Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in cardiac arrhythmias?

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in cardiac arrhythmias? / Health News

In cardiac arrhythmias, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is outdated.
Physicians at the University of Ulm used the current Herzwochen of the German Heart Foundation as an opportunity to inform about heart arrhythmia with a patient seminar. More than 150,000 people die each year throughout Germany as a result of malignant cardiac arrhythmias.

Patient seminar on cardiac arrhythmias
The symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia, the discomfort, the causes and the dangers of the disease should be discussed with patients during the seminar „Out of rhythm: arrhythmia "will be discussed in more detail on Saturday 16 October in the University Hospital Ulm." However, the medical expertise should not be in the foreground. We want to respond to the demands of our patients ", emphasized Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rottbauer, medical director of the University of Ulm for internal medicine II. „Can palpitations be cured? Can atrial fibrillation be treated with medication?“, These are also questions to which the experts answer questions. In addition, the experts want to give those affected a few practical tips to help them deal with the disease.

Heart pressure massages instead of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Cardiac arrest occasionally associated with cardiac arrhythmias requires immediate rescue. Most people still believe that today „a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (...) is absolutely necessary here, "said Dr. Wolfgang Bauer, saying that this cost the helpers correspondingly much overcoming and, moreover, no longer corresponds to the current state of medical knowledge „It is much more important to press the chest in the first ten minutes after a cardiac arrest, "explained Dr. Rottbauer, 90 to 100 times per minute, and of course, emergency calls to 112 are urgently needed.

Seminar should show treatment options
Actually, however, according to the expert, it does not even have to get that far, as diseases such as palpitations or atrial fibrillation thanks to state-of-the-art treatment methods are today easily treatable. These treatment options will be covered in more detail by the patient seminar. From the pacemaker to the classic defibrillator to the defibrillator vest, which the patient wears like a piece of clothing, all the technical possibilities of the treatment should also be demonstrated. Rottbauer the intention of the seminar. The expert also emphasized that an operation is often no longer necessary today. By means of the seminar, the experts aim to remedy the knowledge gaps in the population through systematic information, and to make it clear to the patients that most complications in cardiac arrhythmias could be avoided by appropriate forms of therapy, emphasized. Rottbauer. For example, atrial fibrillation, which is one of the most common forms of cardiac arrhythmias in Germany with around 800,000 sufferers and may be the cause of strokes, can be treated well with medication today, Dr. Rottbauer.

Even young people suffer from cardiac arrhythmias
Often even relatively young people also suffer from the sudden onset of heart rate and an irregular heartbeat, Dr. Rottbauer. However, they could be helped with state-of-the-art medical technology, such as a cardiac catheter or prophylactically with a pacemaker or implanted defibrillators, which stops the impending cardiac arrest by electrical impulses, said the expert. Cardiology today offers effective treatment options for almost all cardiac arrhythmias. Rottbauer and it is urgent time for people to take their fear of arrhythmia. (15.10.2010, fp)

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