endurance training

Sports that maintain movement for a long time are known as endurance sports. These are to be distinguished from sports, which are geared more to the quick power or high force. In endurance sports, the entire organism and in particular the cardiovascular system are subjected to increased stress. This has a variety of positive effects, ranging up to an improvement in cognitive abilities and a generally better health in old age. However, given the stress of endurance sports, a certain caution is needed, especially in people who have pre-existing heart disease. Therefore, before starting endurance sports, consult with the doctor in case of doubt. (Fp)
Study: Regular endurance training with antidepressant effect Preventing depression: endurance training has an antidepressive effect Depression has long been one of the most widespread diseases worldwide. They are usually treated with medication ... More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/studie-regelmaessiges-ausdauertraining-mit-antidepressiver-wirkung-20170215219873" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Start endurance training slowly is more effective The beginning of an endurance training should begin slowly29.03.2013At the beginning there is the will for exercise and sport. But most sports beginners do ... More

(Picture 1: Wellnhofer Designs / fotolia.com)