Millions of Germans have chronic pain

One-eighth of the population suffers from chronic pain
Many people in Germany suffer from chronic pain. The market research institute GfK has participated in a survey commissioned by the magazine „pharmacy magazine“ found that around one eighth of the population in Germany suffers from permanent pain.
According to the results of the current study, chronic pain is particularly common in some parts of the body, the study reports „pharmacy magazine“. The representative study carried out by the market research firm GfK has shown that a total of 13.3 percent of over 2,000 respondents suffer from chronic pain, with back pain being clearly the most common complaint.
Back pain is the most common complaint
In the representative survey on the distribution of chronic pain in the population, the market research institute GfK recorded complaints from 2,064 people. In total, around 13 percent of the study participants stated that they suffered from permanent or recurrent pain over a period of six months. Back pain was by far the most common complaint. About one in two (51 percent) with chronic pain suffered from back problems, about one third (34 percent) had knee pain and 28 percent of subjects had problems with the neck and shoulders. In addition, chronic pain in the legs and feet was relatively strong (27 percent). Also more prevalent than often thought were the painful rheumatic complaints (25 percent), which can be caused for example by arthritis or osteoarthritis. Around 23 percent of respondents also suffered from hip pain. The most dreaded chronic headache, however, appears relatively late in the list of chronic pain. Only 12 percent of respondents said they had chronic headaches, and seven percent said they had chronic migraines.
Chronic pain often extremely intense
Looking at the periods of chronic pain, the experts at GfK found that nearly one in two (46 percent) suffer from chronic pain. Half of the chronic pain patients treat their sufferings with almost no rest. According to the results of the current study, it is particularly critical that the intensity of the pain is often extremely high. For example, 62 percent of the study participants, who say they suffer from pain almost uninterruptedly, ranked the intensity of perceived pain on a 10-point scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (extreme pain) between 8 and 10. However, around half of respondents with chronic pain also have pain-free times. However, the study participants were often unable to say much about the possible causes. Around a third of respondents (34 percent) said that the pain was irregular, regardless of time or circumstances. On the other hand, 33 percent reported that their pain was primarily caused by a change in the weather.
Chronic pain as a separate disease?
Ready in March, the German Society for Pain Therapy (DGS) pointed out that chronic pain should be regarded as a separate disease. At the German Pain and Palliative Day 2011, the DGS had addressed the problem of chronic pain and called for the introduction of appropriate specialist training. Especially in children find one „real shortage“ instead, the DGS warned. According to the experts, many physicians are unable or insufficiently able to adequately treat patients with chronic pain due to a lack of knowledge and low fees. It urgently requires an adaptation of the teaching content in the universities and a special residency training, in order to meet the individual health problems of pain patients, explained the President of the DGS, Gerhard Mueller sulfur. In addition, the DGS criticized the increasing use of painkillers in self-therapy. According to the DGS president, rather than increasing the use of painkillers and exposing themselves to more health risks, those concerned should better get to the root of the pain with professional support.
Pain management for the treatment of chronic pain
According to the experts, pain therapies can also bring significant relief to patients with chronic pain. The therapies for pain therapy in natural medicine include, for example, homeopathic approaches, magnetic field therapy, neural therapies, biofeedback or acupuncture (as a traditional Chinese medicine approach, TCM). In addition, detoxification and deacidification therapies as well as special relaxation methods for the naturopathic treatment of chronic pain are used. However, therapies on a psychological level may also be appropriate for chronic pain, as these may not always be due to physical ailments. (Fp)
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