Vaginal discharge vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is a relatively common side effect in many women over the course of their menstrual cycle, but increased vaginal discharge may also be due to a serious medical condition that requires urgent medical attention. Changes in consistency, odor, and secretion levels should be considered as potential warning signs.
- definition
- Function of the vaginal secretion
- symptoms
- Causes of vaginal discharge
- Vaginal fungus / vaginal yeast infection
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Trichomoniasis
- Infections with herpesviruses
- cancers
- Other causes of vaginal discharge
- diagnosis
- Treatment for vaginal discharge
- Naturopathy at discharge from the vagina
Vaginal discharge refers to secretion secretion via the vagina. The medical terms are fluorine vaginalis or even genitalis. Occasionally there is further differentiation of the vaginal discharge according to the site of secretion formation (for example, vestibular fluorine, formation in the vaginal atrial gland or cervical fluorine, formation in the cervix). Also, for certain forms of vaginal discharge, such as secretion delivery just before ovulation (Fluor albus or white flow), there are separate names.Excessive vaginal discharge often causes discomfort to affected women, and can be the cause of serious illness. (Image: SENTELLO /
Function of the vaginal secretion
The mucous membranes inside the vagina are constantly covered with vaginal secretions, which here play an important protective role against invading bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens. Countless useful microorganisms live in the secretion or colonize the vagina and form here the so-called vaginal flora. A large part of them are special lactic acid bacteria, the so-called Döderlein bacteria, which provide for the production of lactic acid for an acid vaginal environment. This in turn is important for warding off invading pathogens, because the latter are difficult to reproduce in the acidic environment. With the vaginal secretions, the germs are also transported away in the direction of the vaginal opening. If the bacterial milieu of the vagina is disturbed, for example, by exaggerated or incorrect hygiene or the ingestion of antibiotics, the natural protective function diminishes and pathogens can spread more frequently. Bacterial vaginal infections or vaginal yeast infections are common here. The mucous membranes swell and react with increased secretion.
Vaginal discharge usually occurs in healthy women in the form of a clear, odorless, rather fluid secretion, but may vary significantly depending on possible disease and hormonal changes in both consistency and odor and color. If, for example, the discharge is malodorous, greyish and fluid, this is considered an indication of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal inflammation (colpitis). Brownish, bloody vaginal secretions, for example, occur in internal injuries and malignant tumors (malignancies). The specific shape of the vaginal discharge in the different triggers and the accompanying symptoms that can be expected will be explained in more detail in connection with the explanations of the causes of the vaginal discharge. In general, those affected by the diseases that can lead to discharge from the vagina, often accompanied by a severe burning in the genital area and an itchy vagina. But sometimes these conspicuous disease features are completely missing, so that those affected are initially aware of any disease.
Causes of vaginal discharge
The possible causes of vaginal discharge range from hormonal changes in the course of the menstrual cycle or menopause via mycogenic, viral, bacterial or parasitic vaginal infections to possible cancers such as vaginal cancer (cervical cancer), cervical cancer (cervical cancer) or endometrial cancer (uterine cancer) , On the basis of the nature of the outflow, it is often possible to draw conclusions about its cause.

Vaginal fungus / vaginal yeast infection
One of the most common causes of abnormal changes in vaginal secretion is vaginal yeast infection, which is accompanied by inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis or colpitis). The discharge appears whitish to yellowish, odorless and slightly thick consistency. When grated, the secretion looks crumbly, friable. On the mucous membrane of the vagina are sometimes white, not wipeable coverings to observe. In the case of a severe course of infection, these so-called soil deposits are also recognizable in the area of the vulva. The vaginal yeast infections are often accompanied by a strong itching and massive skin irritations that affect not only the genital area itself, but sometimes also the inside of the thighs. A large itchy rash is the result. Damage to the skin can sometimes cause pain during intercourse and urination.
Most of the vaginal mycosis is caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans, which forms a normally harmless part of the vaginal flora. However, if the vaginal environment is impaired, a pathological proliferation of the fungus can begin. Disorders of the vaginal milieu, for example, due to a general weakening of the immune system, hormone fluctuations, mechanical irritation due to inappropriate clothing (too tight, impermeable to air), errors in intimate hygiene or the intake of antibiotics. Sexual intercourse is also considered a risk factor here.
Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginal infections can also cause vaginal discharge and increased vaginal discharge. Frequent triggers are bacteria of the genus Gardnerella vaginalis, genital mycoplasmas and chlamydia. In an infection caused by Gardnerella vaginalis or other anaerobic bacteria, the vaginal discharge is often thin, greyish-yellowish with an unpleasant fishy odor. Infection with Chlamydia or Mycoplasma, however, is not associated with comparable conspicuous changes in vaginal secretion. The discharge is slightly whitish and remains odorless. Skin irritation, itching and burning may also occur with bacterial vaginosis, but are much less common and less marked than with vaginal yeast infections. If the inflammation passes to the vulva, this is called vulvovaginitis. In the case of the partners of the affected women, bacterial inflammations of the glans can often be observed in such cases.
Vaginal discharge may also be due to trichomoniasis caused by certain flagellates (trichomonads). This sexually transmitted disease leads to inflammation of the vagina, which causes a yellowish-greenish, fluid to foaming, unpleasant-smelling discharge. Itchy itching is also an often observed concomitant symptom here. Sometimes the infection also spreads to the urethra, the uterus and the bladder, causing here appropriate inflammation. The flagellates cause long-term tiny damage to the mucous membranes, which persist even after a successful therapy and bring a permanently increased HIV risk.
Infections with herpesviruses
Another possible cause of vaginal discharge are vaginal herpes infections, also called genital herpes. These are among the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases. Triggers are usually viruses of the genus Herpes simplex type 2. Typical feature of genital herpes are the painful, itchy cold sores in the genital area. The herpes infection can also lead to inflammation of the vulva and vagina, which is accompanied by an increased vaginal discharge. In addition, at worst threatens the person affected an extension of the herpes infection on other organs, which can take life-threatening forms, for example, in an infestation of the brain. The herpes viruses remain even after surviving disease in the organism and can theoretically lead again at any time to an acute infection, the causes of a reactivation of the viruses are not yet clarified to this day.
Various cancers are also associated with increased vaginal discharge. In particular, vaginal carcinomas, cervical carcinomas and endometrial carcinomas should be mentioned here. Particularly critical in the case of cancer is that they are often already at a very advanced stage when the first symptoms appear. Spotting and bloody discharge are often the first signs of the disease. Recurrent abdominal pain can also indicate cancer. In the later stage, a flesh-colored, watery discharge can be seen in uterine or cervical cancer, which smells slightly sweetish.
Other causes of vaginal discharge
Another potential cause of the vaginal discharge is, for example, a disease of gonorrhea (gonorrhea). This is caused by gonococcal venereal disease in women causes inflammation of the cervix and possibly an inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries (adnexitis), which brings with it strong purulent discharge. Through the bloodstream, the pathogens can also affect other organs and cause the worst case, life-threatening meningitis or inflammation of the heart (endocarditis).
In rare cases, pelvic inflammatory disease and corresponding outflow can also be observed in the context of tuberculosis. These so-called urogenital tuberculosis form a secondary form of tuberculosis, which is caused by a spread of the pathogens via the bloodstream. Previously, the disease has usually manifested in the form of pulmonary tuberculosis with symptoms such as loss of appetite, cough, fever and lymph node swelling.
In some women, the vaginal discharge is not due to physical but to mental causes. Patients, for example, show an increase in vaginal secretion in cases of excessive sustained stress or other mental stress. While this so-called functional fluorine can be unpleasant, it does not initially pose a threat to your health. However, if the vaginal environment is impaired, the risk of other infections increases.
If a tampon is forgotten in the vagina, after some time this also causes an increased vaginal discharge, which is brownish colored and brings with it a very unpleasant odor. Introduced contraceptives such as a spiral are to be mentioned as other possible causes of increased vaginal discharge. In addition, with latex allergy after condom use during sexual intercourse, increased vaginal discharge may be observed.
Outflow from the vagina is also recorded in the course of pregnancy and as a so-called weekly flow after the birth of the child. The latter is formed from wound secretions and appears in the first days, first thin-reddish later brownish-thin and finally watery-white. However, the discharge during pregnancy and postpartum birth, like increased secretion due to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, is a normal procedure and usually not indicative of pathological events.
Many menopausal women are more likely to develop vaginal inflammation due to hormonal changes and impaired vaginal lubrication. Although her vagina is generally too dry, but they show an increased vaginal discharge in the course of recurrent inflammation.
After a thorough anamnesis, in which the affected persons report on the symptoms, and an initial examination of the genital area, there are already indications of possible pathological events as the cause of the vaginal discharge. A measurement of the ph value in the vaginal environment as well as a subsequent smear provide further important diagnostic information. If the pH value is significantly higher than 4.5, this indicates a disruption of the vaginal flora due to an infectious event. With the help of the smear and its subsequent evaluation in the laboratory, the underlying pathogens can be determined. Furthermore, there is the possibility of a so-called colposcopy, in which the interior of the vagina is examined with a special microscope. It serves, for example, the diagnosis of vaginal carcinoma. However, these usually require a biopsy (tissue sample removal) to secure the diagnosis. In addition, ultrasound examinations are used more frequently in the case of cancer, in order to record the extent of tumorous events. The less frequently used computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography serve the same purpose. The imaging techniques may also provide important evidence of inflammation or cancer of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and uterus. A blood test is useful in the various possible inflammations in the genital area, as in this way increased inflammatory levels in the blood can be relatively easily detected.
Treatment for vaginal discharge
The treatment of the causes of altered vaginal secretion may vary significantly according to the various causes of the discomfort. If there is a bacterial infection in the vaginal area, treatment with antibiotics takes place, either taken orally or applied as a vaginal cream. As a rule, complete healing of the patients is possible in this way within a relatively short time. The rarer diseases of a Urogenitaltuberkulosen are preferably treated with antibiotics, but these must be taken here as a combination therapy of various antibiotics over a period of several months (usually half a year). In the case of an infection with flagellates (trichomoniasis), the standard therapy is also based on the administration of special antibiotics (metronidazole, tinidazole), after a few days, the disease is usually over. Gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is also treated with antibiotics, which are taken for complications over a period of up to one month.Vaginal tablets are an effective remedy for treating vaginal yeast infections. (Image: piggu /
If the vaginal discharge is due to a vaginal yeast infection, the standard therapy provides for the use of antifungals (antifungals), which are available as tablets, ointments and vaginal suppositories. As a rule, the fungal infection disappears within a few days if treated appropriately. Not infrequently, however, the affected women repeatedly suffer from vaginal mycoses, which can be caused by a re-infection in the partner or by a generally weakened vaginal environment. Numerous over-the-counter preparations are said to contribute to the stabilization of the vaginal milieu and thus to an improved defense against infection. However, whether lactic acid bacteria in capsules or vaginal suppositories actually produce the desired effect against the vaginal yeast infections remains controversial to this day.
The acute phase of genital herpes can be treated with so-called virostatics (antiviral drugs), both an oral intake as well as an external application in the form of ointments into consideration. After a little more than a week, the acute outbreak is usually over with appropriate treatment. However, the viruses remain in the body and the disease can theoretically break out again at any time. Gentle forms of genital herpes usually heal without medical care after some time on their own.
If the vaginal discharge is due to cancer, more extensive medical attention will be required. Smaller tumors can often be completely removed in the context of surgery, larger ulcers often require additional radiotherapy. If the cancer is particularly severe, or if metastases have already developed, chemotherapeutic treatment may be required.
In the case of functional fluoride, psychotherapeutic treatment can sometimes provide patients with significant relief, but treatment is not essential if the patient does not feel impaired by the outflow. Because an organic impairment or disease does not exist in functional fluorine.
Naturopathy at discharge from the vagina
Naturopathy offers against some causes of vaginal discharge, such as vaginal inflammation or a fungal infection, quite promising treatment approaches. For example, homeopathic remedies such as Acidum chloratum, Acidum nitricum, Creosote, Mercurius solubilis and Pulsatilla are successfully used in vaginal inflammation. The selection of suitable homeopathic remedies will depend on the type of outflow and the accompanying symptoms. According to the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ), a naturopathic home remedy for bacterial vaginal inflammation has proven to be the intravaginal introduction of a peeled clove of garlic, which is changed every 24 hours over a period of four to five days. The only disadvantage is the occurring in the course of the application, sometimes unbearably penetrating smell.
From the field of herbal medicine (herbal medicine), especially extracts of marjoram, calendula and coneflower a positive effect against the bacterial vaginal inflammation attributed. These are usually used as vaginal gel or as vaginal tablets. Also, in bacterial vaginal inflammation envelopes and sitz baths made of lady's mantle, yarrow and dead nettle unfold a soothing effect. For the naturopathic treatment of vaginal inflammation, according to DZVhÄ further sitz baths with various additives such as chamomile, oak bark and witch hazel leaves are suitable.
As a well-known home remedy for vaginal yeast infections is a treatment with yogurt or buttermilk, which today, however, often misses their effect, since this almost exclusively heat-treated products are distributed, the bacterial content is so low that they can no longer have a positive effect on the vaginal flora. Natural yoghurt, which is introduced into the vagina, for example, by means of a so-called yoghurt tampon or even with a finger, nevertheless has a soothing effect on many patients, even if the method of treatment is controversial among physicians. Most gynecologists today advise against yoghurt treatment and recommend rather special lactic acid bacteria preparations to strengthen the vaginal milieu. But even their effect is not clearly proven.
Vinegar baths and vaginal rinses with fruit vinegar, which are supposed to have an antifungal effect, are also used in naturopathy against vaginal yeast infections. Furthermore, various herbal medicine substances are used for external application, for example, tea tree and lavender oil, but also the essential oils of thyme is attributed a particularly positive effect. Mother tinctures of lady's mantle, walnut and pansy with geranium, lavender and yarrow oils, which are processed into vaginal cream, also have a promising effect according to DZVhÄ against the vaginal fungus. If the symptoms are mainly observed in the outer genital area, sitz baths with mother tinctures of marjoram, walnut, chamomile or nettle are recommended. Geranium oil can also be both antifungal and antibacterial, using a tampon soaked in a mixture of geranium oil and: olive oil in a ratio of one to one.
Although naturopathy in vaginal infections and vaginal fungal infections can often contribute to relieving or healing in a relatively simple way, in particular with complaints such as trichomoniasis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea or the cancers, there is usually no alternative to conventional therapy. (Fp)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)