Eyelid twitching - causes and therapy

Eyelid twitching - causes and therapy / symptoms
If the eyelid constantly twitches uncontrollably, that is usually very uncomfortable and annoying for those affected. Frequently, the fast vibration can be attributed to relatively harmless reasons such as stress, too much screen work, lack of sleep, or conjunctivitis and persists only until they are resolved or cured. If the eyelid twitch lasts longer or is very pronounced, it can in rare cases also be more serious causes. For example, neurological disorders or the chronic inflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS) are possible. As a precaution, therefore, a doctor should always be consulted for eyelid twitching, who makes a corresponding diagnosis and, if necessary, initiates the necessary treatment steps. This is also important with apparently only mild discomfort, as permanent eyelid fluttering often compromises vision, causing e.g. In road traffic can quickly come to dangerous situations.


  • Definition and symptoms
  • Causes of eyelid twitching
  • Twitches on the eyelid due to magnesium deficiency
  • Blinking in multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Treatment with fluttering eyes
  • Naturopathy at eye twitch
  • Homeopathy for eyelid twitching

Definition and symptoms

A regular blink of the eye is a normal, healthy process, which primarily maintains the fluid layer (tear film) formed from tear fluid, which protects the eye from dehydration. In addition, the short "jingling" prevents the ingress of dirt and debris into the eyes. However, if the upper and / or lower eyelid twitch more frequently than normal, it is medically referred to as a "fasciculation". These are uncontrollable movements of small muscle groups, in which case the eyelid is not completely closed, but begins to tremble instead. Frequently, the twitching is experienced by those affected as very massive, whereas the environment this little or even not noticed.

Eyelid twitching is usually triggered by stress, eyestrain, mineral deficiency or eye fatigue. But even serious causes can rarely be the cause. (Image: Ramona Heim - Fotolia)

The blink of the eyelashes can be different and therefore only occasionally last for a few seconds or minutes, but also last for hours or even days permanently. In many cases, only one eyelid is affected, and the nature and location of the symptoms often vary greatly. Accordingly, sufferers report, for example, an "only noticeable, frequent twitching in the corner of the eye", as well as a "for every discernible, irregular shivering of the skin and lower eyelid"..

Causes of eyelid twitching

If uncontrollable muscle movements on the eye or an uncontrollable contraction of the eyelid occur, comparatively harmless causes are usually present which can be treated and / or corrected accordingly. Frequent triggers are, for example, fatigue and fatigue, severe tiredness or lack of sleep or an overload of the eyes due to working on the PC monitor for too long. Likewise, excitement and mental stress such as inner restlessness, nervousness and stress can cause the eyelid to contract laterally.

In addition to infections such as conjunctivitis or inflammation of the lid margin (blepharitis), allergies such. Hay fever, small corneal abrasions (e.g., through contact lenses or fingernails), or a foreign body in the eye as a trigger into consideration. Frequently, twitching is also favored by dry eyes, which e.g. can be quickly irritated by substances such as smoke or dust.

Background of eye twitching can also be a so-called "tic disorder". Characteristic of these are sudden and rapid movements of individual muscles or muscle groups, which occur involuntarily and have no recognizable function. The tics can be of very different characteristics and, accordingly, of "simple" actions such as eye blinking, making faces or nodding to complex processes such as. ranging from in-the-squat walking or mimicking movements. A distinction is also made between a transient (less than one year) and a chronic disorder that persists for more than twelve months, with the tics being either motor or vocal in both cases. By definition, the so-called "Tourette syndrome" is a chronic disorder in which multiple motor tics and at least one uncontrollable utterance (such as throat clearing, grunting, repeated syllables) occur in combination.

What exactly causes a tic disorder is not yet fully understood. However, among other genetic factors are suspected, as often a familial accumulation is observed. In addition, in very rare cases, the tics can also be due to certain diseases such. Carbon monoxide poisoning, encephalitis or neurological disorders occur.

Twitches on the eyelid due to magnesium deficiency

Another common cause is a mineral deficiency which is e.g. as a result of one-sided nutrition, diarrhea, the use of certain medications (such as laxatives or diuretics), alcoholism or excessive exercise. In question, for example, an inadequate supply of magnesium, which, inter alia, plays a central role in the regulation of the conduction of excitation in the nerve and muscle cells and thus is indispensable for the vital function of this. If the mineral is lacking in the body, this leads to an over-excitability of the nerves, which in turn can cause nervousness, confusion, insomnia as well as an increased susceptibility to stress and irritability.

In addition, a magnesium deficiency (hypomagnesemia) can not only cause twitching of the eyelid, but also a variety of other complaints such as calf cramps, dizziness or headache. If the body permanently gets too little magnesium, high blood pressure and disorders of the heart such as tachycardia, arrhythmia or cardiac pain are possible, in addition, it can cause gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea, stomach cramps or nausea and vomiting.

Blinking in multiple sclerosis (MS)

In rarer cases, a twitching eye can also occur in the context of multiple sclerosis (MS). This represents the most common neurological disease with permanent disability, affecting approximately 120,000 people across Germany. MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) formed by the brain and spinal cord. The inflammation leads to destruction of the medullary sheaths of the nerve fibers, which normally isolate the individual nerves from each other and thereby enable the transmission of electrical impulses. If the medullary sheaths are damaged, however, this transmission is disturbed, whereby the transmission of information between nerve and body cells only works limited.

Due to the interrupted impulse transmission often occur sensory disturbances such as tingling, ants running or deafness, which usually begin in the fingers and / or feet and then pass into the arms and legs. Many sufferers also suffer from visual disturbances, which in most cases arise as a result of an inflamed optic nerve ("optic neuritis"). Typically, eye pain occurs here, in addition to impaired vision (blur, foggy veil), eye flares, flashes of light, visual field defects, or an uncontrollable blinking of the eyelid. Other possible symptoms in the so-called "disease with many faces" are paralysis in the arms and legs, which often occur in heat, exertion or the like. strengthen as well as facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia) or paralysis (facial palsy).

An ophthalmologist examines overloaded eyes. (Image: Kadmy - fotolia)

In addition, there may be speech and bladder dysfunction (urgency, urinary retention, etc.), problems with bowel movements (constipation) and sexual intercourse. In addition, especially in more severe cases mental disorders are not uncommon, which include mood swings and symptoms of depression such as deep depression, insomnia and listlessness. What exactly causes the inflammation in the brain and spinal cord is not yet clear. However, many experts believe that various factors such as heredity, chronic infections and dysregulation of the immune system can contribute to the development of the disease. Since the MS is a so-called "autoimmune disease", this is not curable, but can be treated well by modern drugs and therefore be positively influenced in their course.

Treatment with fluttering eyes

Depending on the cause, various methods are available for the treatment of eyelid twitching, whereby it must first be clarified by the doctor whether the twitching eyelid is a "harmless" bodily reaction or a serious sign of illness. While the healthy part of the eye usually goes as fast as it started, in other cases, further treatment will be based on the underlying condition.

For example, if symptoms can be attributed to overwork, excessive negative stress or fatigue, simple remedies such as getting enough sleep and exercise in the fresh air and regular, conscious breaks in everyday life help to calm the eyes for a few minutes. Relief in most cases also provide targeted relaxation exercises. Often psychologists and health experts recommend the so-called progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, which is considered comparatively easy to learn due to the active part of the exerciser. The aim is to improve one's own body awareness through the conscious on and off of certain muscle groups and thereby to achieve a state of deep relaxation for body and soul in the long term.

In addition, there are a number of other exercises and techniques for stress relief, such as stress relief. Meditation or autogenic training, in addition, special eye yoga exercises can help to relax the eyes. Especially those who work constantly on the screen should best integrate these techniques into their everyday life, in order to avoid complaints such as headaches or serious consequences such as poor eyesight. It is important in tired, congested eyes, generally about every five to ten minutes to look up from the screen and the view from the window, in the expanse of the room o.ä. to judge. Another well-known exercise for the relaxation of the eyes is the "Palming". In this, the hands are first heated by rubbing against each other and then arched over the closed eyelids, whereby the eyelids are not touched. Even if you blink ten times in a row very quickly and then keep your eyes closed for a few seconds, you're in for a treat. In addition, eye circles (up to 20 times in each direction) and intensive looking up and looking down are easy-to-perform and very effective exercises in eye yoga.

On the other hand, if there is a suspicion of a magnesium deficiency, a doctor should be consulted first, for example, a genetic disorder in the absorption through the intestinal wall (magnesium resorption) or other pathological causes such as diabetes or chronic kidney and intestinal diseases (eg celiac disease) to be able to exclude. Once this happens, many sufferers will already benefit from increasing the daily amount of magnesium, as the body needs more of the mineral than usual in certain situations, such as pregnancy or high stress. for people who regularly drink alcohol, do a lot of sports or take certain medications (laxatives, birth control pills, etc.).

Nutrition plays a key role here, with only a few foods that are high in magnesium. These include, for example, whole grain cereals (such as millet, brown rice, oatmeal), nuts, beans and sunflower seeds as well as legumes (especially soybeans) and some green vegetables such as fennel, spinach and broccoli. If this is not enough, you may be advised to take magnesium tablets or supplements. However, this should always be discussed in advance with the doctor with regard to possible risks and side effects.

For sufferers of multiple sclerosis (MS), it is important that therapy begins as early as possible in order to get the underlying inflammatory processes under control as well as possible. Because even if the autoimmune disease is not curable, today's drugs enable a good treatability and thus in many cases a relatively high degree of independence and quality of life. The treatment is divided into different blocks, for example, taking short-term measures to alleviate the symptoms of acute relapses, while the long-term basic therapy aimed at preventing the disease from spreading. Among other things, high-dose cortisone preparations and medications for influencing (immune modulation) or inhibition (immunosuppression) of the immune system are used. In addition, as a rule, a symptomatic therapy is carried out, in which e.g. Physiotherapy, massages or relaxation measures can relieve unpleasant symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Naturopathy at eye twitch

In the field of natural medicine, among other things, Schuessler salts are used to treat an uncontrolled eyelid flutter. If this is based, for example, on an eye infection, the salt number 11 (Silicea) has proven its worth, which is also known in conventional medicine as "silica". In addition, the salt No. 14 (potassium bromatum) provides a good support for stress-induced eyelids, especially for people who are very nervous and inwardly restless, as it has a soothing effect on the nerves and is generally relaxing.

Even if the mineral balance is disturbed, a cure with Schüssler salts can be very helpful.

Salts Nos. 7 (Magnesium Phosphoricum), 11 (Silicea), 16 (Lithium Chloratum) and 26 (Selenium) are particularly suitable for these. These can be taken either individually or together, but care must be taken to combine at most three remedies. Frequently, the deficiency symptoms and thus the fluttering of the eyelid in conjunction with a corresponding diet can be reduced quickly. However, if the symptoms persist or return after some time, a doctor should be consulted to clarify the reasons.

The herbal medicine offers with the so-called "eyebright" (Euphrasia officinalis) another, often very effective natural remedy for problems with the eyes. If these are tired or over-stimulated, a tea often has a beneficial effect, for which one tablespoon of dried or two tablespoons of fresh eyebright herb are brewed with half a liter of boiling water. The infusion is then allowed to soak for about ten minutes and drunk throughout the day to support the positive effect on the inside of the eyes. For external treatment, a cotton pad with the cooled tea soaked and carefully dabbed on the eye area. An even more intensive effect (for example in case of inflammation) has a rinse with the prepared, cold tea, in addition, homeopathic eyebright eye drops from various suppliers are available in the pharmacy.

Homeopathy for eyelid twitching

In addition, homeopathy also provides some means to naturally help alleviate the symptoms. Agaricus Muscarius (fly agaric), which is used among other things in internal restlessness and convulsions or involuntary and uncontrollable movements, is an option here. Accordingly, it may e.g. in cases of anxiety, nervousness, insecurity or nervous disorders, as well as in the complementary treatment of diseases such as epilepsy, senile dementia, multiple sclerosis, migraine or Parkinson's.

Also, the "nerve agent" potassium phosphoricum has been proven in stress-related, nervous eyelid twinges, this is typically administered in the potency D6 to D12. Main areas of application are, for example, fatigue and exhaustion, headache, burnout, insomnia, diarrhea or dizziness. In addition, homeopaths in muscle twitching often recommend the remedy Magnesium Phosphoricum, which is based on magnesium and phosphorus salt and both pain relieving (analgesic) and antispasmodic (spasmolytic) acts on the muscles. Therefore, magnesium phosphoglobules are mainly used for cramps in any form (stomach or calf cramps, menstrual pain, for example), migraine and colic, as well as for internal agitation, shaking or sleeping disorders. Moreover, in some individuals, e.g. Also Lycopodium or Belladonna help, accordingly, the "right" remedy and the corresponding potency and duration of use should always be matched by an experienced homeopath to the particular case.

Since the fasciculation is often caused or favored by dry eyes, homeopathy can in many cases provide a gentle and natural help. If the dryness is very pronounced, e.g. Alumina are used, especially if the symptoms worsen in cold weather or improve in summer temperatures and the patient, for example. suffers from morning depressive moods, dry, itchy skin and common colds. If, besides the dryness, there is a burning sensation in the eyes, restlessness, fears and a strong feeling of thirst, Arsenicum album can be the drug of choice. This is particularly noticeable when the symptoms increase during the night as well as in cold and stress and improve in heat or heat and in the fresh air. For dry and itchy eyes associated with excessive lacrimation and yellow secretions, Pulsatilla Pratensis may help. In addition to dryness, symptoms such as heavy eyelids, dark circles, increased appetite for salty and cold foods or cold sweats, in some cases Veratrum album is also recommended. (No)