
Tongue blisters - causes, home remedies and therapy

Every human being has blisters on his tongue and mouth at least once in his life. An ugly layer of...

Tongue tongue covered

Tongue covering - Occupied tongue The tongue coating (occupied tongue) of a human being has always been used in different...

Trembling hands / hands shaking

Are we excited or scared, we feel trembling hands as completely normal. But what could be behind it, if the...

Pulling in the bar

Pulling in the groin occurs in the area of ​​the transition between the abdomen and the thigh and is often...

Toe Pain - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Pain in the toes - When walking becomes agony We all know painful toes, and most of the time the...

tooth growth

Tooth growth in children Tooth growth usually begins in babies from the fifth to the seventh month. As a rule,...

Gum Drop - Causes and Therapy

The gums retract, lose volume and expose the underlying necks of the teeth. This process is called gum recession or...

X-legs - causes, therapy and symptoms

So-called X-legs are a misalignment of the knee between upper and lower leg, more precisely, an axial deformity on the...

Watery stool Aqueous diarrhea - causes and therapy

Extremely fluid defecation, which contains hardly any solid components, is also known as watery stool or watery diarrhea. This may,...