Fluid prevents muscle spasms while jogging

Fluid prevents muscle spasms while jogging / Health News

A lot of fluid prevents muscle cramps while jogging


Many joggers suffer from muscle cramps while running. The trigger is often not magnesium deficiency but too little fluid. Endurance athletes should therefore drink a lot and watch out for enough sodium in the sports drink.

Untrained joggers lose many minerals through sweating
„The actual cause of convulsions is usually fluid loss“, reports Professor Martina Herget from the German University for Prevention and Health Management in Saarbrücken. „Therefore, in addition to daily, on-demand delivery of all important minerals, the best prevention is to provide adequate hydration before and during exercise.“ Untrained joggers lose a lot of minerals when they sweat. Herget recommends a sports drink with enough sodium. About 0.5 grams of cooking salt per liter is an appropriate amount. „Sodium losses are significantly more likely to be the cause of convulsions than magnesium deficiency.“

The commonly cited magnesium deficiency as the cause of convulsions occurs therefore less frequently. The recommended daily allowance of 400 milligrams of magnesium is easy for healthy people to eat. Oatmeal, nuts, beans and whole grains are particularly suitable for this, reports the expert. „If there is a magnesium deficiency, it is necessary to replenish storage“, she explains. A one-time intake is not enough for this.

Health damage caused by overexertion while jogging
Herget advises to pay attention to a suitable load while jogging and suitable footwear. A study carried out on behalf of the AOK already showed last year that too much physical effort while jogging is not healthy. The result of the investigation: the exaggerated performance aspect of jogging even negates the supposed benefits of physical activity. While so far more damage to the joints caused by incorrect footwear while jogging has been discussed, other possible health impairments due to running are also under discussion in the meantime. Regular overstrain during jogging can lead to permanent exhaustion, fatigue and exhaustion. This may lead to severe muscular problems and cardiovascular stress. (Ag)

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Image: Petra Bork