Millions of Germans have an addiction problem

German Federal Government Drug Report: Millions of Germans have an addiction problem
The adolescents in Germany consume less and less alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, so the statement of the German Federal Drug and Addiction Report 2011 published on Tuesday in Berlin. Since 2004, the consumption of so-called soft drugs among young people according to the drug and addiction report has fallen significantly, but in total, still millions of Germans have an addiction problem.
Almost one in four Germans, according to the Drug and Addiction Report 2011, is struggling with addiction problems. But the development among the young people can be expected quite positive. The consumption of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis by adolescents has declined steadily in recent years. The alcohol abuse among the young still causes the Federal Government Drug Commissioner, Mechthild Dyckmans (FDP), considerable headaches. Even though the adolescents were less likely to bottle, the number of so-called "drunkards" has increased considerably.
Alcohol consumption of young people increasingly questionable
The alcohol consumption of young people prepare the experts currently the biggest concerns, said the Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government. Because despite the overall decline in consumption, the number of alcohol-related hospital deliveries among young people in the past years has risen massively. In 2009, approximately 26,400 adolescents between the ages of ten and 20 years had to be treated for alcohol abuse in the hospital, which represents an increase of 2.8 percent over the previous year. In 2010, only 13 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds said they drink alcohol at least once a week, compared to 21 percent in 2004. However, the decline in consumers appears to be offset by significantly higher per capita alcohol consumption, as evidenced by the increase in alcohol-related hospital admissions. The problem is not only alcohol consumption in general, but that the young people apparently use the alcohol primarily as an intoxicant and not as a stimulant. Overall, the Federal Government Drug Commissioner considers alcohol consumption in Germany to be extremely critical, as Germans are at the top of the international list every year, with an average of ten liters of pure alcohol per capita. About 1.3 million people are dependent on alcohol in Germany, reported the drug commissioner Mechthild Dyckmans.
Cannabis and tobacco consumption are significantly reduced
Tobacco and cannabis use among adolescents, according to the 2011 Drug and Addiction Report, has been far more encouraging than alcohol consumption. Because here the positive numbers are not clouded by increased hospital deliveries or the like. For example, the proportion of adolescent smokers between the ages of 10 and 20 declined from 23 percent in 2001 to 13 percent in 2010. At the same time, the proportion of cannabis users (adolescents who used cannabis in the past 12 months) dropped from 10 percent in 2004 to five percent last year, according to the drug and addiction report. According to the Drug Commissioner Mechthild Dyckmans, the decline in cannabis use is at least partly due to the higher number of non-smokers among the adolescents. Because who smokes no cigarettes, which begins according to the expert's assessment also less often with the Kiffen. The growing proportion of non-smokers has positive effects on cannabis use. According to the 2011 Drugs and Addiction Report, 68 percent of adolescent adolescents said they had never smoked in their lifetime last year, compared to just 41 percent of non-smokers in 2001.
Open questions in the drug and addiction report 2011
Despite the encouraging figures on the alcohol, cannabis and tobacco consumption of young people in Germany, sees the Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government no reason for the all-clear. Furthermore, that should „The goal is to convince even more young people that addictive substances and drugs are not recreational activities or problem solvers“, stressed Dyckmans. In particular, developments in the area of alcohol consumption must continue to be closely monitored, due to the increased tendency towards coma drinking. In addition, the Drug and Addiction Report does not reveal whether or not young people may replace the known addictive substances with newer, partly over-the-counter drugs, thereby exposing themselves to other, no less significant, health risks. In addition, the current drug and addiction report says little about the possible causes of problematic consumer behavior among adolescents. Why does the adolescents, when they drink alcohol, run to the point of unconsciousness, does not come up. Experts have long suspected that there is a connection between the individual burden and the tendency to excessive alcohol consumption. Stress at school, with parents, friends or girlfriend are mentioned here as significant influencing factors. (Fp)
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Picture: Philipp Flury