Outflow in the man

Outflow in the man is fluid that seeps out of the urethra - but no urine or sperm. Such an outflow often indicates a sexually transmitted disease. A doctor's visit is inevitable.
- urethritis
- symptoms
- Other causes
- Self-treatment and prevention
- Pruning or not?
- Medical diagnosis
- Gonorrheal urethritis
- Non-gonorrheal urethritis
Often the urethra is inflamed, and we then speak of urethritis. The gonorrheal urethritis is caused by gonococci, bacteria. These trigger the gonorrhea. Other bacteria, viruses and fungi also cause urethritis, including chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes viruses and yeasts.
The discharge is often white and translucent, but also yellowish and sometimes greasy or slimy.

Urethritis is also manifested by pain from urination or itching in and around the penis, heavy urination at night, pain in the lymph nodes, or itchy rash in the genital area.
Other causes
Urethritis is only one cause of male outflow. Allergies to fabrics in underwear, to certain medications, or to lubricating cream can also cause vaginal discharge.
Injuries are also associated with vaginal discharge, as well as blood and wound exudate. Such (minor) injuries can result from peeing or intercourse, by coarse squeezing and shaking when masturbating, or by BDSM practices that pinch off the penis. Sexual activity that introduces objects into the urethra can also lead to an outflow.
The person affected should not feel shame, but tell the urologist exactly if and how he could have hurt himself. Outflow sometimes refers to much more serious illnesses, and the doctor should be aware of harmless triggers to avoid over-elaborate examinations, whether they be evidence of a tumor in the prostate or urethra.
A weakened immune system is often associated with male outflow, especially diabetes mellitus or AIDS.
A urethral catheter, a narrowed urethra or surgery can also cause discharge.
Self-treatment and prevention
In order to prevent infections of the urethra, adequate intimate hygiene is recommended - in other words, washing. Many men fail to thoroughly clean their penis, and especially the glans under the foreskin then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and fungi. Even if it sounds banal, it is necessary to change every day underwear, which some men also do not consider important.
If someone suffers from venereal diseases such as chlamydia and the partner should necessarily know about the disease and get treated. It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse in the time of the disease, otherwise you should use a condom otherwise.
Anyone who suffers from an allergy should avoid the substances that trigger the reaction, for example, looking for alternatives to certain lubricants or drugs.
Activating the body defense helps with urethritis as well as with inflammation. A balanced diet, light exercise, abstinence from nicotine, alcohol and other drugs, as well as sufficient vitamins and minerals weaken the inflammation.
Home remedies such as stinging nettle tea help with infections of the urethra. First, they flush out the pathogens and at the same time immunize the mucous membranes. Overall, drinking plenty of water helps as well as herbal tea or diluted juices.
Pruning or not?
Sometimes a foreskin narrowing is the cause of the outflow. First, such a narrowed foreskin hurts when pulled back, and intercourse, such as masturbation, becomes torture at worst; secondly, a narrowed foreskin favors infections.
A function of the foreskin is to protect the sensitive glans from irritation, and in particular to prevent injury to that part of the body. However, if the foreskin is narrowed, it can no longer fulfill this function, since it is no longer pushed back and forth, secretions and foreign bodies accumulate.
In such cases, cutting through the foreskin prevents inflammation. A urologist should be consulted for the decision.
However, a general removal of a healthy foreskin from disease prevention is superfluous and because of the possible psychological consequences also not advisable. The foreskin is extremely rich in nerves and accordingly sensitive. Removing them over a large area robs the person affected of part of their pleasure.
In addition, it protects the glans and thus prevents, with sufficient care, infections. So if you want to prevent infections and do not suffer from a foreskin constriction, then water and soap are the better alternative to the scalpel.
Medical diagnosis
Outflow from the urethra does not have to, but may indicate serious diseases. Therefore, if no "harmless" cause is known, a urologist should be consulted. Unfortunately, vaginal discharge is still a taboo subject among men, and many men find it difficult to speak easily about physical complaints in the genital area.
The genitals are just as much part of the body as are the eyes, teeth or the skin, and there is no reason to be ashamed, let alone to a doctor who specializes in such problems.
The doctor takes a urethral swab and examines if and how many white blood cells it contains. White blood cells show that the immune system fights off an infection and therefore indicate an urethra.
In addition, the urine sample usually also shows the pathogen. On the other hand, the discharge alone does not clearly indicate whether there is gonorrhea or other inflammation.
Under the microscope, the doctor recognizes the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea. Chlamydia can also be detected in the smear.

Gonorrheal urethritis
The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmits the gonorrhea. It takes two to eight days after infection until the first symptoms appear - especially in the form of a purulent discharge.
The patient has pain when urinating, so whether small fragments from the inside into the urethra drill. Initially, the discharge is slimy, but then becomes a "cheese-like" cream. Three out of four suffer from purulent discharge, every tenth the consistency is flaky, every twentieth clear. A relief is shown by the fact that the discharge from a pulpy cream back into mucus passes.
The Gonorhoee is transmitted almost exclusively by genital, oral and anal intercourse and lasts months if not cured. The weakened genital area can subsequently fend off other pathogens badly; This often leads to further infections.
A gonorhoe is not only painful; If it spreads to the epididymis, it sometimes leads to impotence. The anal area may also be affected, especially if the infection is due to anal intercourse. Rare, but extremely unpleasant, is a gonococcal sepsis: here, the infection spreads to the blood, it comes to an arthritis, inflammation of the wrists, knees and hands, to fever episodes and chills.
Non-gonorrheal urethritis
Other inflammations of the urethra are usually manifested by a translucent discharge, pelvic pain and a persistent burning pain in the urethra. Sexual intercourse is considered the main way to transmit the appropriate diseases such as chlamydia or herpes.
When it comes to chlamydia, antibiotics such as doxycycline, fluocholone or macrolides help.
Patients and sexual partners should visit the doctor for check-ups for at least two weeks to see if they continue or re-infection.
The patient should report honestly about his sexual contacts in order to prevent further people from becoming infected and not to burden his intimate relationship. Recurring inflammation of the urethra exposes the patient and partner to considerable pressure. In some cases, partners suspected that the infected person was lying to them and getting infected in secret sexual affairs. Although this is not excluded, a new infection by an untreated partner that shows no symptoms is much more common, or the cure was not complete. Both partners should therefore be fully informed about the disease. The medical confidentiality applies. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)