Tongue blisters - causes, home remedies and therapy

Tongue blisters - causes, home remedies and therapy / symptoms
Every human being has blisters on his tongue and mouth at least once in his life. An ugly layer of greyish white covers them, and the ulcers are very sensitive to pressure. Some break up and the swelling varies in shape and size. The tongue blisters are also called aphthae.


  • Three forms of aphthae
  • diagnosis
  • Tongue blisters causes
  • Prevention of Ạphthas
  • Important tips for self-treatment of tongue blisters
  • Ginger with bubbles on the tongue
  • That's what the doctor does

Three forms of aphthae

Minor aphthae are the smallest, major aphthae the large, and herpetiform aphthae belong to the herpes-like diseases. 9 out of 10 of the vesicles fall under the small aphthae, and these usually do not burst. The major swelling, however, reach a diameter of up to three centimeters, burst particularly often and cause more discomfort than the small bubbles. They grow into the tissue causing wounds that can inflame, hurt and heal badly. The cure can take several weeks.

With blisters on the tongue, various home remedies can help. (Image: TR Design /

The herpes-like blisters spread mainly on the inside of the lip, grow there in large numbers and hurt considerably. But they heal faster than the major aphthae.

Tongue, palate, the inside of the cheeks and lips are the preferred regions where the bubbles settle.

More important than the size is the seat of the bubbles: the sensitive tongue tip, for example, hurts enormously, if there is even a small aphthous form, while a larger bladder in the cheek tissue hurts less, since they are less likely to come into contact with foreign bodies or other body parts like the Teeth are coming.


Typical of aphthous ulcers are altered mucous membranes and an inflamed pharynx. The changes do not merge into each other, but show up as clearly defined "yellow pimples" in the center of a pink colored hem. If there is a burning pain, an increased salivation and hurts when eating, then it is clearly the annoying bubbles.

Tongue blisters causes

If there is no underlying disease, one can only speculate about the causes of the blisters: Hormones seem to play a role, as well as psychosomatic reasons such as stress, but also a disturbed immune system and the intolerance of food. Since aphthae are very often associated with a general weakness in the run-up to infectious disease, several of these factors are believed to play together.

Many illnesses are wrongly considered an expression of poor hygiene of those affected. This is usually the case with aphthae. The cause number 1 for the annoying blisters is namely a lack of oral hygiene.

Anyone who does not clean their teeth, does not cleanse their tongue, does not need mouthwashes and does not remove food leftovers from their teeth and tongue, not only has an unaesthetic effect on others, it also makes bacteria in the mouth a paradise. These bacteria damage the mucous membranes and the blisters show that inflammation spreads when these mucous membranes are no longer intact.

However, a healthy diet, which also provides a good odor from the mouth, can attack the mucous membranes. Citrus fruits, pineapples or kiwis contain acids, and these acids also decompose the protective layer inside the mouth.

Regular brushing can prevent tongue blisters, but those who clean too much can also damage the oral flora and in turn promote blisters. (Image: 2mmedia /

Also when brushing and cleaning the tongue is "too much of the good" bad. To clean the teeth, tongue and mucous membranes with a brush, toothpaste and mouthwash is important and correct. However, constantly brushing your tongue with the toothbrush, for example, before and after each meal, before the person leaves the house, and, above all, as soon as the tongue forms on the tongue, the protective layer in the oral cavity attacks. The self is not a disease but just prevents illnesses.

Tongue blisters, on the other hand, are not a disease of their own, but indicate a disease. For example, they may be preceded by a cold, may indicate disturbances of the gastrointestinal system or show a general weakness of the immune system, a flu infection or fungal diseases such as the candidosis.

However, blisters also occur as a side effect of antibiotics or as a symptom of stress, cigarette or drug addiction.

The following triggers are suspected as a cause:
1) autoimmune reactions. Here, the body's defense system is not directed against pathogens, but against the body itself, in this case against the mucous membranes.

2) allergies. Affected suffer conspicuously often from allergies to citrus fruits, whose acid in turn can attack the oral mucosa.

3) Viruses cause similar vesicles, including herpesvirus in humans and foot-and-mouth disease in animals.

4) nerve damage. If the nerves insufficiently regulate the blood flow, this provides a breeding ground for infections.

5) Lack of folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron probably favors the formation of blisters.

6) Incorrect toothpaste: Sodium lauryl sulfate, Netriumdodecylpolyoxoethylensulfat and Triclosan are considered as possible triggers of aphthous ulcers.

7) Behcet's disease is associated with aphthous ulcers in the mouth and genitals. The intestinal disease Crohn's disease also leads to various of the painful blisters.

Prevention of Ạphthas

Mouth blisters can be effectively prevented, since usually lack of hygiene is the cause. Tongue cleaners help to contain the tongue covering, where the bacteria spread, mouthwash and toothpaste often contain special antibacterial substances that prevent infection.

For many people who tend to blister, Propolis has proven itself. This is a brown-yellow, resinous mass that is produced by honey bees. It consists of the resin of various trees, which mix the bees with other components such as wax, pollen and endogenous secretions and then use as building material in the hive.

The substance, also known as "putty resin" or "bee resin", acts among others antibiotic, antiseptic and antioxidant; fungicidal and anti-carcinogenic properties. It supports healing, inhibits inflammation and stimulates the body's defense.

Propolis has many natural healing properties and can be spotted, for example in the form of a tincture directly on the bubbles. (Image: photocrew /

Due to its valuable ingredients, numerous complaints are used. These include, for example, wounds, gum and skin inflammation, acne and bad breath Propolis has proven itself as a home remedy for burns and a barley grain.

In the case of tongue blisters, the bee resin can develop its healing effects in various ways. If it is warmed up with your hands until it is soft and then placed directly on the affected area of ​​the skin, it has both a preventive effect and, in the acute case, a pain-relieving and healing-promoting effect.

Very good for aphthous is propolis in the form of a solution for gargling. For this purpose, add about 20 drops of propolis tincture in a glass of water and rinse thoroughly with the mouth. Alternatively, gently dab the bubbles with the undiluted tincture.

Danger: Affected by pollen allergy and hay fever, who may be allergic to Propois, should not use the natural remedy. Because here it can quickly come to strong irritation and allergic reactions.

Important tips for self-treatment of tongue blisters

If the bubbles have already formed, you should consider the following if you want to treat them yourself:

Most aphthae disappear after a few days. If not, there is usually a more serious underlying disease behind it. You should therefore consult a doctor.

1) Please do not prick open the bubbles, as much as they itch in your fingers. Otherwise, you risk further inflammation and increase the problem instead of solving it. Better are cotton swabs with an antibacterial agent. Dab the affected area several times a day with it and then rinse the mouth with clear water.

2) Do not use any chemical substances that contain acid to clean the mouth. Sage tea is recommended for rinsing, as well as chewing sage leaves, cooking with sage or sucking sage sweets. Oil with cloves, sage or St. John's wort also works against the bubbles.

3) The mouth can be perfectly disinfected with salt water. Rinse it with water in which you have dissolved salt. The bacteria that cause the inflammation do not tolerate it.

4) Avoid all products that contain excess sugars: no cola, fanta or sprite, no chocolate, baby milk slices or ketchup. Sugar is the soil on which fungi and bacteria bloom.

5) Cistus (Cistus incanus) may help with recurring vesicles. The valuable active ingredients of the plant are found mainly in the herb. Prepare a tea from the herb and boiling water that you drink throughout the day or use to rinse the mouth. Alternatively, the cistus can be used for internal treatment in the form of capsules or tablets.

6) In general it is important for (recurring) flashes of the tongue to pay attention to a healthy diet and a lot of exercise in the fresh air. Avoid stress as much as possible or use regular relaxation techniques to relieve inner tension as you work.

Ginger can help with tongue blisters. (Image: baibaz /

Ginger with bubbles on the tongue

Many sufferers have had good experiences with ginger. The healthy tuber has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and can therefore be used very well as a first aid with an unpleasant blister on the tongue.

Just put a small slice of the peeled and raw ginger directly on the bubble and leave it there for a while. Danger: The application can burn very strong. If this is the case, remove the disc better before you unnecessarily "torment yourself".

Good service is also provided by an infusion of ginger. For this cut a thumb-sized, unpeeled piece of organic ginger into slices and put them in a tea pot. If it's not bioware, the root piece should be peeled in any case.

Pour the ginger slices with about one liter of boiling water and let the tea steep for 15 minutes.

You can now use the cooled tea either with the aid of a cotton swab to dab the tongue blisters or to bounce.

That's what the doctor does

Doctors know a variety of means to treat the blisters (such as Kamistad, Conaskin tincture or Pyralvex). To relieve the pain, lidocaine, polidocanol or benzydamine are used.

Astringent agents dry out mucous membranes, quench the blood and inhibit inflammation. They help with skin diseases that wet and itch. Such substances are the tannins, which are in red wine or green tea or extracts of red currant.

Myrrh tincture or extract of rhubarb roots also serve against blisters in the mouth. They pull the tissue together, ensuring that the dead tissue is repelled around the blisters.
Hydrogen peroxide or zinc sulfate has similar effects, but hydrogen peroxide is no longer used today. (Dr. Utz Anhalt, last updated on 02.06.2018) 
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)