Excessive (heavy) sweating

- Definition: Excessive sweating
- Causes of heavy sweating
- Excessive sweating during exercise
- Heavy sweating under the armpits
- Excessive sweating all over
- Cold sweats
- Strong night sweat
- Treatment for excessive sweat production
- Naturopathy in hyperhidrosis
Definition: Excessive sweating
The term "hyperhidrosis" describes excessive sweating, which occurs mainly on the hands (sweating hands, hyperidrosis manuum), feet (sweaty feet, hyerhidrosis pedis) and under the axillae (hyperhidrosis axillaris). Often it comes especially at night to violent sweat attacks, the entire body and reinforced the dam are affected. In addition, there are often itching (pruritus) and skin inflammation, in addition, the sweat is sometimes malodorous. There is no dependence on the outside temperature.
Sweating is usually a very natural and important process because it helps regulate the body's temperature by evaporating water on the surface of the body, removing heat from the skin. At the same time, unnecessary or harmful substances are eliminated with the water. In this respect, sweating is an important body detoxification and detoxification function. The amount of perspiration that is produced for cooling can be very different from person to person. For the medical assessment of hyperhidrosis, therefore, it is not a definite limit that is decisive, but whether there is a disorder of the sweat glands.
Causes of heavy sweating
In most cases, excessive sweating is associated with disturbances of the autonomic nervous system (vegetative dystonia). In addition to the hyperhidrosis then there is nervousness or inner restlessness, mental and nervous overload and disorders in the sexual area. In addition, there are labile circulatory conditions, circulatory disorders and anemia. In women a connection with standard disturbances is observed. In addition, mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders with and without panic attacks as well as some organic diseases in question, which bring heavy sweating.
Organic diseases that can occur with increased sweating, are diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson's, circulatory disorders, myocardial infarction, liver disease (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis), kidney disease (nephritis, nephrolithiasis, contracted kidney, migratory), chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases, Graves' disease , Hyperthyroidism, rickets and spinal cord tumors, and spinal cord inflammation (myelitis). The use of certain medications (such as neuroleptics, salicylic acid) may also be the cause.
Excessive sweating during exercise
Increased sweat production can therefore have very different causes. A safe and natural process is profuse sweating as the body temperature increases, e.g. from warm temperatures, physical exertion (such as carrying heavy loads, sports) or too warm clothing. Because in this case, sweating helps to equalize temperature differences and direct excessive heat out of the body's interior. If, during sports or physically demanding work, more energy is consumed than usual and the body heats up, excess heat is released again to prevent overheating.
How fast or strong someone sweats during physical exertion can be quite different. Accordingly, when people warm up, the water runs down the body, in other cases it takes a long time for the sweat glands to start working. In addition, individual transpiration is influenced by various factors such as stress, hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.), diet or body weight, which can change the sweating behavior at any time.
Heavy sweating under the armpits
If there are regular attacks of severe sweating in certain places, it is usually a case of so-called "idiopathic" or "primary hyperhidrosis," which occurs without apparent cause. Frequently sweat affected again and again violently under the armpits or on the forehead and head, typical are also constantly wet or damp hands and soles. In pronounced cases, the sweat runs "in streams" during the eruptions, but at night the problem hardly occurs. As the skin on the affected body quickly softens due to the constant moisture, the risk of fungal infections increases. In most cases, pronounced transpiration has a massive impact on everyday life, e.g. Shaking hands is avoided or there is constant fear of others discovering the large sweat stains under the arms. As a result, many sufferers withdraw more and more, which often intensifies fears and causes depressive moods.
In idiopathic hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands produce sweat more frequently than necessary, the cause being unclear. An important role is attributed to genetic factors. In addition, experts often suspect that in this disorder, an overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and the nerve messenger acetylcholine, which stimulates the sweat glands. In order for the sweat to break out suddenly, this form of hyperhidrosis in many cases already provides minimal or "harmless" stimuli such as being together with other people or a stressful situation in the job. For other sufferers, obvious triggers are again completely absent, so that the transpiration is seemingly "out of nowhere" cranked.
Excessive sweating all over
Sweating affected people on the head and whole body strong, is usually a so-called "secondary hyperhidrosis" before. In this case, the formation of sweat occurs as a result or in the company of a physical change or stress or other illness. For example, an imbalance of hormone balance, such as hormone balance, may be considered. during menopause (climacteric) or during pregnancy, obesity (obesity) or excessive alcohol consumption. Stress or mental stress can also trigger a secondary hyperhidrosis. Although sweating is a natural body reaction in case of excitement or nervousness, however, if there is permanent nervous tension or psychological pressure, this often occurs uncontrollably and to a greater extent. Patients often suffer from other symptoms such as insomnia, tiredness, severe inner restlessness, nervousness, cardiovascular problems or dizziness.
In addition to hormone and metabolic diseases such as. thyroid hyperfunction or chronic thyroid inflammation ("Hashimoto's thyroiditis"), infectious diseases (e.g., pneumonia, influenza), neurological disorders (e.g., Parkinson's disease), or metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus ("sugar"). Excessive sweating may also be a "side effect" ("secondary" = lat. "Second") of various tumor diseases (eg, pheochromocytoma, insulinoma), nerve damage (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhages, spinal cord damage, etc.) or psychiatric disorders such as anxiety. Neurosis or depression occur.
In addition, increased transpiration may also be an undesirable side effect of certain medications. Here, for example, cortisone, thyroid drugs or some anticancer drugs come into question, as well as circulation-promoting agents, so-called "parasympathetic mimetics" (for example in glaucoma, intestinal problems, dry mouth) or drugs that affect the central nervous system in the brain. These include, among others, antidepressants, strong analgesics (opioids) as well as some neuroleptics, which are used in psychosis and excitement.
Cold sweats
If cold sweats occur suddenly and precipitously, e.g. on the forehead or even the whole body, this may indicate an acute emergency such as a heart attack. Here, typically, severe chest pain occurs behind the sternum, which often radiates into the arms (more left), shoulders, lower jaw, or upper abdomen. There are also other symptoms such as tightness and heavy pressure in the chest, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness and facial blanching. Also, sufferers often report breathlessness, agony and severe restlessness. Even with a stroke, there is often a sudden cold sweat breakout. Other typical symptoms are here e.g. half-sided paralysis and numbness, speech and comprehension disorders, blurred vision, dizziness and very severe headache. If there is the slightest suspicion of a heart attack or stroke, the emergency number 112 should be chosen as soon as possible, because these are acute emergencies that can end fatally if time is delayed.
Strong night sweat
If excessive sweating occurs during the night or while sleeping ("nocturnal hyperhidrosis"), various causes may also be considered. In many cases, however, this is a normal and harmless reaction of the body to certain external influences such. warm air heating in the bedroom or too thick duvet. In addition, the consumption of spicy or heavy, greasy food just before sleep can also increase the production of sweat, as well as nicotine or the previous consumption of alcohol or certain drugs (speed, ecstasy, etc.)..
Especially when people, very often suffer from nocturnal sweating and / or the amount of sweat is extremely large, various diseases come as a cause in question. Often it is hormonal disorders such. a thyroid dysfunction or metabolic diseases such as diabetes, also can be an infectious disease (flu, tuberculosis, HIV, etc.) or inflammation of the inner lining of the reason for the unpleasant heavy transpiring at night. Also possible are certain cancers (e.g., leukemia, Hodgkin's disease) and autoimmune diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) as well as neurological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Parkinson's disease, in addition, it comes in some patients after a stroke to increased (one-sided) night sweats.
Often the psyche plays an important role in heavy sweat attacks at night. Because there is a high level of stress and emotional exhaustion, sufferers often do not come to rest at night, but are then just then caught up in their worries and thoughts and roll uneasily back and forth. If the stress is not correspondingly reduced and the body instead kept under constant tension, accordingly increases the release of stress hormones and thus the overloading of body and psyche. In addition to sleep problems and nocturnal sweat attacks, this can lead to different symptoms, such as headache and abdominal pain, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, nervousness and severe irritability.
If the mental conflicts are resolved or the mental tension correspondingly diminished, usually the stress-induced heavy night sweating goes back again. In some cases, however, fears are also due to illness and, therefore, so pronounced that they severely limit the lives of those affected. This may be e.g. To deal with a pronounced fear of exams or a heart neurosis, fears often occur in connection with other mental illnesses such as eating disorders, depression or psychosis. Accordingly, anxiety can manifest itself in very different ways and intensities, e.g. in the form of a steadily increasing internal restlessness or by a regular, sudden onset of panic attack. In addition to (next) sweats, there are massive physical symptoms such as palpitations, difficulty in breathing, dizziness and tremors, and in more serious cases hyperventilation, convulsions or fainting.
Patients regularly take certain medications such as Antidepressants, antihypertensives or hormone preparations, it can also be a side effect of the nightly heavy sweating. Frequently there is also a connection with hormonal changes such as e.g. during pregnancy or menopause, although the symptoms usually occur only temporarily.
Treatment for excessive sweat production
If secondary hyperhidrosis is present, therapy will be based on the underlying condition (hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, cancer, hyperthyroidism, etc.). If the causal therapy can not adequately eliminate excessive sweating, various other conservative (non-surgical) and surgical surgical treatments are available. The same applies if it is an idiopathic or primary symptoms with no apparent cause. Possible here are e.g. Injections of the nerve agent botulinum toxin A (for example into the skin under the armpit), which blocks the nerve lines and thus almost completely stops sweat production for a long time. Also antiperspirants such as e.g. The active ingredient aluminum chloride are often used to regulate sweat production. If these do not show sufficient effect and / or the whole body is affected by the strong transpiration, the doctor can also prescribe medication with the active ingredient anticholinergic. However, these are only of limited effectiveness and instead can quickly cause unwanted side effects, e.g. Cause headaches or intestinal and stomach problems.
If the increased transpiration mainly affects the hands and feet, the so-called "iontophoresis" can be used, in which weak, continuous direct current is conducted through the affected areas of the skin with the aid of water baths or sponges. If conservative treatment methods prove unsuccessful, surgical treatment may also be useful in hyperhidrosis to alleviate the symptoms. Here, for example, increased axillary sweat can be stopped by removing the sweat glands (sweat gland excision). If the armpits, hands or face are particularly affected, a so-called "Endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy" (ETS) is also suitable. It cuts through certain nerves in the ribcage that are normally responsible for stimulating the sweat glands. As a result, sweating is prevented in the corresponding parts of the body, but this occurs in many patients after the procedure in other places (compensatory sweating).
Naturopathy in hyperhidrosis
As an alternative to conventional medical approaches, homeopathic medicines are increasingly being used in cases of increased sweat production without an organic cause. These consist in many cases of basic plant substances, which regulate the activity of the sweat glands and thus the unpleasant sweating can be contained. Another advantage is the generally good compatibility, so that homeopathic remedies, unlike conventional medicines, can usually be taken over a longer period without any problems. Salvia officinalis (true sage), which generally limits the activity of the sweat glands, is recommended here. If the sweat attacks are hormonal (for example due to the menopause) or symptom of an existing underlying disease (for example, hyperthyroidism), Jaborandi (Rutakraut) can help.
If severe sweating occurs primarily in certain areas of the body (for example, on the hands, armpits) or especially at certain times (for example, at night), Hahnemanni Calcium Carbonicum has proved successful in many cases. Boletus laricis (tubbellum) can also help in severe (especially at night) transpiration, as well as Mercurius solubilis and Acidum sulfuricum. However, the selection of globules should not be done on one's own initiative, but should instead be done by an experienced homeopath or naturopathic doctor. For the latter first gets an exact picture of his patient before he decides which remedy best suits the symptoms and constitution of the person affected.
Certain methods of hydrotherapy according to Pastor Sebastian Kneipp are also suitable for increased perspiration. Here come, for example Cold-warm showers or cold-water envelopes are possible, which are changed every five minutes or so. Alternatively, the pads can also be made from oak bark, mallow or (cold) black tea. For internal and external use (such as washing, rinsing, baths) is also the traditional medicinal plant sage particularly well, by both antiperspirant and astringent (astringent) and has a disinfecting effect. A proven home remedy for internal use is here e.g. For this one to two teaspoons sage with hot water is brewed and strained after five to ten minutes. The tea is drunk in heavy sweating, e.g. as a cure for four weeks three to four times a day.
In addition, come from the field of herbal medicine due to their astringent effect, for example, oak bark, magic shrub (Hamamelis virginiana) and walnut leaves into consideration. Acupuncture can also help with increased perspiration, as well as applications in the field of aromatherapy. Here are various essential oils such as sage, chamomile, willow or hyssop in question, which can help, for example, as an additive in baths or skin cream, to reconcile body, soul and spirit.
If excessive sweating can be attributed to certain lifestyle habits, consistent changes should be made here. This means, for example, the reduction of obesity, and the conversion of the diet, which should be waived especially on "sweat drivers" such as spicy food, coffee and alcohol. In addition, it is recommended to wear air permeable clothing, regular physical activity and appropriate hygiene. Especially with sweaty feet, leather shoes or leather soles should always be worn, as well as sandals in warm weather. It is advisable to walk barefoot as often as possible to normalize the function of the sweat glands.
Since heavy transpiration is often closely associated with increased stress and inner tension, in many cases relaxation exercises to relieve stress are very helpful. Here can u.a. Yoga, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation help to strengthen the inner center and thereby regulate sweat production. If it is deep-seated conflicts or serious, stressful problems, of which the affected person is "depressed", in addition to the psychological counseling or therapy can be very helpful and relieving. Here one possible approach is to first visualize one's own behavior, e.g. is documented daily when or in which situations the strong sweat attacks occur. Then sufferers then learn, e.g. in the context of a cognitive behavioral therapy, as they are using breathing techniques or the like. Strengthen your inner balance and reduce fears and uncertainties. (No)