Eye Noise - Causes and Treatment

- Eye noise - what is that?
- Stress and fatigue as the main cause
- Eye noise in case of nutrient deficiency
- Eye diseases as a cause of eye noise
- Eye noise from cardiovascular diseases
- Other causes of illness
- Eye noise with substance influence
- Associated symptoms
- diagnosis
- therapy
- nutritional intervention
- drugs
- everyday activities
- Home remedies and herbs
- Vision Correction
Eye noise - what is that?
In English, eye noise is also referred to as "Visual Snow", which reflects the symptoms of this symptom very figuratively. Because patients perceive the noise of the eyes as a snow-like visual appearance, which resembles an analog television without image reception. The severity of this visual disturbance varies greatly from case to case. Many sufferers describe a rather slight flicker of bright spots across the entire field of vision. Other sufferers report a very violent perception that resembles a snowstorm.

When it comes to the causes of eye noise, the severity of the symptom first of all gives no direct indication of the severity of the underlying health complaint. Sometimes even a relatively harmless overexertion, for example through sports or stress, can cause short-term fibrillation and is more likely to be seen as a need of the body for rest and not as a sign of disease. The duration of the visual disturbance, on the other hand, can give a clearer indication of illness-related causes. For example, if eye noise repeatedly occurs in the presence of other symptoms such as nausea, headache, or dizziness and returns only after a few hours to a few days, it may be an indication of existing migraine. In these cases one also speaks of an eye Migraine (ophthalmic migraine). More often, however, organic and systemic diseases cause eyelashes. In addition to diseases of the eye organs themselves, metabolic diseases are one of the main causes of visual impairment. Overall, the following complaint fields are the cause of eye noise:
- eye diseases,
- Cardiovascular diseases,
- Cardiovascular disorders,
- Metabolic disorders,
- stress symptoms,
- Diseases of the brain
- or substance influences.

Stress and fatigue as the main cause
As already mentioned, the causes of eye noise do not necessarily have a pathological character. Very often, for example, visual impairment occurs in connection with severe fatigue. Mostly, the eyes here report directly during the stressful situation or immediately afterwards. Corresponding situations do not always have to be connected with purely physical stress, because
- lack of sleep hygiene,
- emotional distress,
- anxiety
- or nervousness
can trigger the symptom as well
- long-lasting work in front of the screen,
- exaggerated workouts in sports
- and deadline pressure.
Typical concomitant symptoms of stress-induced eye noise include muscle tension in the neck and back, headache and concentration problems. However, after a reasonable period of recovery, the symptoms of stress are expected to resolve quickly. If the symptoms continue to persist, however, the person concerned should be alert and interpret this as a warning of the body or mind to a chronic state of fatigue. A medical examination is urgently recommended in such cases.
Eye noise in case of nutrient deficiency
When it comes to stress-related causes such as overtraining, eye noise often occurs in connection with an existing nutrient deficiency. This phenomenon can occur acutely and point to a blood sugar level that is too low, especially if the person concerned also diets in the sense of rapid weight loss. Even permanent deficiency symptoms such as a lack of vitamin A are often expressed by eye fibrillation. The reason for this is the fact that vitamin A is essential for eye function. If there is a deficiency, disorders of vision can not be excluded. This phenomenon can be explained by a vitamin deficiency of the retina, which then reacts with various visual symptoms. A quick balance of nutrient deficiencies usually leads to a rapid regression of symptoms. For this reason, athletes are always advised to have a small energetic snack with them.
Special attention should be given to the eye noise of diabetics as an indication of a blood sugar fluctuation. Visual symptoms are usually very early warning signs of the disease, as the retina and choroid react very sensitively to deficiencies. As a physical warning signal, visual symptoms may point to imminent life-threatening metabolic imbalances.

Eye diseases as a cause of eye noise
Of course, many eye diseases are noticeable by an eye noise. It is the myopia (myopia) still the most harmless variant. If the affected person is no longer able to focus on distant objects and if they perceive a flicker, noise or softening of the outline around objects in the distance, this usually indicates a newly-emerged myopia. But it can also mean that the visual strength of the visual aid - be it glasses or contact lenses - is no longer sufficiently adapted to the disease. Symptoms usually decline as soon as vision aids of adequate strength are used for long-distance vision.
Far more dangerous in the case of eye noise are processes of the disease of the organs of vision that cause severe damage or degeneration processes on the tissue layers of the eye. Threatens, for example due to a traumatic event or an inflammatory process retinal detachment (Ablatio retinae), in addition to the eye noise, this can even lead in the long term to complete blindness. Typical diseases that cause such a disease are:
- Choroiditis (chorioditis),
- Retinal inflammation (retinitis),
- Retinal and choreitis (chorioretinitis),
- Vitreous inflammation (uveitis)
- and optic nerve inflammation (Neuritis nervi optici).
Another disease of the eye, which can cause, among other things, the "Visual Snow" is the Green Star (glaucoma). It is estimated that in Germany alone, about three million people suffer from this conditionally treatable condition, the cause of which is increased pressure inside the eye. Those who follow the ophthalmologist's prescribed treatment regimen can live with glaucoma for a long time without noticeable symptoms and complications. However, if untreated or inadequately treated, glaucoma can also lead to severe eye impairment, which then causes eye flutter.
Eye noise from cardiovascular diseases
In the field of vascular diseases, the possible pathways of eye irritation are particularly diverse. For example, circulatory disorders can trigger the symptom not only in the context of an eye disease such as retinal inflammation, which may well be based on a disturbed blood flow to the retinal vessels. Likewise, circulatory disorders are capable of triggering vision problems through persistent hypoxia in other organs, such as the brain. Very often, the disturbed blood flow is due to an arteriosclerosis, which prevents the undisturbed blood flow by plaque deposits on the vessel wall. In particularly severe cases, such vascular calcification extends to the brain and then provoked by a lack of oxygen supply disorders in brain function, which may affect the vision. In addition, coronary artery disease is a common sequelae of arteriosclerosis and can cause visual impairment through loss of heart function.

A permanently elevated blood pressure (hypertension) can not be ruled out as the cause of the eye noise. Again, pre-existing conditions such as arteriosclerosis or coronary heart disease, but also hormonal disorders play an important role in the development of the disease. The symptoms of vision occur not only as a direct side effect of hypertension. For example, if the hypertension briefly causes a reduction in the perfusion of smaller areas of the brain, the symptom may be considered a sign of a transient ischemic attack (TIA).
There is a particular risk with a view to a possible stroke, which can also be announced by eye flickering. The same applies to a heart attack in patients with atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease.
Furthermore, with regard to the heart, cardiovascular disorders are also mentioned as the conceivable cause of the eye noise. Often these are an expression of fatigue or stress. Occasionally, however, cardiovascular disorders are also due to a true heart disease, such as inflammation, arrhythmia, or a congenital disorder in the arousal of the heart. Notable diseases include:
- Heart inflammation (carditis),
- Myocarditis (pericarditis),
- Heart valve defect (valve vitia),
- Heart failure (heart failure),
- Palpitations (tachycardia),
- slowed heartbeat (bradycardia),
- Ventricular fibrillation (ventricular fibrillation)
- and atrial fibrillation (arrhythmia).
Other causes of illness
As an accompanying symptom of migraine, eye noise is also very common. Experts estimate that between 10 and 15 percent of the population are affected by this disease and many of them complain of visual disturbances in an acute migraine attack. The exact causes of the repetitive attacks are not fully understood in medicine, but it is believed that circulatory disorders triggered by various factors have a significant impact on their occurrence. The symptoms are very multifaceted, with the headache so often associated with migraine not necessarily be the cardinal symptom or even occur. For example, many sufferers simply describe a combination of malaise, nausea, and various perceptual disorders such as eyelash and light-shyness, which persist for a few hours, sometimes over days. This condition is also called an aura and is a mystery to the medical profession until today, because it offers them little attack surface for the treatment.

Occasionally, eye noise occurs in combination with tinnitus. Here, too, doctors are not fully aware of the actual triggering mechanism. Since both symptoms are often related to increased stress potential and massive muscle tension in the neck, but also as an accompanying symptom of depression or burnout, it is probably most likely to be a multifactorial event, causing the symptoms.
Eye noise with substance influence
Some medications have been known to cause eye irritation as an unwanted side effect. For example, this side effect is often observed during treatment with antidepressants or migraine-specific analgesics such as triptans or ergot amines. Also intoxicants, especially LSD and ecstasy, but also legal substances such as caffeine and alcohol can trigger an eye flicker. This effect is mediated by various substances contained in the drugs and intoxicants, which have an impact on the psyche and thus on the perception of the environment. As a rule, however, the noise of the eyes forms back here as soon as the triggering substance has been broken down by the body and excreted.

Associated symptoms
In case of illness, eye noise is usually not the only symptom with which those affected have to struggle. Almost always the symptoms of vision occur due to illness accompanied by other symptoms, the nature of which depends on the particular cause of the disease. These concomitant symptoms may relate to the eye and visual perception itself as well as to other areas of the body. Typical visual accompanying symptoms include:
- Palinopsia - a delusion of the eye that perceives objects that have been seen until recently, but that are no longer in the field of vision;
- Entoptic phenomena - perception of phenomena that are not there at all, for example light flashes, starlets and dark spots;
- Photophobia - increased photosensitivity to photophobia in bright rooms and outdoors;
- Disturbances of twilight vision or night blindness.
In addition to migraine, but also in connection with other causes may also appear other concomitant symptoms. Very often sufferers complain, for example, during the appearance of the eye-rash or immediately thereafter, severe fatigue and exhaustion. It is often associated with back and neck tension, limbs that have fallen asleep, or a leaden heaviness in the arms and legs. Also, dizziness, ear noises, nausea and even vomiting are named. As one would expect, headaches of all kinds also belong in this symptom field. But they are not a mandatory criterion.
Eye fibrillation is first detected by the patient himself in self-diagnosis during the acute onset of symptoms. Thereafter, the family doctor should first be visited in order to be able to detect possible body-wide health problems already in a first general examination. After an initial physical examination, for example on skin blanching or pathological changes in the eyes, blood pressure measurements and blood samples are especially important. Imaging procedures such as ultrasound can also be used. Depending on the results of the general examination, the family doctor will then refer the patient to a specialist. In the case of a present eye disease, of course, the ophthalmologist is in demand. This can determine the disease more precisely with special diagnostic tools such as the slit lamp or an eye test, and it helps to find out more about the causes. In case of suspected heart disease, for example, the examination by a cardiologist is important, which then uses an electrocardiogram (ECG) takes a closer look at cardiac output.
Of course, given the many causes of eye noise, there are countless possible treatment options, which logically all refer to the underlying health complaints. A general therapy strategy is therefore only conditionally available for the symptom.

nutritional intervention
Since alcohol and other intoxicants have been shown to increase the risk of eye noise, people with pertinent symptoms should be extra cautious here and should avoid or completely avoid the appropriate substances. In the case of deficiency symptoms as the cause of the eye flickering, sufferers should, of course, change their diet so that the deficiency can be remedied in the best possible way.
Vitamin A deficiency states, for example, can be compensated most quickly by the targeted consumption of foods with a high vitamin A content. In addition to fish, dairy products and green vegetables, these foods are mainly yellow and orange vegetables. Because vitamin A occurs in vegetables especially in the form of provitamin A, better known as carotene. This carotene is not only an important vitamin, but also a vegetable dye that gives carrots their typical orange color. It is sometimes possible to recognize a high vitamin A content in foods even on their coloring. The daily requirement for ß-carotene is two milligrams. The following foods, in particular, can provide a high proportion of the vitamin which is so important for ocular function:
- apricots,
- broccoli,
- buttermilk,
- cod,
- Egg yolks / egg products,
- Kale,
- Honey and sugar melon,
- persimmon,
- carrots,
- pumpkin,
- salmon,
- dandelion,
- Corn,
- mango,
- milk,
- peach,
- spinach,
- sweet potatoes,
- tuna
- and animal liver.
Sometimes a deficiency symptom is so great that it can only be remedied by taking nutrient supplements or nutritional supplements. Here, a dosage should, however, only after consultation with the attending physician, as well as an excess of nutrients can have its pitfalls and side effects. If medicines have triggered the noise of the eyes in the first place, it may be necessary to change the preparation, which may also only be carried out according to the doctor's instructions.

Occasionally, ocular discomfort is treated with high dose cortisone, but this should only be done when all other therapies have been exhausted in view of the risk of severe side effects from cortisone preparations. Also, some antidepressants and some antiepileptic drugs are sometimes successfully used against eye noise. If a cataract is responsible for the symptom, ophthalmologists usually prescribe a combination medication of beta-blockers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Eye drops are also conceivable in the case of glaucoma for lowering intraocular pressure.
For eye inflammation, however, it depends very strongly on the cause of inflammation. If a bacterial or mycotic (caused by fungi) inflammation is given, it can be treated here with antibiotic or antifungal agents - for eye inflammation usually broadband antibiotics. However, if the inflammation of the eye is due to a heart or vascular disease, medicines such as blood pressure medicines and heart medicines are prescribed, in addition to anti-inflammatory preparations, depending on the cause. If a diabetic disease is present, a lifelong administration of insulin is indispensable.
Retinal migraine as a trigger of eye rash is very often complicated in their treatment. Not every patient responds equally well to the prescribed medications. Sometimes a lengthy trial and error of various medicines is necessary, until finally a preparation is found, which reaches sufficiently. You can choose from a wealth of active ingredients here. While some patients respond better to non-ipididal analgesics, migraine in other patients can often only be alleviated with special migraine medications such as triptans.
everyday activities
Of course, stress causes for the eye noise can only be treated by appropriate everyday changes. It is recommended to arrange the daily routine in such a way that it always contains enough rest periods. Overtime, a too full schedule, but also excessive sportive Dauerverausgabung should be avoided. In addition, targeted relaxation measures such as yoga or qigong are offered. Similarly, relaxing massages, sound therapies and private relaxation rituals can provide more balance.

Anyone who suffers from emotional distress or pronounced phobia or nervousness and complains as a result of eye noise is suggested to have a conversation and / or behavioral therapy. Problems, worries and fears can be reduced well here in appropriate therapy sessions. At the same time, the therapy can help to learn behaviors in order to avoid stressful situations in the future. This is especially true in terms of behavioral training - by the way, also for people who find it difficult to avoid everyday stress.
In addition, the influence of sleep deprivation on vision is often underestimated. Because even our eyes have to switch off regularly in order to function. It is therefore important to harmonize the nocturnal sleep rhythm in addition to all everyday measures. If you have problems with this, you do not necessarily have to resort to sleeping pills. A soothing tea before going to sleep or avoiding activities that are too hot just before bed rest, such as watching TV or rich meals in the evening, often already work wonders here. Anyone who works a lot on the computer screen for professional reasons should also take a 15-minute break at the latest after two hours in order to relieve their eyes regularly.
Home remedies and herbs
Soothing herbs, such as help with sleep problems as well as causes such as stress or migraine
- Angelika,
- valerian,
- basil,
- ginger,
- lavender,
- marjoram,
- balm,
- mint,
- rose
- or thyme.
Stressed eyes also respond well, according to experience on soothing eye compresses. These can be previously inserted, for example, in an extract from eyebright. The name of the medicinal herb is not by chance, because it helps very well especially in eye complaints. Caution is, however, necessary for eye inflammation, since a moist eye environment here can contribute to the spread of infectious agents.
Regarding the living and working environment, it is advisable to keep the premises moderately warm. Because both air conditioning systems and dry heating air are an enormous burden for the eyes. It makes sense, therefore, to let the eyes regularly get some fresh air, if the use of appropriate temperature controller can not be avoided.

A special tip in case of eye noise is special movement exercises to improve the view. To do this, slowly move your right hand over your left eye and try to focus on the palm of your hand. Then change the hand position so that the left hand moves to the right eye. Another exercise is to sit up straight with your legs straight and twist your upper body a few times over your hips. In doing so, the objects should be viewed closely in the near field of vision for about two minutes, as this gives the eyes a better fine adjustment. It is recommended to repeat the exercises for acute complaints several times.
Vision Correction
Sometimes the use of visual aids, so the wearing of glasses or contact lenses can not be avoided to eliminate the eye flicker. Every now and then a change in the visual aid strength is needed. In some severe cases, even one operation is the last resort. This is the case, for example, with severe myopia. Here, for example, the unfavorably curved cornea can be removed by laser surgery, so that the visual angle can be sustainably corrected. Likewise, it may be necessary to completely replace severely damaged ocular elements such as the retina or cornea, which is done by transplanting artificial dermal prostheses. Whether such an operation is really worthwhile, must be clarified in advance ophthalmology.
Diseases in case of eye noise:
- choroiditis,
- retinitis,
- chorioretinitis,
- uveitis,
- optic neuritis,
- Green Star,
- Retinal detachment,
- Circulatory disorders,
- high blood pressure,
- arteriosclerosis,
- Coronary heart disease,
- heart inflammation,
- Myocarditis,
- Valvular heart disease,
- heart failure,
- tachycardia,
- bradycardia,
- ventricular fibrillation,
- atrial fibrillation,
- migraine,
- tinnitus.