Eye Disease New procedure for cataract surgery

Eye Disease New procedure for cataract surgery / Health News

Cataracts: Researchers are developing a new procedure for cataract surgery

According to health experts, cataracts are the most common cause of vision impairment and blindness worldwide. Many sufferers can help with surgery. German researchers are now developing a precise and cost-effective method, with advantages over conventional surgical techniques.

One of the most common eye diseases in Germany

It has recently been reported that the number of eye diseases due to demographic change will increase massively in the coming years. One of the most common eye diseases is the so-called cataract. Every year, around 650,000 cataract operations take place in Germany alone. There are approximately 14 million surgical operations worldwide every year. German researchers are now developing a new procedure for cataract surgery.

In Germany, about 650,000 cataract operations are performed each year. Researchers are now developing a new procedure, with advantages over traditional surgical techniques. (Image: Henrik Dolle / fotolia.com)

With age, the risk increases

According to the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) - Society for Ophthalmology, the cataract with almost ten million sufferers is one of the most common eye diseases in Germany.

As the disease progresses, vision diminishes, colors and contrasts blur more and more. With age, the risk of a cataract increases.

In addition, it is known that factors such as smoking, alcohol and obesity have an influence on the risk of cataracts.

There is no drug therapy. Many sufferers are operated on.

Researchers at the Institute of Applied Optics and Electronics at the Technical University (TH) Cologne are now working together with AZ Augenschirurgische Zentrum AG (AZ-AG) Cologne to develop a precise and cost-effective procedure, with advantages over conventional surgical techniques.

Use of an artificial lens

As explained in a communication by TH Cologne, there are currently two approaches to open the lens capsule circularly in the so-called cataract surgery:

In conventional phacoemulsification, the surgeon manually cuts a circular opening through which he then manually destroys the lens via ultrasound.

Alternatively, a femtosecond laser is used, which takes over the opening of the anterior capsule and the fragmentation of the lens.

The subsequent use of an artificial lens in both cases is done manually by the surgeon.

According to the information, the laser insert allows a more precise cut compared to the manual technique. Disadvantages, however, are the longer duration of the operation and the high costs:

The laser device costs around 400,000 euros, with each surgery incurring ongoing costs of around 500 euros through consumables.

Significantly less cost

The new method of cooperation partners from Cologne replaces the use of the femtosecond laser with a mechanical surgical tool. It cuts the circular capsulotomy opening in a controlled manner by a few turns of rotation.

The cutting tool is driven by an external magnetic field - the force is contact-free. The cutting tool, one millimeter high and five millimeters in diameter, is made of steel, which is made with a special alloy.

"We are currently conducting functional tests to determine whether the precision is comparable to that of a laser," explains Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Oberheide, Expert for Optical Technologies and Biomedical Optics, who, together with Dipl.-Ing. Marian Jacobs developed the tool at the TH Cologne.

"Because the entire process is performed manually by the surgeon, but our technique is independent of the skill of the surgeon, as determined by the instrument diameter and the step is thus virtually automated," said the expert.

The clinical input is provided by the AZ-AG.

According to the information, the device is expected to cost only one fifth of the purchase price of a femtosecond laser. The current consumption costs would be lower.

Another advantage is that the complete surgery can take place under the microscope and the patients do not have to be moved to the laser device. (Ad)