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Millions of Germans suffer from dementia

Alzheimer's Day: Millions of Germans suffer from dementia 09/18/2014 Almost one and a half million people in Germany suffer from...

Millions of Germans suffer from sleep disorders - which helps against it

Nearly five million people suffer from sleep disordersNearly five million people in Germany suffer from sleep disorders. The consequences can...

Millions of Germans suffer from food allergy

Doubled: Six million people suffer from food allergy06/21/2014 More and more people in Germany are suffering from a food allergy....

Millions of Germans have an addiction problem

German Federal Government Drug Report: Millions of Germans have an addiction problem 17/05/2011 The adolescents in Germany consume less and...

Millions of Germans have chronic pain

One-eighth of the population suffers from chronic pain 10.05.2011 Many people in Germany suffer from chronic pain. The market research...

Millions of Germans have chronic sleep disorders - what can be done about it?

More and more Germans are suffering from sleep disordersMillions of people in Germany suffer from sleep disorders. The consequences can...

Billions in pharmaceuticals

Medicinal Product Report 2011: Drug cost reducible by more than eight billion 16/09/2011 The healthcare system could save a quarter...

Billions of savings potential in drug

With medicines could be saved two billion08/20/2014 A recent report concludes that a consistent review of the costs and benefits...

Billions in costs for health insurance?

Billions in costs for health insurance? Chairwoman of the Barmer GEK, Birgit Fischer, and representatives of evidence-based medicine warn of...