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Bad breath can be avoided

Back to the fresh breath 03/01/2014 Halitosis (medically halitosis) is a relatively common symptom that is hardly noticed by many...

Halitosis may indicate illnesses

Halitosis often indicates signs of serious illness 17/08/2011 Halitosis should not be underestimated as a sign of possible health problems....

Bad breath due to inflamed tonsils

Bad breath? Sometimes almonds are to blame 12.07.2011 About one in four suffers from bad breath. Particularly treacherous: Affected recognize...

Halitosis These remedies really help

Bad breath: what really helps against it17/11/2014 Even if there are no exact numbers: It may well be several million...

Bad breath - causes and therapy

Bad breath: Not always a sign of lack of hygieneAn unpleasant smell of breathing air is called halitosis (foetor ex...

Oral flora To maintain the balance in the mouth

Fascination Mouth: Maintaining balance between tasks and dangersKissing, laughing, chewing meals with relish - without our mouth the most beautiful...

Mouthburn burning in the mouth

Burning sensation in the mouth may indicate various illnesses Mouthburn is a typical side effect of eating particularly spicy foods...


The mouth covers the externally visible lips as well as the body opening enclosed by upper jaw, lower jaw and...

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in cardiac arrhythmias?

In cardiac arrhythmias, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is outdated.Physicians at the University of Ulm used the current Herzwochen of the German Heart...