Reiskur - application and effect

Reiskur - application and effect /
In a rice cure, rice meals are on the menu daily for a certain period of time. These are enriched by fruits, vegetables, lean meat or fish. A strict rice diet, on the other hand, is the heavier option, which should last only a few days and in which almost exclusively rice is eaten in larger quantities.


  • The right rice
  • effect
  • applications
  • procedure
  • Relaxation for the intestine and pancreas
  • Additional tips
  • risks
  • Single rice days

The right rice

The right rice for a rice cure is the whole rice (whole grain rice, unpolished brown rice, brown rice). The shelled rice (polished rice), however, has neither silver skin nor seedling and thus it lacks many important minerals and trace elements. Above all, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron content should be mentioned here. So the nutritional values, measured per 100g, differed as follows:

White rice contains

  • 103 milligrams of potassium,
  • 6 milligrams of calcium,
  • 64 milligrams of magnesium
  • and 0.6 milligrams of iron.

Brown rice contains

  • 150 mg of potassium,
  • 23 mg of calcium,
  • 157 mg of magnesium
  • and 2.6 mg of iron.
A rice course should always be done with Vollkronreis or brown rice, as it has significantly more healthy ingredients. (Image: Pixelot /

In short - the whole rice contains more minerals and trace elements than the white rice. In addition, the unpolished rice contains more filling fiber than the peeled rice. The high content of potassium helps the body to purify and dehydrate. At the same time, the heart and circulation are relieved. The more iron that is contained in the whole rice, has a positive effect on the formation of blood and ensures a healthy metabolism. The thyroid also benefits, because without iron no thyroid hormones.


A rice cure has a dehydrating effect. This is to be noted before beginning. Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease should definitely refrain from the treatment. If you are not sure if the rice cure is right for you, consult your doctor. By dewatering also the pounds disappear - this should be considered before the start of the cure.

Since dehydrating also flushes out important substances, a strict rice diet with large portions of rice on the menu can only be carried out for three to four days and is not suitable for weak, constantly freezing people. A rice cure is the gentler version. However, also here the executing persons should be neither weak, ill nor underweight. Also, constant freezing is considered a contraindication.


According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the rice extracts moisture and heat from the body, which means that people who are constantly freezing should not eat rice too often. However, if the opposite is the case and sufferers sweat a lot, have inflammation in the body or may suffer from hot flashes, as is often the case during menopause, a rice cure is definitely recommended.

Furthermore, a rice cure for complaints in the gastrointestinal tract, skin problems, headache, migraine, recurrent urinary tract infections, edema, menstrual problems, endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, mucus in the respiratory tract and obesity a conventional or naturopathic therapy positively support.

With complaints of the digestive tract, a rice cure can provide relief. (Image: Kitty /

People who have consumed too much saline over a long period of time and therefore suffer from ailments such as high blood pressure, water retention, massive thirst, or constant cravings for fast food, benefit greatly from a rice cure.

Incidentally - rice is gluten-free and therefore suitable for people who suffer from gluten intolerance. However, pregnant women, nursing women and children should definitely refrain from a rice cure.


A rice course usually takes at least four and a maximum of eight days. The best seasons for this are spring and fall. Mandatory condition is a good constitution. Serious diseases are an absolute contraindication. If during the course of the treatment an inner feeling of coldness, cold hands and feet occur, this is the time to loosen the "rules" and slowly return to "normal" and balanced eating.

Every day about 150 g of whole grain rice (dry weight) are cooked. The rice is thoroughly washed with hot water before use to remove impurities. If this amount of rice is too little or too much, you can change it individually. The rice is sautéed in a little olive oil and then poured with about 300 ml of water. Please do not forget to stir. The rice should still have some bite and not be too sticky.

Three times a day, the rice portion is fortified with sufficient fruit, cooked or raw vegetables in the first four days. Please do not save. You should not go hungry, but get really full. After these "basing days" animal protein is added again, in the form of lean meat and fish. This does not have to be. It is important that you feel good and have no food cravings. In case of a little hunger in between, rice and fruits / vegetables are allowed.
If you like something sweet in the morning, you can mix the rice with skim milk (rice milk, soy milk, almond milk), possibly with water, or cook it pure, instead of using oil and water. Sugar is not added. It is sweetened with raisins or dried fruits.

The rice portions can be enriched with fruits, cooked or raw vegetables. (Image: sonyakamoz /

If you do not feel well during the rice cure or if you can not keep up the number of days, you should definitely stop the treatment. Those who find the "base days" too hard opt for dishes that contain lean meat and fish. The rice dishes should not be boring, but varied and not too one-sided. During the spawning, enough fluid intake in the form of still water and herbal tea is very important. Coffee, black tea and alcohol are dispensed with.

Relaxation for the intestine and pancreas

With a rice cure, the intestines are spared and thus the digestion is brought back into balance. By using brown rice, the blood sugar level rises slowly, stays constant for a longer time and does not fluctuate. This has a positive effect on the pancreas. The feeling of satiety lasts longer and food cravings are virtually non-existent.

Additional tips

As part of a rice cure the rice is always cooked without salt. Alternatives to this are the most diverse herbs used as seasoning. Cress and sprouts make the food more spicy. Always enrich the rice with a few drops of cold pressed good oil, such as olive oil, linseed oil, sesame oil or pumpkin seed oil. And you should not go hungry during the cure. If this is the case, add beans, lentils or tofu to your food.

White sugar is not used during the rice days. Alternatives are honey, maple syrup and dried fruits - but only in small quantities. Dairy products, except milk for the morning rice pudding, should be removed from the diet during this time.

In general, the rice cure should be the beginning of a healthy diet. This is how the days of rice bring nothing to eat, if afterwards little attention is paid to a balanced diet. Rethinking healthy, basic nutrition, adequate hydration and regular exercise is recommended in conjunction with the reistage days.

A rice cure, to do next to the work, is not so easy. Maybe take a few days off, go out into the fresh air, play sports and treat yourself to as much peace and quiet as you need.


As you know, rice is one of the carbohydrates. Since a lot of it is eaten during the cure, this can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Therefore, the food next rice should necessarily include fruit, vegetables, meat or fish. The cure must not last longer than 8 days and will be stopped immediately if you feel unwell .

Single rice days

If you want to do something good for your body and relieve it from time to time, you can put in a single day of riding every now and then. For example, after a lush weekend, after the holidays or the Christmas holidays. Or just once a month to detoxify the body. Single reistage days are also suitable for people who are too busy or too tiring for a rice cure. Combine such a cleansing day with plenty of fresh air, relaxation exercises and delicious herbal teas - you'll see, that's really good. (Sw)