Trembling hands / hands shaking

Are we excited or scared, we feel trembling hands as completely normal. But what could be behind it, if the trembling on our hands regularly and apparently for no reason haunts us?
Trembling hands and the consequences
Types and causes of hand shaking
Diseases as a cause of hand shaking
Natural and psychogenic forms
Naturopathy: medicinal plants and homeopathy
Trembling of the hands, shaking hands, trembling of the hands, trembling hands, finger trembling, trembling fingers, trembling on the fingers, tremor, cylinder distortion of the hands, trigger bands on the fingers.

Trembling hands and the consequences
Trembling can occur all over the body and on the head, but most commonly occurs on the extremities, especially with trembling hands. Hands trembling goes with unintentional, rhythmic and i.d.R. Symmetrical blows on hands and fingers and comes about by alternately contracting contra-acting muscle groups. Depending on the frequency in which the tremor occurs, it is called coarse, medium or feinschlägiges tremors. If a fine quivering at rest can still be hidden from the environment, it still often means a severe restriction for the affected person, if cup or cutlery can no longer be led to the mouth without spilling drink or food or even to " stain ". Out of shame and embarrassment, people no longer eat outside their own four walls, which can sometimes lead to social isolation.
Types and causes of hand shaking
The medical term for tremor is tremor. In medicine, various types of tremors are known. They are differentiated according to whether they appear calm or strengthen themselves in action. Trembling can also occur physiologically, naturally or pathologically, ie. be pathological. There is no apparent cause of trembling in the so-called essential tremor, except perhaps that shaky hands were already known to the father, mother, or grandparent.
Diseases as a cause of hand shaking
In the intentional tremor, the tremor on the hands occurs especially when the affected person wants to make a targeted movement, for example, to reach for a glass. The more the hand approaches the glass, the stronger the shaking of the hands becomes. Especially in multiple sclerosis, acute and chronic (alcohol) intoxication as well as injuries and tumors of the cerebellum occurs this form of trembling hands.
On the other hand, the resting tremor diminishes during targeted movements and intensifies at rest. A typical example where v.a. The index finger and thumb are trembling, the so-called coin counter or pill-turning phenomenon, which is frequently observed as a symptom of Parkinson's disease.
Even medications, especially antidepressants, neuroleptics, antiepileptics or lithium, can cause trembling hands. These medications are used for symptoms such as anxiety and depressive syndrome, seizures of the brain or so-called schizoaffective disorders (e.g., manic-depressive syndrome)..
Natural and psychogenic forms
A halting tremor can occur when the hands are intentionally held still. It is more subtle and is enhanced by a falling blood sugar level or increased adrenaline (eg nervousness, inner restlessness and excitement). Colloquially we "shake with fear" or are "quite shaky with hunger". Likewise, a strong underweight can be associated with weakness and shaking hands. Although all dithering forms are intensified by excitement, a purely psychologically based tremor can be completely interrupted by distraction and reassurance. Transient circulatory problems with hypertension or hypotension, hyperventilation and panic attacks are often accompanied by trembling hands. If there is a tendency to shake hands even in childhood, it is usually a benign, familial tremor. This usually strengthens in old age and is then called a senile tremor.
Naturopathy: medicinal plants and homeopathy
A newly occurring and persistent shaking of the hands should always be clarified neurologically. If there is an underlying disease, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, the therapy is targeted. In addition to conventional treatment, natural remedies can also be used.
In the Herbalists For example, some plants are known to aid in the functional activities of the nervous system, whether in an exciting or sedative manner. At the same time, such medicinal plants often have an antispasmodic effect on voluntary and involuntary musculature and are thus suitable for positively influencing trembling hands. For example, oat straw, lady's slipper, valerian, mistletoe, passionflower and melissa are plants that can regulate a hypersensitive or attacked nervous system and relax cramping muscles.
In the homeopathy, where in principle "similar with similar" is cured, poisonous plants are used in nerve disorders, which undiluted damage the nerves and cause trembling hands. Agaricus, produced from the poison of the fly agaric, has been shown to have a positive effect on neurological disorders with twitching, spasms and tremors of almost all muscle groups. It is used in multiple sclerosis as well as in mental and motor restlessness and can also soothe trembling hands when used appropriately. In addition, for example, vermouth (absinthium) and yellow poison jasmine (Gelsemium), which also act on the central nervous system and thus reduce the tremors on the hands. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)