

In naturopathy, acupuncture is often used for fluid retention in the knee. (Image: WavebreakmediaMicro / fotolia.com)


Naturopathy has many resources available to help with knee problems associated with fluid in the knee. How to use the Schüssler salt No. 3 in inflammation, No. 4 potassium chloratum has a positive effect on the mucosa and No. 8 Natrium chloratum ensures a balanced fluid balance, or counteracts the effusion. Homeopathy uses remedies such as Sticta pulmonaria, Bryonia alba, Rhus toxicodendron and Apis mellifica.

Especially in the presence of arthritis, a chronic disease, helps the devil's claw. It ensures preventively that no effusion is formed at all. The nettle is also a recommended plant for fluid in the knee. Both plants are available as tea or in tablet form.

In naturopathic practice, acupuncture is often used in knee joint effusion. The foot reflexology massage is also a proven remedy for diseases of the knee.

home remedies

In case of fluid in the knee, the following home remedies can provide relief. The well-known Quarkwickel pulls the inflammation out of the joint. For this, some lean quark is spread in the middle of a cotton cloth, the other two ends are closed and the thin side of the cloth is wrapped around the knee. There, the wrap can remain until it is no longer cool.

What also takes the swelling something, is ice. This is packed in a cloth and put on the knee. - but not longer than 20 minutes. Gladly the ice application can be repeated several times a day. But never without cloth, the ice must not touch the skin.

A cabbage wrap (savoy cabbage or white cabbage) also serves well. For this, the midribs are removed and the leaves are then rolled flat with a rolling pin until juice emerges and then placed on the aching knee and fixed with a cloth. The envelope can stay there until the cabbage leaves are dry.

If osteoarthritis is the root cause, massaging the thighs with a tennis ball can help. Stretching is also important. A physiotherapist can show the right exercises.

Celery is known as soup spice. But it is also possible to make a tea from this vegetable, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. For this, the celeriac is cut into small pieces, placed in a pot of cold water and boiled. The distilled water is the finished tea, from which, sweetened with a little honey, are drunk two cups a day. The tea is also diuretic, insane, helps with stomach weakness and detoxifies.

Willow-bark tea has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which can, for example, help against fluid retention in the knee in arthritis. (Image: LianeM / & fotolia.com)

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic is the willow bark tea. A teaspoon of the cut willow bark is made up with 250 ml of cold water, boiled for about five minutes and then strained. Three cups a day are recommended.


In case of a disease of the knee in connection with fluid, a diet is recommended, which is predominantly basic. This means that everything animal should be massively reduced. Likewise, sugar and white flour should be avoided. A fluid intake of two to three liters of still water must not be forgotten. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)