Travel time Chronically ill should check holiday insurance

Travel time Chronically ill should check holiday insurance / Health News
The chronically ill have to carefully check holiday insurance
Summer is the most popular travel time of the Germans. Millions of people are on their way to distant lands to relax properly. Sufficient insurance coverage should not be forgotten. Especially the chronically ill have to check the offers carefully.

Insurance coverage for the chronically ill more difficult
Summer time is travel time. Germans visit mainly southern countries, to let the soul dangle. Under no circumstances should you forget sufficient insurance coverage. For some tourists this is not so easy. So it is often more difficult for chronically ill persons to secure their holiday trip. As Bianca Boss of the Confederation of insured in a message from the news agency dpa explained, it is usually the case with foreign travel health insurance that foreseeable diseases are excluded from insurance coverage.

Check foreign health insurance. Image: Lars Koch - fotolia

Limitations on the obligation to pay
"When I'm chronically ill, some illnesses or treatments are predictable," says Bianca Boss. But if, for example, a person suffering from diabetes is well-adjusted, some treatments are actually unpredictable. This often leads to a dispute between insured and insurance. Therefore, it is better to take care when concluding an insurance that there are no corresponding restrictions on the obligation to pay. For example, protection should not be limited to "unforeseen," "unforeseeable," or "acute" diseases. "As a result, the insurance coverage is very eroded."

Statutory health insurance takes over insurance cover
If chronically ill patients do not find a provider to insure them, they should inform their statutory health insurance. This usually takes over the insurance cover, if the attempts to get a private travel health insurance for the holidays, were unsuccessful. However, you should definitely confirm this before you travel. In addition, chronically ill patients also have to take a special look at the scope of benefits for travel cancellation insurance. This is because insurers often only step in if the insured can not travel because of an unexpectedly serious illness. Boss, however, raises the question: "But what does" unexpectedly seriously ill "mean?"

People with chronic illness may also have to spend a little longer looking for a suitable insurance that does not impose too much restrictions. "You have to look a little bit more than people without chronic illnesses." Insurance experts advise not to package desired travel insurance as a package. This applies to the sick as well as to healthy people alike. Some of the services that are offered in an all-round carefree package - consisting of travel health insurance, travel cancellation insurance and baggage insurance - are in many cases already covered by other insurance policies. (Ad)