Overmedication in dementia patients

Often, dementia sufferers receive sedative neuroleptic medications
Many dementia patients are sedated with unnecessarily high doses of neuroleptics. The Bremer health economist Professor doctor Gerd Glaeske criticized in the interview with the ZDF, the widespread in Germany over-medication of dementia patients. Around half of the dementia patients of the highest care level are treated in the nursing homes with sedating neuroleptics, although with adapted care significantly less drugs would have to be prescribed, so the charge of the expert.
The over-medication of dementia patients is completely unacceptable, according to the renowned health economist Gerd Glaeske from the Center for Social Policy of the University of Bremen. The common practice of restraining patients in the highest care level through strong medication is similar „Violence against the elderly“, stressed Glaeske in „morning show“ of „ZDF“. By appropriate care, the use of sedating neuroleptics could be significantly reduced and thus the health of those affected be spared, Glaeske continued. According to the expert, dementia patients who are treated with strong neuroleptics, a significantly reduced life expectancy.
Drug immobilization of dementia patients unacceptable
Well over one million people in Germany suffer from dementia. The neurodegenerative disease can drag on in its various forms over years and, at a certain stage of the disease, results in a comprehensive care need of those affected. The expert from the Department of Health Economics, Health Policy and Health Services Research at the University of Bremen now complained that the dementia patients in the care are far too often treated with sedating neuroleptics. About half of dementia patients in the highest care level receive appropriate medication, although various studies show, „that you can give up to twenty or thirty percent less (neuroleptics) if the care is appropriate“, criticized Prof. dr. Glaeske. According to the expert, the over-medication of dementia patients is associated with numerous health risks and the life expectancy of those affected may be significantly reduced. Therefore, Glaeske advises to treat in the future exclusively dementia patients who pose a risk to themselves and / or others with such neuroleptics. The immobilization of dementia patients by the strong drugs in some nursing homes, however, is „Violence against the elderly“, emphasized the Bremen health economist.
Overload of nursing staff Reason for over-medication?
Although not mentioned by Glaeske, in the background of the discussion is also a possible overloading of nursing homes by the massive increase in dementia. Those affected often cause considerable care over a longer period, which is difficult to finance even with the highest care rates. For example, some institutions are trying to reduce the need for care by increasing the use of medicines. Although the over-medication of dementia patients also causes additional costs, but the staffing costs in the field of care can be significantly reduced in this way, so that the old-age and care facility in the end probably even save money. However, at the expense of the health of dementia patients. Because for them the health risks increase, the life expectancy sinks and the dementia illnesses in any case massively limited participation in the social life is additionally impaired. The demand of the Bremen health economists for a significant reduction in the use of neuroleptics in the care of dementia patients, therefore seems quite justified - but remains to be seen whether appropriate measures follow. (Fp)
Read about dementia and Alzheimer's:
Dementia: holistic treatment approach
Age dementia in Germany on the rise
Obesity increases the risk of dementia
Dementia becomes a common disease
Image: Anja Wichmann / edited: Gerd Altmann