Millions of Germans have chronic sleep disorders - what can be done about it?

Millions of people in Germany suffer from sleep disorders. The consequences can be serious. Those affected are often tired during the day and have problems concentrating. Health is also endangered. Some tips can help prevent sleep disorders.
More and more Germans have sleep problems
More and more people in Germany have problems falling asleep and staying asleep. As the current DAK health report "Germany sleeps badly - an underestimated problem" shows that sleep disorders among working people aged 35 to 65 have increased since 2010 by 66 percent. According to the study, four out of five employees (80 percent) currently feel affected, the health insurance company reports in a statement. It also affects health. Often simple changes in life can help to sleep better.

Serious health problems
Sleep disorders can not only cause tiredness and concentration problems, but also serious health problems.
According to health experts, sleep disorders increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, mental illnesses such as depression and lead to a weakening of the immune system.
Furthermore, a scientific study by the University of Duisburg-Essen showed that sleep disorders can also increase the risk of stroke.
Seconds sleep at the wheel
The German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (DGSM) on the occasion of the "Day of Action for Restful Sleep" on Wednesday, June 21, to further serious problems for those affected.
According to the news agency dpa, according to the experts, microsleep at the wheel is one of the most dangerous immediate consequences.
"Drowsiness is a more common fatal accident in road traffic than driving under alcohol," said DGSM board member Hans-Günter Weeß from the Interdisciplinary Sleep Center in Klingenmünster (Rhineland-Palatinate).
Causes of sleep problems
Cause for sleep problems are, according to DAK report, among other working conditions. For example, those who often work at the limit of their capacity increase their risk of developing severe sleep disorder insomnia.
Strong deadlines and performance pressure, overtime and night shifts and constant accessibility after hours are considered important risk factors in this context.
According to the experts, female snoring is often responsible for sleep disorders in women.
Scientific investigations also reveal that unfinished persons lead to insomnia during the night. And American researchers have reported that the frequent use of social media can lead to chronic sleep disorders.
Even bright light from smartphones disturbs our sleep considerably.
"If the body feels no darkness, the release of the hormone melatonin is reduced, which is important for falling asleep," said Professor Jörg Lindemann, head of the sleep laboratory of the University of Ulm in the dpa message.
Experts complain, especially in adolescents a "quasi-voluntary sleep deprivation using a mobile phone." According to the DGSM, studies show that 45 percent of 11- to 18-year-olds check their smartphone while still in bed, 23 percent more than ten times a night.
Tips for a better sleep
"The increasing sleep disturbances in the population should shake us up," said Andreas Storm, CEO of DAK-Health. "Many people spend the night at full charge on their smartphones, but they can not recharge their own batteries."
Unfortunately, many sufferers rashly resort to self-medication. Every second of them buys sleeping tablets without a prescription in the pharmacy or drugstore, reported the health insurance company.
According to experts, you should first try it with some tips for proper sleep before you resort to medication. A healthy lifestyle and the absence of late food, coffee, nicotine, alcohol and intensive sports in the evening are beneficial for a restful sleep.
It is also helpful to observe regular sleep times and to reduce your weight if you are overweight. Also useful are various home remedies for sleep disorders.
A calming tea made of passionflower or chamomile, for example, has proven to be effective in relieving tension. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also be effective. (Ad)